Reborn Entrepreneurial Giant

Chapter 734 Two Meetings

"Why not call it "Kunpeng"?" Director Zhang Yimou asked curiously

"Because it's underwater, I want to shoot "Peng" in space." Qu Li answered simply

There is only Qu Li in China. If other people say this, they will probably think it is a joke or bragging, but Qu Li is really doing these things.

"This filming is not easy for us." Director Zhang himself is also an innovative person, otherwise he would not take on a superhero movie as a film master.

"This will be a combination of technology and art..." Qu Li certainly wanted to come up with new tricks. He tried various technological means such as holographic projection technology.

"What kind of story did you shoot?" Director Zhang continued to ask

"A very simple story, derived from a sentence in the Journey to the West story: The golden-winged Dapeng feeds on dragons. Regardless of age, every Kun may evolve into a Dapeng, but in the ocean it is the dragon that is king. They like to nip danger in the bud..."

After the general background is determined, the Kun people either choose to wander or live in seclusion. The story takes place in such a mysterious underwater village where the male and female protagonists live. However, accidents still happen from time to time. In order to save her lover, the young man Qiu, the girl Chun realizes her identity. , finally turned into a roc, and left the tribe...

"There is something in your words, what do you mean by danger..."

"Ahem~" Qu Li covered it up

"That cartoon called "Big Fish" is a promotional video for How to Get Ahead?"

"No, but everyone can relate."

"Your Name" grossed nearly RMB 800 million in domestic box office during the Spring Festival. It is still very influential and has made domestic film and television companies pay more attention to the animation business.

Ideas like "Kun·Peng" may have been created before, but only "artistic" entrepreneurs and wealthy people like Qu Li could implement them.

Kunpeng is soaring. This is Qu Li’s intention for the future. There is no way that Xiaopeng Motors’ bad words can bring down the image of “Tesla”.

The entire team still needs time to adjust, and underwater photography technology and personnel need training. Qu Li is busy with his own things first, such as attending the IT Leadership Summit.

Ma Yun was caught up in the Industry and Commerce Bureau this time and did not come, so she posted a video. He is a master of word creation, and this time is no exception. With IT, he wants to toss a DT. Qu Li listened for a long time and didn't know how he defined DT.

Then there are all the big guys bragging. Some want to hand over half of their lives to their partners, some say that everything is connected to the Internet, and some say that the trend is speculative theory, and they need to be down-to-earth in cooperating with traditional enterprises. Those speeches were just like that. The key is that Yu Dazui finally appeared on the stage. As soon as he opened his mouth, he identified three outlets: wearable devices, smart home and vehicle systems.

A person's success has a lot to do with his cognition. Yu Dazui later added a lot of qualifiers to "far ahead", which was actually suspected of deceiving consumers.

Of course, China is very relaxed in this regard, and the copywriting of mobile phone companies is better than the last. Anyway, as long as you use a lot of qualifiers, you can always find a place that is "far ahead".

However, the excellence of Yu Dazui and Juhuachang is also obvious, but do you keep an eye on Glory for Mao and move forward in the direction of Glory's development?

Someone asked Yu Dazui about this issue. He said: "We must enter the field of high-end products from China's cheap electronic products. I want to enter this field. We have always been adhering to this spirit..."

"But Glory has already done it?"

"China can't have just one Honor?" Yu Dazui

Although Qu Li does not believe that corporate competition is a zero-sum game, the success of one company will definitely affect other companies.

Before Honor, no Chinese company had ever successfully produced high-end products. Many people in China studied Honor and discussed the reasons for its success, why consumers are willing to pay, and whether the Honor model can be replicated.

The initial Honor mobile phone obviously did not have much technical content, and the number of patents was mediocre. It encountered many patent lawsuits. Until now, there is not a year without lawsuits. How can it survive to this day and become a successful company?

Some people say it’s because of the high profits of Honor mobile phones, some say it’s because of the support of Google and Qualcomm, and some say it’s because of the support of Google and Qualcomm, and some say that the Honor team is strong and has focused on technology from the very beginning. Li Yinan, Zhang Yaqin, and Lei Jun were all well-known talents before joining Honor.

So does Glory succeed first and then make money, or does Glory first make money and then succeed?

"I don't know, but I know, most of the time I am not short of money." Qu Li answered everyone's questions in this way, some chicken thieves, others think that after the success of Glory, he is not short of money, only he knows that the success of Glory Before, he was not short of money. If he hadn't used his own money to subsidize Glory in the first place, how could he have kicked Zhou Shaoning out?

If there is any domestic company that can do high-end products, many people believe that it is Chrysanthemum Factory, because now large and small articles on the Internet are telling consumers that if it was not for the help of Chrysanthemum Factory back then, it would not be possible to succeed without the glory of patents.

You don't need to think about who is spreading these things. Fortunately, Honor is the industry leader in both operating systems and chips. Many innovations in the smartphone industry are led by Honor. Crown scheme.

Honor Kirin's "bionic chip" has also become a hot spot on the domestic Internet, with both industry experts and netizens discussing this product. Some people say that Honor is heading in the wrong direction, some say that NPU is just a gimmick, and others say...

Technical issues are only one aspect. Honor’s art design capabilities and publicity model mean that Honor and the Marvel Super Universe are considered a “perfect match.”

Regarding the success of Glory, Juhuachang or Yu Dazui has studied a lot, because if Glory can do it, Juhuachang can also do it. It's just good luck. Anyway, he is not convinced.

Chrysanthemum Factory is not the only one who is dissatisfied. Even companies such as Think, Coolpad, and ZTE have started anew and tried high-end routes with new brands, but it has no effect.

Qu Li didn't speak much, and Ma Yun didn't come. I felt that this IT leaders' meeting was not "lively" at all. This is okay, everyone still needs to rush to the meeting. The summit here is over, and there is still an annual meeting in Boao.

The theme of this meeting is: "Towards a Community of Shared Future and Create a New Future for Asia." Well, this is the theme of a certain boss's speech.

Qu Li and Lu Qi came to Boao on behalf of Jumei and met an acquaintance. Bill Gai, who attends meetings everywhere, participated as expected and talked about artificial intelligence and driverless driving with domestic big shots.

No matter how much discussion there is at the Boao Conference, the focus is always on the Belt and Road Initiative and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, calling on everyone to cooperate. Of course we need cooperation. Without cooperation, how could Jumei successfully enter the Southeast Asian market? (end of this chapter)

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