Reborn in Brazil As a Plutocrat

Chapter 607: Mutual concern

  Chapter 607 Pay attention to each other

  Qi Qingshan heard the words, glanced at Reinhardt at the side, and felt that there were outsiders present, and some things were really not suitable for further questioning, but since the other party was from the Hongmen, he no longer became nervous.

   After all, in his opinion, the Hongmen is a family in the world. Although they are not from the Hongmen themselves, Fang Lang's uncle Fang Xinshui is the head of the Hongmen Brazil Hongyi Hall.

  At this moment, Reinhardt was obviously terrified by the **** scene not far away, and was a little stunned watching the big melee not far away, and had no intention of continuing to drink and eat at all.

  According to his inner thoughts, at this time, they should leave this place of right and wrong quickly, but Fang Lang still sat there, eating and watching with great interest, without any nervousness at all.

   He didn't care about the scene of blood flowing not far away, and he still tasted the dishes in front of him leisurely. This kind of calm attitude made even Reinhardt admire him.

  The melee of hundreds of people caused the entire Stanley Street to be violently fought.

  The citizens who were still watching the excitement were also taken aback when they saw a group of young and Dangerous boys rushing out of their side. They didn't dare to stay in place to watch the excitement, and they all scattered to avoid harming the fish in the pond.

  The guards of Fang Lang, who were originally scattered among the diners, remained standing in place after the surrounding diners fled, making them very conspicuous. Seeing this situation, of course, there was no need for everyone to continue to disperse around, and they all gathered around Fang Lang.

The lame middle-aged couple who were tidying up the stalls were startled when they saw so many people surrounding them at first. After seeing the faces of these people, they were relieved. After all, there can’t be so many young and Dangerous foreigners.

  The lame middle-aged man who seemed to understand something, saw his woman still tidying up the stall with a face full of panic, his heart moved, he stepped forward and patted his woman on the shoulder and said:

   "Wife, take it easy, we don't have to rush to clean up, these young and Dangerous boys should not dare to come to our place to make trouble."

  The middle-aged woman was taken aback when she heard the words, looked up at her husband, and said angrily:

  "Aren't you stupid! Young and Dangerous guys are grabbing territory, will they care which green onion you are? You won't come to make trouble if you say you can't make trouble? You don't really think that we can keep us safe after paying the protection fee!

   Don't you see that they can't even guarantee their own safety now? "

  My wife has a straightforward and pungent personality. The lame middle-aged man obviously knew it very well. He was not angry when he heard the other party's reprimand. Instead, he stepped forward and hugged his woman's shoulder and said in a low voice:

   "Didn't you see a big shot at our stall today?"

   After finishing speaking, he didn't forget to gesture to her to look at the table of Fang Lang and the three of them, and to glance at the strong foreign men around him.

  The woman looked up after hearing the words, and saw Fang Lang at Fang Lang's table, Fang Lang was still eating at a leisurely pace. Although the other two were a little nervous, they didn't show any fear of nervousness. This made her gasp slightly.

  At this time, the lame middle-aged man got closer to his woman, lowered his voice and whispered in her ear:

   "When the young man paid the bill just now, I saw a gun hidden under his ribs."

  When the woman heard the words, a trace of worry flashed in her eyes, and she also lowered her voice:

   "It can't be a bad person!"

  The lame man smiled.

   “The bad guys are not going to give us ten dollars for our meal.”

   "What? Ten dollars."

  The woman was obviously taken aback by what her man said, and blurted out. Fortunately, the lame middle-aged man reacted quickly, worried that something bad would happen to her early on, so he covered his mouth.

   "Shhh! Keep your voice down, don't be afraid of being robbed by us!

   Besides, if you look at the foreigners who gathered here, they are obviously bodyguards. This is a proper big shot, understand?

  With them here, these young and Dangerous boys dare not attack us at all. "

  Women finally know where their men's confidence comes from. I couldn't help but turn my head again, secretly looking at Fang Lang's table who was eating, and really slowly let go of my heart.

   Then he seemed to think of something, and said regretfully:

   "If I had known we had such a distinguished customer here, we shouldn't have let the customers in the store run away just now. They haven't finished eating and haven't paid the bill yet!"

  The lame middle-aged man couldn't laugh or cry when he heard the words. This woman just doesn't know the seriousness. Even if this distinguished guest is a big shot, there is no reason for others to protect your store's business!

  You can't know that there are distinguished customers in your store, so you really don't take the melee of young and Dangerous guys seriously!

   "It would be great if we can keep the property in the stall from being lost. You still want to make all the guests as calm as this big man!"

  The woman touched her head in embarrassment when she heard the words.

  The abnormality here naturally not only attracted the attention of the stall owner and his wife, but also attracted the attention of diners at another table not far away, who were still sitting at the table like Fang Lang and the others, who were not affected by the melee of young and Dangerous boys.

   "Boss, there seem to be a lot of ghosts over there, so it won't affect our actions!"

  A middle-aged man with a short, fat body and a fleshy face looked at the slightly tall and thin middle-aged man who was watching the scuffle in the distance from the main seat and his eyes flickered.

  There is a centipede-like scar on the upper lip of the tall, thin, middle-aged man, which seems to be a scar that was stitched up after the lip was split open with a sharp knife.

  The man heard the words, and looked in the direction indicated by the short and fat man. He just glanced at him, his eyes froze, and his brows frowned unconsciously.

  As a veteran soldier, he could smell the military smell of these people from a long distance away, and, unlike soldiers who were scattered like him, the spirit of these people showed that the opponent was definitely an elite soldier on active duty.

   This made him have to be cautious, and seize the territory of Hehetu today, but they have planned for a long time at the 14K, so don't expect any accidents because of the appearance of these people.

   But what made him feel a little strange was that the complexion of these soldiers seemed to be a bit messy, and he couldn't be sure of the identity of the other party for a while.

  But for the sake of caution, he still said to the short and fat man:

   "It seems that the other party doesn't seem to want to interfere with us. Immediately ask someone to remind our people not to get close to these people.

   So as not to provoke us to an opponent we can't afford. "

Before the short and fat man could speak, the man sitting on the other side was obviously much younger. He was in his twenties, with long hair in a shawl, and a sharp-edged face. :

   "Bingge, isn't it just a group of ghosts? What's the big deal, if you dare to spoil our business, I will lead someone to hack them to death right now."

  The tall and thin middle-aged man known as Bingge stared at the words, and a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes, but when he thought of the identity of the other party, he still had to choose to endure it, and patiently explained:

   "Hao Zai, take a closer look at the ghosts standing around and see if you can see anything?"

  The long-haired young man called Hao Zai was stunned for a moment when he heard Brother Bing’s words, but immediately realized that this was his boss teaching him, and quickly began to seriously observe the group of ghosts opposite him.

   He didn’t feel anything if he didn’t observe. After observing for a while, he unexpectedly discovered that among the three people surrounded by these ghosts, there were two guys who were obviously Chinese.

   After a little thought, he had a guess, and turned to his boss, Bingo, and said:

   "Bingge, these ghosts should be bodyguards. Look at the table in the middle protected by them. Two of them are Chinese. Maybe these guys are the sons of the rich man in Hong Kong City.

  Do you want me to go over, arrest these guys, and let his adults come to redeem them. "

  Bingo, a tall and thin middle-aged man, heard the words, the disappointment in his eyes flashed away, he sighed softly and said:

   "So, are you sure you can tie up these two young men under the protection of these bodyguards?"

  When the long-haired young man heard Bingo's words, he thought that Bingo agreed with his idea! A slightly insolent smile immediately appeared on his face and said:

   "Haha... Brother Bing, what's the matter? How many of them are there, and how many of us are there? I don't believe that they dare to resist when I lead people to surround them and put a knife on their necks."

The chunky middle-aged man on the side watched the young man's arrogance, and kept silent the whole time. He knew that the young man's background was very strong. Fourteen K's real big brothers have to give their superiors a little face.

   Brother Bing couldn't really use the other party as his younger brother, which is why this guy is so arrogant and still alive to this day.

   But today, this guy obviously misjudged. From his own point of view, these ghosts on the opposite side are definitely not easy to mess with. Moreover, they are not in their hometown now, but in Hong Kong City.

The current government of Hong Kong City is the British. It doesn’t matter if they have conflicts with the Chinese in Hong Kong City. The British don’t care about the life and death of the Chinese at all. But if there is an accident in Hong Kong City, the Hong Kong City police will do everything possible from.

   At that time, not to mention the development and growth in Hong Kong City, it is estimated that it will be difficult for them to survive in Hong Kong City.

  So, after hearing Hao Zai's crazy idea, he immediately wanted to stop it, but after seeing his boss' eyes, he knew that the boss would never listen to this guy. This made him take a long breath.

   When he looked at Hao Zai, his eyes unconsciously began to bring a trace of disdain. Such an idiot still wants to gain a foothold in Fourteen K, but he doesn't know what his superiors think.

  As the boss, Brother Bing, after listening to Hao Zai's words, he couldn't help but refresh his view of this young man again. He thought this guy was arrogant and ignorant, but now he realizes that this guy is stupid and has no training value at all.

   Therefore, he didn't want to continue talking nonsense with him, he just shook his head, and said to the short, fat middle-aged man:

   "Fat Boy Ming, go and remind our people not to get close to these people. When the matter is over, I will personally go over and apologize to the other party, so as not to arouse their dissatisfaction."

  The short and fat middle-aged man heard the words, he didn't even look at Haozai, he got up and said to Bingo:

   "Yes, boss."

   After speaking, he walked directly towards the battlefield where the fierce fighting was taking place without looking back.

   Seeing this, Haozai’s expression froze, and a trace of irritation flashed across his face, and he directly said to Bingo in dissatisfaction:

   "Bingo, isn't it just a group of ghosts? Why are you afraid of them?"

Hearing Haozi's words, Bingge became even more dissatisfied with this guy. Others followed him and called him a big boss respectfully, but this guy was only called Bingge when he was young. Did not regard himself as his boss.

  If it wasn't for my boss who asked me to take the other party with me, I would have knocked out his teeth and let him swallow them all, and I wouldn't have taught the other party seriously at all.

  But after getting along for such a long time, he can completely understand that this guy is simply not able to support the wall with mud. If there is no relationship with the above, he would have been hacked to death on the street.

   Today, this group of ghosts is not someone they can mess with at first glance. This guy can't even recognize him, and he still wants to mix in the society in Hong Kong City. Maybe at some point, the Fourteen K will be wiped out directly.

   It seems that I need to find a time to have a good talk with my boss. It is best to return this **** back. If not, then find a chance to let the other party die in a fight!

  Of course, I haven't communicated with the boss yet, and he can't make decisions on his own. But he didn't want to continue to explain too much to the other party.

  So, after hearing the other party's words, he didn't say much, but patted the other party's shoulder and said:

   "Hao Zai, you are still young, and there are many things you still don't understand. Next time I have a chance, I will teach you well."

   After finishing speaking, he turned his gaze back to the battlefield where the sky was darkened.

As the crowd gradually dispersed, except for the boss who was still biting the bullet to clean up his stalls, there were almost only two tables of guests left. Therefore, the origins of Fang Lang and others may be discussed at this table when.

  Qi Qingshan was also reporting his findings to Fang Lang. In fact, Fang Lang had already discovered the abnormality of the guests at this table, but he didn't feel any hostility from these people, so he didn't care about them.

  But just now he suddenly felt a hint of malice from the young man among the other three, which made him a little strange.

   "Boss, could these people be 14K people?"

  Qi Qingshan glanced at the three people in the distance, and asked Fang Lang directly.

   Fang Lang heard the words, and said without raising his head:

   "Does this need to be said? It can be seen at a glance."

   "Then shall we go over and say hello?"

   "How do you say hello! Do you know them well?"

   "No! Didn't you say that Fourteen K is from the Hongmen? I just thought that Uncle Xin Shui is also from the Hongmen. Should we go over and say hello to them when we arrive in Hong Kong?"

   "I've said it all, these are young and Dangerous at most, they are not really Hongmen people at all, so what's the deal with these people."

At this time, Qi Qingshan realized that the boss looked down on these young and Dangerous boys in the underworld, but he was also a little strange. The Hong Yitang in Brazil said it was a branch of the Hongmen, but in fact it could be regarded as a gangster. Underworld, there is no essential difference between the two!

What he didn't know was that the reason why Fang Lang didn't like the Fourteen K was not because they were not authentic members of the Hongmen, but because these guys thought they were authentic Hongmen, accepted the command of the Nationalist Party, but worked in Hong Kong City. It is a job to oppress the Chinese, and the targets of the oppression are all Chinese. It can be said that all the bad things have been done, and there is no good thing at all.

  (end of this chapter)

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