at the same time.

The other one was also wearing an ANBU uniform, but because of his special status, he was not disturbed by any Uchiha clan members.

He was squatting on the telephone pole watching all this silently.

Seeing that senior Kakashi, whom he respected, was being targeted by the undisguised malice emanating from his clansmen, Shisui felt a little cold in his heart.

He knows it very well.

That malice was not just directed at Kakashi-senpai's Sharingan.

It was aimed at the ANBU directly under the Third Hokage and the entire village!

Thinking of some extremely dangerous ideas that have recently begun to appear in the clan.

As more and more tribesmen who opened the Sharingan chose to join the radical faction, he became increasingly frightened!

Disagreements and rifts between villages and families...

In the past three years of constant friction, it has reached a point where it is difficult to bridge!

The gloom on Zhisui's face covered his eyebrows, and the red light in the depths of his melancholy eyes became more intense.

Why...Why can't the tribesmen understand the greatness of the Will of Fire that the Third Generation Master advocated?

Why...Why do the tribesmen always care about temporary gains and losses instead of thinking more about the village?

Uchiha was already under suspicion due to the Kyuubi Rebellion.

Why don't the tribesmen let go of their conflicts, take the initiative to show goodwill to the village, prove their innocence, and change the reputation of Uchiha in the village?

If it is allowed to develop.

I'm afraid that one day, it will reach a point of no return!

How can we reverse the hostility in the hearts of the tribesmen towards the village and the village’s senior officials?

Strong worries and confusion about the future development of his tribe spread in Shisui's mind. boom!

Suddenly, the pressure that had accumulated in his heart for three years was further stimulated.

Like a pressure cooker that exceeded the maximum threshold, it was instantly detonated!

A special pattern like a four-edged shuriken quietly attached itself to Shisui's pupils, causing a qualitative change in his strength! this moment.

He, Uchiha Shisui.

The descendant of Uchiha Kagami, a disciple of the Second Hokage.

He inherited the will of the mirror and was affectionately praised by the Third Hokage as the outstanding boy who inherited the will of fire!

Finally opened what all Uchiha people dream of!

Enough to pose a fatal threat to the top management of Konoha, the Mangekyō Sharingan!


Almost at the same time, Kakashi, whose reaction in his left eye suddenly intensified, looked behind him keenly.

I happened to see a familiar figure jumping off the telephone pole and running towards the Hokage Building!

Shisui who is responsible for monitoring the Uchiha clan?

Why did he leave suddenly?

Did he receive some temporary order?

And looking at his running and jumping posture, he seems to be very excited?

Kakashi was a little confused about this.

He didn't know much about the Mangekyō Sharingan, so even though his left eye sensed an abnormality, he didn't think about it in this direction.

Otherwise, he will most likely stop Shisui and use various insinuations to hint at this Uchiha junior who is as stupid and naive as Obito.

It is essential to be on guard against others, so be careful!

At least at this stage, it's best not to tell the higher-ups of Konoha about the awakening of the Kaleidoscope!

Just like the timeline before Naruto was reborn.

After seeing many things clearly, he once stopped Kai, who wanted to burn his youth for Konoha, and prevented Kai from rushing into the battlefield between the third generation and Orochimaru!

Of course, it’s different from the original timeline.

Originally, under the arrangement of Mr. Minato, by guarding the pregnant Kushina, Kakashi felt the gestation of new life and gradually walked out of the darkness.

He did not fall into the abyss again because of the deaths of Minato and Kushina!

On the contrary, since Kushina-sister is still alive, Minato-sensei is just sleeping.

So Kakashi is responsible for monitoring and guarding the jinchuriki.

Every day I see Kushina-sama who loves to take care of them, and Minato-sensei who seems to be just sleeping!

In addition, Naruto thrives under his sight every day, warm and positive like a little sun!

Therefore, Kakashi's heart has been gradually healed with the three years of supervision mission.

Out of the cage called loneliness that is isolated from the outside world!

Plus three years ago.

The incident where Danzo persuaded him to assassinate the Third Hokage, and the voluntary donation of Kushina's sister's property.

This made Kakashi read"Intimate Heaven" carefully.

I also began to think seriously about the darkness hidden in Konoha under the sun!

For example, whose fault is his father's death?

For example, his close friend, Uchiha Obito's family, has been targeted by Konoha's top brass in the past three years!

And that invisible black hand that keeps spreading the Uchiha threat theory among civilians!

Another example is that the village's senior officials are doing everything for the village.

Is sacrificing the interests of Mr. Minato's family really in line with the will of fire?

If even Minato-sensei's family had to be willingly sacrificed for the benefit of the village.

That was the public condemnation his father received before committing suicide.

Is even the condemnation of the teammates his father saved a sacrifice required by some high-level officials?!

Was his father's suicide really just because of the failure of the mission, and he was so ashamed that he had to die to apologize?

At least in Kakashi's opinion.

With his father's steely will honed through constant practice and fighting on the battlefield.

This is simply impossible!

Otherwise, my father would not have resolutely chosen to save his companions first even though he knew the consequences of failing the mission!

Just like Obito once told him.

People who break rules and iron laws may be trash.

However, those who do not know how to cherish their companions are worse than trash!

As for what Minato-sensei had said to Obito on the way to Kannabi Bridge.

His father was a hero of the village, and Konoha's top management had ordered that his father's mission failure should be kept secret.

Kakashi just thought that Minato-sensei agreed with his father's approach, so he took the opportunity to comfort himself~

After all, Kakashi had personally experienced the invisible storm of public opinion!

I have witnessed with my own eyes that my father’s straight spine was gradually bent by the accusations from his peers!

I personally experienced the criticism and cold treatment I would receive whenever I went out on the street with my father during that period! not to mention.

Which Konoha hero would be like his father, who couldn't even write his name on the memorial tablet to commemorate the hero?!

Even as the Son of Man, he wanted to worship.

All he can do is secretly build a simple pile of stones for his father in a remote and uninhabited corner?!

Of course, compared to finding out the truth about his father's death, for the current Kakashi.

He hoped even more.

Little Naruto can grow up healthy and strong!

After all, Naruto at this time not only showed the sunshine of Minato-sensei, but also showed the enthusiasm and innocence of Obito!

Especially on weekdays, everyone is calling Kakashi-nii!

Even though Kakashi didn’t say anything, his heart almost turned cute!

Talk about it.

He usually calls his master Kushina's sister, but now Naruto calls him Kakashi's brother, which seems to be a confusion of seniority.

But regarding this, Sister Kushina has already spoken personally.

She has always regarded Kakashi, Obito, and Rin as her younger brothers and sisters.

Compared to calling her Master's Wife, she prefers to hear the title of sister.

After all, the two are only ten years apart! And Kakashi is worthy of being Naruto's brother regardless of the actual seniority of Minato. Or according to the age difference of fourteen years! So, the two of them will talk about their own things in the future! As for the truth about the cause of his father's death


In fact, he has a suspect and will continue to investigate secretly.

In fact, he has already made up his mind. Even if his inner speculation is confirmed, he will bury it in his heart and not take revenge with his own hands!

After all, this is Konoha that Obito, Rin, Minato-sensei, and his father himself want to protect at all costs!

No matter how much he hates it in his heart!

We must also consider the stability and harmony of Konoha!

You can't stir up trouble regardless of the consequences, nor can you choose to betray the village directly after grudges!

Just like what his name implies.

Be a lonely scarecrow in the fields guarding the future and hope of Konoha!

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