Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 54: recover

?Oh? With Nikita's delicate body in his hands, Guo Shouyun squinted at Larisa and said casually, "Larisa, what are you talking about? I didn't hear clearly just now. /. qβ5. "

Looking at Nikita's **** that was almost turned into a meat pie, Larisa smiled charmingly and said in a frivolous tone: "Mr. Guo, Comrade Victor really just ordered us to come and serve you, hee hee, but he can I didn't tell us that my husband has such an alternative hobby, otherwise, we can make some preparations in advance, I believe that will make the husband feel more satisfied."

"Humph!" Guo Shouyun snorted coldly.

Judging from what Larisa said, those who don’t know the inside story will regard her as a **** if they don’t suspect that this woman has a grudge against Nikita, but Guo Shouyun doesn’t think so. He knew that the relationship between the two women around him should be very good, after all, they came out of the same special training school. The reason why Larisa still acted so indifferent when her friend was being abused was because she was afraid that after telling the truth, both of them could not escape Victor's punishment.

"Okay, very good," Guo Shouyun let go of Nikita's big hand. He knew that female agents like them must have received special torture training. It is impossible for ordinary people like him to pass this. This level of abuse would pry their mouths open, and from the bottom of his heart, he didn't expect him to be able to ask anything out of these two women's mouths.

"Since you don't want to tell me the truth, then forget it, I won't force you," gently fiddled with the pinched red ** of the woman in her arms. Guo Shouyun smiled and said, "Actually, even if you don't talk about some of these things, I can guess 70% to 80%. Hehe. My father-in-law is very ambitious. The kind of cooperation between me and Yakov, It doesn't make him feel satisfied. What he needs is more than a large monthly dividend, even though that sum of money is already quite amazing. What he really wants to do is to put me in prison The prison is in his hands, and thus becomes a money-making machine exclusively for him, and an inexhaustible living wallet for him. However, he is smart and I am not stupid, for so long. Although I have been working with Yakov, they don't know my real profit every month, ha, they don't even know where my funds flow and where the money I make is stored. When this happens, it is impossible for my old father-in-law to hold me firmly in the palm of his hand. So, he sent the two of you to me, which I can even foresee. Maybe it will not be long, my old man My father-in-law will come over to make a deal with me, and he may promise me more benefits, and in exchange, I have to reuse the two of you, so that the two of you can be placed by my side smoothly. "

Nikita and Larissa were silent, they neither confirmed nor denied Guo Shouyun's guess.

"Well, think about this place," Guo Shouyun pinched the sun with two fingers. With a look of racking his brains, he joked, "If I were my father-in-law. What kind of excuse would I find to put you two beautiful spies into my son-in-law's hands? Aha? , there. I can recognize you as goddaughters, or make up another set of excuses full of father-daughter warmth, and then let a certain silly son-in-law obediently hang these two remote control bombs on his body. Of course, I That old father-in-law doesn't have to worry that I will shut you out, because in his opinion, although my son-in-law has a crazy idea, he is an outsider after all, so I want to live in the Soviet Union. To stand firm, then his support is indispensable, so in this case, I have no choice but to knock out teeth and swallow blood."

When Guo Shouyun said this, he lowered his head suddenly, buried his face deeply in Nikita's neck, and then with a "tsk", he kissed the woman's snow-white slender neck, and then he was close to Nikita. With a pink face, she said with a smile: "Baby, do you think I guessed it right?"

Kita groaned coquettishly, a pair of pale blue eyes glittering, watery and very attractive.

"Mr. Guo is really funny," Nikita said in a provocative voice, huddled in the man's arms, holding the other's big hand tightly with her legs, "Your guess is like something in a movie. It's the same story, conspiracy, confessing to my daughter or something, to be honest, we also hope that Comrade Victor will be so valued by Comrade Victor, but unfortunately, these are impossible."

Guo Shouyun smiled, he stretched out his hand and pushed Nikita away from his arms, then stood up, walked to the opposite sand, picked up little Victor, who was sleeping on the corner of the sand with a champagne bottle, and walked towards him. Walk in the direction of the bedroom.

"Two charming ladies," Guo Shouyun stopped in front of the bedroom door, and said without looking back, "I know that you are not going to tell me the truth now, but I still want to tell you, my old man Father-in-law's little tricks can't be concealed

And if I'm not mistaken, he should be doing it now. Look at the list on the table. It's the person I need to visit in the past two days. This list was handed to me by General Xie Miao. What he means is that these people will appear at my engagement ceremony with Nina in two days. Once I am engaged to Nina, she will own 20% of the entire property in my name. Humph, what will that mean to my old father-in-law, oh, and you two poor fellows? If you still have any brains, then it's best to think about it carefully while you are now. It is entirely up to you to decide whether to be stubborn or choose a more hopeful path. "

After Guo Shouyun said these words, he stepped into the bedroom, and behind him, Nikita and Larisa were pale and dumbfounded.

Walking into his bedroom, Guo Shouyun carefully placed the sleeping Victor on the bed, and covered her with a towel. Then he took out a cigarette from his pocket and walked slowly to the window while lighting it. On the other hand, he wants to give the two women in the living room some time to think about the problem, as he just said, if they are smart enough, they should be able to make wise choices.

Under the thick night, the urban area of ​​Moscow is densely covered. Looking at this city that once built a glorious history in World War II, Guo Shouyun's excited heart gradually calmed down. Indeed, a person's life is actually equivalent to one. The history of the rise and fall of the city, starting, developing, prospering, falling, and declining, step by step, seems to be a cycle outlined in the dark. Think about yourself, what stage are you in now? Start or show? Guo Shouyun still can't see clearly. If possible, he hopes that his career is still in its infancy, because only then will his exhibition space be bigger and he will be more brilliant when he is at its peak.


Just when the bottom line of time given by Guo Shouyun's heart was coming, Larisa's voice came from the living room outside the bedroom.

"Mr. Smolensky? Yes, I'm Larissa,"

Apparently, Larissa was calling Smolensky in the living room.

"Mr. Guo has rested," Larissa said in the living room.

Guo Shouyun turned around and walked quickly towards the bedroom door.

In the living room, Nikita was sitting in the sand with her pajamas loose. Obviously, she hadn't woken up from the shock just now. And by the telephone not far from the sand, Larissa was speaking with the receiver.

"Yeah, but Mr. Guo said that he probably won't have time to meet you tomorrow, so please make another appointment." Larisa said, looking at Guo Shouyun who had just walked out of the bedroom.

Walking quickly to Larisa's side, Guo Shouyun took the handset from her hand and listened to it. On the phone, Smolensky's voice was still shouting: "Hey, hello!"

Hearing Smolensky's wretched voice really came from the phone, a satisfied smile appeared on Guo Shouyun's mouth, he coughed dryly, and said into the microphone, "Mr. Smolensky? I'm Guo Shouyun, I was just joking with you. Don't worry, I'll be there on time for tomorrow's noon meeting, but I hope you'll have your money ready by then."

After saying this, Guo Shouyun hung up the phone without waiting for the other party to answer. He didn't have to listen to know what kind of answer Smolensky would make. There were no secrets hidden in this high-level political party, even though it was only two hours from the dinner at Nina's house. However, Guo Shouyun can be 100% sure that the decision of General Xie Miao at the dinner has been known by many people, and among these people, Smolensky and the big men behind him are naturally indispensable.

"It seems that you have already made a decision." After putting down the phone, Guo Shouyun stretched out his hand and stroked Larissa's smooth and delicate face, while rubbing her soft, red lips with his thumb, he smiled, "It's done. Very good, you can rest assured. Although I, Guo Shouyun, are not a good person, I am by no means the kind of ruthless villain. As long as I can stand one day, I will never let those who follow me and trust me fall. Next, as for those who are half-hearted or even secretly attacking me, hehe, I also have another set of principles for dealing with them. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Yeah," Larissa nodded in a panic.

"What about you, baby?" Turning around, Guo Shouyun walked to Nikita's side, stroking her blue-violet ** naked outside her pajamas, and said softly.

"I understand," Nikita said in a low voice with a slight twitching of the corners of her mouth.

"That's good," Guo Shouyun smiled, he patted Nikita's thigh and said, "Now let's talk about my father-in-law, tell me his plan one by one. , I want to see how accurate my guess is."

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