Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 49: Reunited with Nina

?Brother, you brought this girl to see Nina, aren't you afraid that she is sitting in the slow-moving Volga sedan, Yakov turned his head from the front seat and said to Guo Shouyun who was holding Victor in the back, "My younger sister has a strong temperament, and I am a little afraid of her as a brother.

"No matter how strong her temper is, she is also a woman. I don't believe it anymore. There are still women in this world that I, Guo, can't handle." At this time, Guo Shouyun seemed to have forgotten the tragic appearance when he faced Nina, and he was ashamed. said.

"Hey, my brother's big talk is a bit too much," Yakov said with a disapproving smile, "If you say that there is no business that you can't handle in this world, I believe it 100%, but when it comes to dealing with women, Hey, you're a long way off. Haven't you met those two women in your room? Hey, those are the first-class goods specially prepared for you by the old man, who have been trained in the Kiev Special Training School for six years. You are an honor student, and you have never been touched by anyone. You dare not eat these two beautiful meats delivered to the bed, and now you are still bragging about your ability to deal with women in front of my brother. You are too much. Suppress your **.

Guo Shouyun didn't feel embarrassed when Yakov pierced his hide face to face, he smiled and looked out of the car window.

It was already quite dark at this time, and the convoy apparently drove out of the urban area of ​​Moscow. Guo Shouyun's sense of direction is very bad. One of his biggest problems is turning. Every time he goes to an unfamiliar place, he can't recognize the east, west, north and west.

Yakov is still chanting his "Women's Book", and he, a senior official of the Security Committee, has obviously been completely degenerate. In his eyes, men live in the world. Nothing but money seems to be sex.

"Dude, life is like that," Yakov said gruffly, "live for decades, and then slap the heaven that should go to heaven, the **** that should go to hell, everything Everything is empty. So, when we are alive, we should enjoy ourselves to the fullest, release our own ** to the fullest, and kick all ** dogma and restraint away from afar.”

Yakov stopped here and turned around. Looking at Guo Shouyun, he said mysteriously: "I went to the General Administration to meet the old man this afternoon. He asked me to give you a sentence, do you know what it is?"

"What?" Guo Shouyun asked curiously, having never seen his future husband-in-law once.

"It's a simple sentence," Yakov said with a smile. "The old man asked me to tell you. 'What should be done, now should be done quickly'. Do you understand what this means?"

"What should be done, should we hurry up now?" Guo Shouyun frowned and muttered in a low voice. Don't say it, this sentence is indeed very simple, but if you really think about it, it will be a bit complicated. What exactly has changed the hand? Is it something in the Far East, or...or is it time to get Nina? Guo Shouyun couldn't understand.

"That's what the old man said? Nothing else?" Guo Shouyun asked.

"No, he said you can figure it out yourself." Yakov blinked and said, "Hey, the old man is like this. He always likes to say half a sentence, and the rest. You can figure it out for yourself. go."

"Does the old man have time these days? I plan to meet him." Guo Shouyun said after thinking for a while.

"Hehe, I'm afraid it won't work. His plane this afternoon has already gone to Leningrad," Yakov shrugged and said, "I heard that there is something wrong with the Security Committee branch over there, he has to rush to deal with it. ."

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun felt a little regretful. He came to Moscow this time to meet Viktor, the director of the Second General Bureau of the Security Committee. Many things at the high level are often only understood by people like him. , but now it seems that this plan is going to fail.

"Hey, the current security committee is getting more and more restless," Yakov said to himself, not knowing what Guo Shouyun was thinking, "This is the fifth general bureau, except for the flaws, more than 400 members of the bureau. Announcement without authorization, and then, Sobchak of the Leningrad branch was accused of acting as a spy, hum, it seems that it will not be long before this Security Committee will collapse and disintegrate."

"Sobchak?" The name mentioned by Yakov made Guo Shouyun's mind flash with light. He felt that the name was familiar and very important to him, but at this time he couldn't think of who this person was. What is he doing, where is he important to himself? This person's brain is so rubbish, the more he deliberately thinks about things, the more he can't remember them.

Following the gossip of the two people with no conscience, the convoy finally slowly entered a huge suburban courtyard. Looking out of the car window, Guo Shouyun felt that this place was the same as Blagoveshchenskdisino. Holiday Inn is very similar.

"Okay, brother, we're there," Yakov opened the door first when the car finally stopped, he said to Guo Shouyun without looking back, and then jumped out of the car.

Following Yakov, Guo Shouyun took Victor's little hand and got out of the car.

At this time, the parking place is the parking lot in front of a three-story red building in the courtyard.

I glanced at the place and saw that the security of this place is very strict. Just around the field, there are twelve sentries, and around the back building, the guards with assault rifles in their arms are not separated by more than a dozen. There is one step.

"Brother, who do you think is that?" Just as Guo Shouyun was looking around, Yakov suddenly stopped in front, and he pointed to a slender figure standing in front of the Red Building.

"Nina?" Guo Shouyun saw that the slender figure standing under the lamp belonged to Nina.

"Hey, brother, I won't say anything more when you bring Victor, but you have to remember what I told you, don't shake this little girl out, or I will be miserable, brother. ." Yakov added in a low voice.

Nodding absent-mindedly, Guo Shouyun ignored the cheap brother-in-law and took big steps to himself, walking towards Nina in front of the red building.

time flies. In the blink of an eye, Guo Shouyun hadn't seen this fierce Colonel Nina for months, in fact, if it was true. Guo Shouyun himself didn't know whether he had feelings for Nina or not. At the beginning of his acquaintance, he only felt that this woman couldn't afford to offend him, so he had to tolerate her everywhere. Later, as the time spent together increased, he felt that this hot-tempered little woman was actually a good target to conquer. Based on the hardships Nina gave him at first, Guo Shouyun planned to use another way to get revenge. This little woman began to ride on her head to make a fortune, and the best way to get revenge on her is to ride on her for the rest of her life...and later. When Nina left, Guo Shouyun knew why she left. She left because she couldn't bear to be a profiteer. But with her gone, Yakov came, and since then. His Guo Shouyun's career is really on the way to success.

To put it bluntly, without Nina, Guo Shouyun might not be where he is today. At least Yakov wouldn't give him a high look.

All of this belongs to the past, and when we meet today, does Guo Shouyun really have feelings for Nina? In Nina's body, does he value love or interests more? Like these questions, he himself can't figure it out now. When he stood in front of Nina, he only knew that he wanted to take the other party into his arms, and then have a good kiss. On the one hand, it was because he had this urge in his heart, on the other hand, it might also be for Yakov to see.

Just as Guo Shouyun strode over to the ground, Nina was still stunned. She had been looking forward to a meeting like this time for a long time. In fact, she had heard the news that Guo Shouyun had arrived in Moscow this morning. She had an urge to run to meet this man, but in the end it was out of restraint. She just waited patiently until now. Now, the man she had been thinking about for so long finally appeared in front of her, and he was running towards her with big strides. Nina was a little dazed at this moment. The smile on his face Still thinking about how abominable it was back then, the greedy eyes still came out of his eyes, and, moreover, he was still holding a woman in his hand, who was that woman? What's with him? All these questions flooded into Nina's mind all of a sudden, causing her to have a hesitation - this man, is he the one he has been missing all this time?

Just when Nina had this suspicion in her mind, Guo Shouyun, who rushed over with a big stride, had already stood in front of her.

"You've lost weight," Guo Shouyun said softly after a long silence, standing in front of Nina, looking at her with bright eyes.

"Really?" Nina said absently, avoiding the man's eyes that made her heart beat, "But I think you have gained a lot of weight."

"Hey, it seems that you haven't changed at all, you still like to oppose me so much," Guo Shouyun took a step forward, grabbed Nina's arm, and laughed softly.

"The ghost likes to oppose you, Nina shook her arm, tried to shake Guo Shouyun's hand away, and said at the same time.

But before she could finish her sentence, a strong force came from her arm, pulling her whole body firmly into Guo Shouyun's arms, and then, two fiery lips blocked her yet. Come and say half a sentence.

This sudden change first caused Nina to be startled for a moment. She widened her eyes and looked at the man's eyes that were close at hand. There was a soft look in those eyes that made her feel familiar. She misses it a lot during this time. She thinks of the early morning in Harbin, the parting on the street when she left Blagoveshchensk, and...

"Forget it, why think so much, at least he's by my side now..." Being held tightly in his arms by the man, Nina finally relaxed, her small hands clenched into fists, In the end, he gently embraced the man's back.

"Huh!" Seeing this scene, Yakov, who had been standing a short distance away from anxiety, finally breathed a sigh of relief. He inadvertently raised his head and glanced at the red building. Between a window on the second floor, a The figure of the old man disappeared behind the heavy curtain.

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