Reborn in Brazil As a Plutocrat

Chapter 600: Hong Kong City

  Chapter 600 Hong Kong City Storm

   Just when Fang Lang led three Brazilian warships to rest in Japan and completed his layout in Japan. As far away as Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the presidential election in Brazil is in full swing.

  As the current president, Mr. Dutra originally thought that he would be the one with the greatest chance of winning, but as time passed, polls in various places showed that his support rate seemed to have begun to get lower and lower.

This made him realize that the situation was wrong. Now the largest consortium in Brazil is undoubtedly the Fangyuan Group, because Fang Lang's full support is behind him when he takes office for the first time, so he takes it for granted that the Fangyuan Group should continue to support him .

  But the reality taught him a good lesson. The Fangyuan Group didn't seem to have any intention of interfering in the presidential election. But now the most popular presidential candidate, Scalia from the state of Sao Paulo, has a close relationship with the Fangyuan Group.

  São Paulo is the headquarters of the Fangyuan Group. Many of Scalia’s achievements in Sao Paulo have the shadow of the Fangyuan Group behind them.

   This made him very anxious and had to contact Fang Lang proactively, but what was surprising was that Fang Lang had already led three warships on behalf of the Brazilian Navy to visit the Far East.

Because this is a normal military visit activity invited by the Far East Fleet of the British Royal Navy and approved by the Minister of Defense Marshal Morais. He didn't know about it at first, but now when he knows, the fleet has already rested at the US naval base in Japan. It is no longer possible to recall the other party.

  Unable to even meet face to face, it is even more impossible to get the support of the other party, so in the end he had no choice but to give up asking Fang Lang for help. This kind of thing must not be communicated by telegram.

   Moreover, he is not a fool. Fang Lang is visiting at this time without notifying him, which means that Fang Lang does not want to get involved in the current presidential election.

  In fact, as early as when he announced the severance of diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union, he had already sensed the change in the political arena, but he didn't pay attention to it. It seemed that everything was too late when he reacted now.

  While President Dutra was running around anxiously for his presidency, the three warships of the Brazilian Navy led by Fang Lang had left the Yokosuka Naval Base in Japan and officially headed to the port city.

The day after Fang Lang left Yokosuka Port, John Clark's mother and sister came to Japan in the name of visiting relatives. After communicating with John, his mother made a decision on the spot to take out all the savings of the family and set up a family in Japan Agricultural by-product production enterprises. And began to use John Clark's status as a US military officer and Joseph Clark's relationship to enclose a large number of land in Japan and sign vegetable planting agreements with local farmers.

For a while, many lands that were going to grow food next year quietly began to change the types of crops. This directly caused Japan's grain production to drop by 15 percentage points in 1950. In contrast, the production of various vegetables directly doubled. Several times, if this American company hadn't fulfilled its promise to purchase all the vegetables, Japan's agriculture might suffer another serious blow.

  But even though Japan's agriculture has not been significantly impacted, due to the reduction in food production, Japan's food supply, which has just improved, immediately ushered in a new impact, and food prices skyrocketed for a while.

  The Nice company under Fang Lang took the opportunity to sell a batch of grain at a high price. This was an unexpected surprise for Fang Lang's companies, and it also gave them an opportunity to control the Japanese grain market.

   Of course, these are all things to say later. Fang Lang, who left Yokosuka, did not pass through the Bay Island Strait as Fang Lang's original plan, but directly bypassed the Philippine Sea and went straight to the port city.

  The distance of this route is a little far. After more than a week of sailing, the fleet of three warships of the Brazilian Navy led by Fang Lang slowly appeared at the British naval base in the Oriental Pearl Harbor City.

At this time, the British Royal Navy Base was located in the prosperous Central area of ​​later generations, because the Navy Base also had a maintenance dock, and a golden bronze bell was hung at the gate of the dock, and every time it was time to get off work, the guard would ring the bell to signal, Over time, the nearby residents simply used the bell to plan their day's work and rest, and at the same time called the area by Admiralty.

   Now the most important British naval base in Hong Kong City, at the end of 1959, at the request of the British Hong Kong government, it became part of land reclamation. After the reclamation, the Harcourt Road Overpass was built, which greatly improved the traffic from Central to Wan Chai.

Of course, these are all things to say. At the moment, the Admiralty Naval Base is full of warships. Although the new regime in the Far East has already recovered the Flower City next to the Hong Kong City as early as mid-October, and deployed its troops outside the concession. , but did not mean to send troops directly into the port city.

But the British Hong Kong government dare not relax. After all, there are nearly 200,000 tiger and wolf troops deployed next to them. More importantly, if the hometown really wants to regain Hong Kong, it doesn't even need to send a single soldier. , just need to cut off the drinking water and food supply to Hong Kong City, and Hong Kong City will not be able to last even a month.

   These words were not spoken by people from the new regime in their hometown, but the then governor of Hong Kong City Ge Lianghong himself said it himself. Therefore, the atmosphere in Hong Kong City at this time was very tense.

In addition, the British were worried that their interests in China would be damaged, so they took the initiative to stand for Chang Kaishen. When the new regime went south, they sent their destroyer Amethyst to cruise the Yangtze River. After being repeatedly warned by the new regime, they still arrogantly ignored it. As a result, it was beaten up by the army artillery of the new regime.

  At this time, the destroyer Amethyst is waiting for maintenance in Victoria Harbor in the port city. The encounter with the Amethyst also made the British realize the situation at that time, and understood that they had almost no chance of winning against the new regime head-on, but they could not give up their last fig leaf in the Far East.

   Therefore, about 10,000 marines are stationed on Hong Kong Island, ready to block the new regime's attack at any time. At this moment, the warships stationed in the Admiralty Military Port are ready to fight at any time.

  The sudden visit of the Brazilian Navy at this time, in the eyes of the British, this is to support the British, although the proud British Empire Navy does not think that the Brazilian Navy has much combat effectiveness.

  But Brazil can choose to send warships to visit the port city during this special period. The political significance of this matter is far greater than the military significance. No matter how arrogant the British look down on the Brazilian Navy, they must show their enthusiasm to thank the Brazilian Navy for its timely statement.

  So, this time, the specifications of the Brazilian naval fleet led by Fang Lang are quite high. There are not only the supreme commanders of the British Navy and Marine Corps, but also senior officials of the British Hong Kong government headed by Hong Kong Governor Grantham.

   There were many reporters from local newspapers in the port city who heard the news and immediately surrounded the entire military port.

  Fang Lang, standing on the side of the ship, glanced at the welcoming team, and whispered to Qi Qingshan beside him:

   "It seems that the British are determined to make a big fuss about our visit! This is a typical sternness and inwardness. The once invincible British Empire only has such a little ostentation left."

   Qi Qingshan heard the words, glanced at the crowd below and said:

   "This is our Chinese territory, why can't we see a few Chinese?"

"Now the British are still in charge here, just wait! It won't take long, as long as the hometown can defeat the mighty Western powers on the peninsula, the Chinese in Hong Kong City will naturally gain a bit of confidence. This is a trade-off. In the process, wait another ten years, and you will find that more and more Chinese appear in this kind of occasion.

   When the land lease contract expires, the British will naturally hand over the land to their hometown obediently. "

  Qi Qingshan also did some understanding of this place before coming to Hong Kong City. Now after hearing Fang Lang's words, he said in surprise:

   "The boss means that the hometown will still take it back? Can the British agree? There won't be a fight by then!"

   Fang Lang smiled when he heard the words:

   "Do the British dare to disagree? The British can't hold on to places like India and Malaysia, let alone a place like Hong Kong City that has no strategic depth at all.

  The reason why they can survive now is that the new regime in their hometown needs such a window.

   As for the last match, do you think the British will win? "

   It is Fang Lang who feels confidently that the British have no chance of winning. Chinese people like Qi Qingshan who have lived in Brazil since childhood do not understand the strength of their hometown, and they are still somewhat uncertain.

   "Boss, this is the empire on which the sun never sets! Look at these warships, their strength still exists."

Hearing this, Fang Lang glanced at Qi Qingshan, knowing that he thought his hometown might not be able to beat the British, but he didn't say much. After all, his hometown has been weak for many years, and the western powers used to be able to knock on the country's gate with a single warship. It is normal for some people to have no confidence in their hometown.

  But the new regime in my hometown will soon tell everyone with facts that such history has completely passed. Patting Qi Qingshan's arm, Fang Lang looked at the back of the port city with burning eyes, and said in a firm tone:

   "Soon you will be able to see the strength of your hometown, I hope you won't be shocked when the time comes!"

  Qi Qingshan couldn't understand where Fang Lang's confidence came from, but looking at Fang Lang who had already strutting down the gangway, a hint of expectation emerged in his heart. As a Chinese, who doesn't want their motherland to be strong?

   Before he had time to think about it, he took a few steps quickly, quickly followed in Fang Lang's footsteps, and quickly walked down the trestle. A group of Brazilian Navy officers also followed the two and walked quickly to the pier.

  With the arrival of the fleet, majestic military music sounded on the pier long ago, and the British navy, which was lined up neatly, was looking curiously at the Brazilian Rear Admiral who was obviously different from the image of the Brazilian in their impression.

  The local officials who have lived in Hong Kong City for a long time can tell at a glance that this person is likely to be Chinese, which quickly caused whispered discussions in the welcoming team.

Fang Lang didn't care about this. He just shook hands politely with a group of British officers stationed in Hong Kong who came forward to welcome him, including Fang Lang's good friend Reinhardt. He's a lieutenant colonel in the Royal Navy.

  In the whole welcoming team, he is the happiest. After all, in this special period, Fang Lang, as a good brother, was able to bring a warship to help him out, which was not just as simple as friendship.

   "Haha... Long time no see, my good brother, thank you very much for coming all the way to help out at this time."

  Looking at the excited Reinhardt, Fang Lang smiled and gave him a big hug. This made all the British officers look sideways. Everyone is very familiar with the son of the chief of staff of the Royal Navy. This guy is a very proud person. I didn't expect to show such enthusiasm for a Brazilian rear admiral today.

  Some British officers who knew the inside story were not surprised, and even a few naval officers who were very familiar with Reinhardt had heard Reinhardt mention his Brazilian friend many times.

   "Brothers, there is no need to talk about this. Just show me the prosperity of Hong Kong City when you have time."

   As he spoke, he patted the other person on the back, and then walked to the next person. He can't tell the other party that he is actually here to hide from the quiet, as long as you don't shoot others at the gunpoint, there will be no war in Hong Kong City.

  This kind of welcome ceremony has a fixed process. Everyone greets each other in the music of the military band, and after a few words of welcome, it is over.

   Compared with communicating with the British troops stationed in Hong Kong, Fang Lang is more interested in the heads of the British Hong Kong government on the other side. After all, I have already established a presence on Hong Kong Island, and I have opened many companies both openly and secretly. The future development potential of Hong Kong Island is very worth looking forward to.

   "Mr. Governor, nice to meet you!"

   "Your Excellency, on behalf of the Hong Kong British Government, I welcome you. Tonight I will entertain you at the Governor's Mansion! I hope you will appreciate it."

   "Haha... This is my honor, Mr. Governor, and I will definitely attend on time.

  Actually, my family also has a lot of business in Hong Kong Island. I also hope to take this opportunity to communicate with you this time. "

  Hong Kong Governor Ge Lianghong certainly has a certain understanding of Fang Lang's situation. He was not surprised at Fang Lang's idea, and nodded to Fang Lang with a smile on his face:

   "Thank you very much for your trust in the Hong Kong City Government. I am also very much looking forward to communicating with a business genius like you. After tonight's banquet is over, let's make another appointment alone. Do you think it is okay?"

   Of course Fang Lang readily agreed to this, even if Mr. Governor didn't mention it, Fang Lang himself was going to take the initiative to talk to the other party.

   "Of course, I expect to stay in Hong Kong City for about a month. You can see when it is convenient for you. Just let me know in advance."

  The two shook hands while having a simple conversation, and a meeting that both parties needed was reached directly. Next, Ge Lianghong introduced a group of Hong Kong and British government officials to Fang Lang.

   Among them, the one that caught Fang Lang's attention the most was of course the Chief of Police Mai Jingtao who was often mentioned in later movies. The Hong Kong City at this time was in a period of chaos, although the Fangyuan Group used various means to transfer most of the people who had escaped from their hometowns to Brazil.

  But some of the refugees who were unwilling to go to Brazil stayed and chose to come to Hong Kong to make a living. Most of these people are Cantonese who speak the same dialect.

   Some Kuomintang troops also hid in the port city. This chaotic situation made the public security and people's livelihood problems in the port city very prominent.

   Various underworld organizations are rampant, and Hongmen Dashengtang, also known as Hongmen Tangkou, is developing rapidly. According to Fang Xinshui, Gangcheng Dashengtang has developed into a hall with tens of thousands of people.

  (end of this chapter)

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