Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 47: Gangs like flies

?Chapter 46 None

Compared with his brother or Rilke, Guo Shoucheng is lacking in politics, not to mention all kinds of political trends are hidden, even if these things are on the surface, he may I don't quite understand.

Now, Rilke's remarks obviously made his mind come alive again. He pondered, maybe in the future, he and his brother will have a big career here, and maybe he will have a chance to go back. However, such a thought was just a spin in Guo Shoucheng's mind, and was quickly thrown aside by him, for no other reason, just because he knew that with his elder brother's temper... It's hard to say.

Rilke didn't know Guo Shoucheng's thoughts at this time. After he talked for a while, he realized that the young people around him were a little absent-minded, so he closed his mouth and said: "Hey, forget it, we don't talk about this here. What's the use, I think, Shouyun must know better than we think, he must have his own plans."

"Well," Guo Shoucheng came back to his senses, squeezed out a smile and asked, "How did you gain from this trip to the Middle East, sir? I heard the elder brother mention on the phone that you have gained a lot from this trip. How is it? Can we get through the 'Two-East Trade Channel' from the Far East to the Middle East?"

"It's almost there," Rilke briefly explained the situation on the Israeli side, and then said, "Now that the problem of the trading post has been solved, the problem of this channel is almost the same. In the future. I've decided on the route. I think if we go by sea, we will start from Vladivostok. Going to Malacca, crossing the Persian Gulf, and finally to Kuwait, the profit from this trip is quite amazing. Hey, but to be honest , the potential profit of this trade route is still too low compared to China's trade."

Guo Shoucheng nodded, agreeing with Rilkedi's opinion, and then said: "I've been too busy for the business road in the past two days. Just like what my elder brother said on the phone. After the trade line on the side was cut off, our trading company became lively. The merchants came to negotiate business one after another. Isn't that right, before I came out to pick you up. I just sent someone from Korea. Representative of Maolin Co., Ltd."

"Oh?" Rilke smiled, he nodded and said, "This is normal. In the past, the company's business was mainly concentrated in China, and we were mainly able to affect the land, only the Amur region. Now The influence of our company has radiated to almost the entire Far East, and coupled with the loss of trade channels in mainland China, those guys who have been eyeing the side all the time, eager to come over and get a piece of the pie, will naturally not miss this opportunity. At the same time, the necessities of life are extremely scarce, while the production of various industrial raw materials and finished products is over-produced. This is completely reversed with the current international market environment. Therefore, the profits contained in it are naturally astonishing. I think there is such a situation. An opportunity. No one can take it lightly."

Rilke stopped here. He thought about it for a while, then frowned suddenly and said, "Morim Co., Ltd.? Maolin Co., Ltd. in Geoje, South Korea?"

"Well. It seems so." Guo Shoucheng said, and took out a business card holder from his jacket pocket. He found a business card and handed it to Rilke, saying, "Yes, it is Maolin Co., Ltd. of Geoje. What's the matter? Is there a problem?"

"Haha," Rilke laughed, he shook the business card in his hand, and said, "There is no big problem, there is a small problem, Shoucheng, you know what this Maolin Co., Ltd. is in Korea. such a company?"

"The gangsters," Guo Shoucheng said casually without blinking his eyelids, "the two largest gangsters in South and North Gyeongsang, South Korea, I heard that they have the support of the family of President Jeon Dou-hwan. , isn't that so?"

"Oh, you already know?" Rilke said somewhat surprised. In his impression, Guo Shoucheng doesn't seem like someone who knows these things. You must know that South Korea is still under the rule of a military dictatorship. Although the current president, Lu Yu, was elected by the people, he is completely The successor of the military dictator Quan Douhuan, it is said that this person appeared in the "Gwangju Massacre" that year. Similarly, in South Korea under the dictatorship, the news is quite closed, and Guo Shoucheng, as a person who doesn't care about politics at all, can know these things, which is a bit surprising.

"I don't know about it," Guo Shoucheng smiled when he saw Rilke's surprised expression, he said, "But the one two days ago

The Japanese Springfield Company contacted by the company, they intend to cooperate with our company to open transactions. I couldn't make up my mind at the time, so I asked my eldest brother. Do you know what my eldest brother said? "

"What?" Rilke asked curiously.

"The eldest brother just said, 'It's not a good thing to come here, let them wait, and I'll go back and talk to them in person.'" Guo Shoucheng laughed, "I didn't understand it at the time, but I passed the safety committee later. The people who checked it out came to know that this what Chuntiansha is a trading company under the name of the Japanese gangster in Hong Kong. Later, I added a mind, every company that comes to negotiate business, I will check their business through the safety committee. The details, I only know after this investigation, huh, have you always read..."

Guo Shoucheng fiddled with the business card holder in his hand and said with a self-deprecating expression: "None of the nearly 20 companies that have come to negotiate trade is clean. The most outrageous thing is this Aceh Commercial Union, which the Security Committee will give to me. According to the information of the CCP, this so-called business alliance is basically a pirate gang, they are affiliated to a separatist organization in Indonesia, what is the name..."

"Freedom in Aceh," Rilke said.

"Ah, yes, this is it, 'Aceh Freedom Movement', a group of bandits who resist guns and eat," Guo Shoucheng threw his business card holder on the car seat and smiled bitterly, "No wonder eldest brother said that there are no good things coming to the door now, Look at them, who are these people, what do they think of our company? Gangster dens?"

Reaching out his hand to pick up the business card holder, Rilke looked at it with a smile for a while, and then suddenly smiled: "Shouyun, put this away and keep it well, when Shouyun comes back, we might It has been used. Your elder brother is right. At this time, people who will come to do business with us cannot be regular and innocent businessmen. Now the company's import and export situation is very serious. Those who are the same as this The country has economic and trade relations, people are watching the wind, and they are unwilling to have anything to do with us, a Soviet company whose identity is neither black nor white. As for those who have no economic and trade relations with this country, hehe, you need to use these guys to open up quickly. trade channels."

"Hey," with a deep sigh, Guo Shoucheng took the business card holder back and stuffed it into his pocket again. He knew that Rilke was rambling and reminding himself that the current Guo's trading company is not much better than those gangsters, and everyone's work is not very clean. It sounds uncomfortable, but it's the real truth.

"It seems that our smuggling hat can never be taken off." Guo Shoucheng said helplessly, lying on the back of the chair feebly.

"If you can't pick it up, you still need to guard the cloud," Rilke said, reaching out and wiping it on his face, "Wait, wait for the cloud to come back from Moscow, let's discuss this issue carefully."

"What big brother means, I know what big brother means," Guo Shoucheng said with a wry smile, squinting his eyes, "In big brother's eyes, money has never been black and white. If the gang can offer enough returns, he will definitely choose to cooperate with these guys. But what I don't understand is why he is so concerned about the trading company this time, and these scumbags Guys, he has to come back specifically to talk to them."

Guo Shoucheng was mumbling like this, thinking about this issue in his heart. He was so busy these days that he didn't have much time to think about these things. Now that he finally calmed down, he had to think about it carefully.

Although Guo Shoucheng's voice was not loud, Rilke heard what he said clearly.

"Hehe, Shouyun is a very scheming person, and he is also very courageous," Rilke said with a slight smile, "What he thinks is not something that ordinary people can guess. Not to mention the current situation of the company's foreign trade. I’m nervous, and these are the first to be delivered to the door, and they are all affiliated companies of mafia gangs. To be honest, if someone told me that Shouyun planned to cooperate with them to sell arms, I would believe it.”

"Selling arms!?" Guo Shoucheng was stunned for a moment, then suddenly sat up from the back of his chair.

"Why are you so surprised? What did you think of?" Rilke was startled, and he asked subconsciously.

"Ah, no, I didn't expect anything," Guo Shoucheng squeezed out a smile and said insincerely.

Rilke's inadvertent words reminded Guo Shoucheng that in the vagueness, he thought of his elder brother's plan, arms. This is a big business that the two brothers had thought about a long time ago.

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