Reborn Entrepreneurial Giant

Chapter 484 Whole House Smart Home

It would be a lie to say that it is not difficult for Honor to build an Internet mobile phone brand. Different thinking logics will lead to different development models. Glory's situation is a bit special, whether to cooperate with Jumei or do it yourself, we'll have to wait.

Glory reported other things one by one, the drone balance car actually made a profit, and the sales revenue of drones exceeded 100 million US dollars in 9 months. It's a pity that the balance bike is very well-known, but because of safety issues, it has been criticized, and sales have been greatly affected. So now it is only sold in Honor physical stores, which has increased consumer education. If you add electric skateboards, this part of the revenue also exceeds 100 million US dollars.

Around 2011, the digital camera market was very prosperous, selling 100 million units a year, and with the financial and technical support from Honor, the competitiveness of Pentax cameras has been greatly improved, and the domestic popularity has greatly increased, which can be regarded as profit.

"Digital cameras will definitely be eliminated by mobile phones, so why not think about it?" Qu Li didn't want to discuss this topic, and quickly invested in high-end SLRs after making money, making action cameras for drones.

Next is earphones and speakers. After all, beats earphones are not our own. The disadvantages of wired earphones are too great. There is no "true wireless" Bluetooth earphones. We will not make our own brand for the time being, but we can have voice speakers. But their Klun is artificially retarded, what should I do?

"Voice speakers still lack enough music resources..." This is reality

"Should we make music products ourselves, or cooperate with copyright owners?"

Apple has the iTunes Store, and Amazon and Google have their own streaming music software. Not to mention the complexity of music copyright, Honor has no advantage.

"EMMI Music went bankrupt, and it seems to be split into a copyright company and a record company. If we want to make streaming music, it may be a good opportunity."

Whether it is acquiring music copyrights or signing a copyright cooperation agreement, this is a good opportunity.

"We could also invest in Spotify, the streaming music company..."

Everyone has different opinions. In addition to music, news, audiobooks, online shopping, and asking about the weather, the services provided by speakers can only be regarded as low-frequency functions, and the rest of the interaction is simply a disaster.

"It's too early to say these things now, Klun is not perfect enough, the voice recognition ability is a bit weak, wireless routers are not popular enough, and the conditions are not mature enough..."

"We can't make network speakers, we can make car speakers..."

"What is the purpose of our voice-controlled speakers? A product or a network control core." Someone asked Qu Li

"I want to make smart home products for the whole house, but I feel that this industry is very complicated, and we may not have that appeal..." Qu Li said hesitantly. The whole house smart has been called for many years, but the progress is slow. Most young people People are trying, and the future market may be huge, but I don’t know how long the market will be cultivated. The voice speaker does not seem to play the role of the control core. In the future, will the home appliances be controlled through WIFI or 5G?

Smart home, when you hear the name, you know that the market is huge, and there are many products that can be made, such as sweeping robots, lighting, heating and ventilation, door locks and security...

So everyone is divided, some people want to do it, some people think it is unreliable, how easy it is to make a smartphone, the direction and goals are very clear, and the market potential is still huge.

Wall Street investors have different views on the potential of Honor. The market value of Honor once again fell from 150 billion US dollars. It fell for several days in a row. fall. Do you think that as market competition intensifies, everyone's profit margins will go down?

The most successful product of Honor is the smartphone, and then it entered the tablet and notebook computer markets. Drones and self-balancing vehicles are niche products, and I haven’t heard that Apple is going to get involved. As for electric/smart cars, they are still being explored and no conclusion has been reached. The whole house smart home has a lot of market potential and investors' imagination.

"No matter how secure the issue is, it must be connected to the Internet. Hacker attacks are no joke."

If we really want to popularize the intelligence of the whole house, hackers can even remotely "kill benevolence" through the network, just like 365 security guards can break through the security defense of Tesla cars. As long as the Internet is connected, there is no absolute security, but how big is this risk? What does public opinion think?

It seems that Qu Li is optimistic about autonomous driving. The legal and moral risks are not as great as imagined. If assisted/autonomous driving is really popularized, the number of road traffic accident deaths can be reduced from 60,000 to 6,000, and insurance costs will be reduced from several thousand to 6,000. The yuan has dropped to a few hundred yuan, regardless of the country and consumers know how to choose.

"We can arrange a smart host in the consumer's home to achieve signal coverage in every corner through the whole house network..." Qu Li came up with another idea

"What smart host?"

"PC computer, but it can be a self-developed chip and operating system..."

After Qu Li finished speaking, all the people in the room looked at him, this idea is simply absolute.

No one spoke for a while, Qu Li was a little puzzled, what's wrong?

"Please keep this passage secret, even if you are rational, you are not allowed to say it..." Glory CFO Chen Jingqiu stood up and said this

"Well, I will arrange the compliance department..." Lei Jun reacted

"Is this necessary?" Qu Li didn't know why.

"Your whole-house smart idea may create an ecological closed loop bigger than Apple's IPhone..."

"..." This time it was Qu Li's turn to be shocked, is it possible? Does the whole-house smart home solution of Chrysanthemum Factory really have such great potential?

"But the implementation is very difficult, and it may not be smooth."

"If you really want something simple, someone has already done it."

"I think it may be a better choice to make it an open source framework, or to lead a standardization organization."

"If we really want to open source, what about our profit model, selling products or selling technology?"

"There are so many home appliance companies in the world, if our user scale is not large enough, how can they adapt, but without the cooperation of these home appliance companies, how can we build a complete home appliance ecosystem?"

Qu Li once again broadened the imagination space of the whole house's intelligence, but it also made the internal differences bigger. Everyone has a reason.

Seemingly beautiful things may not necessarily have a bright future. Qu Li doesn't know the future of the whole house smart home, so even if you want to do this, you have to do it step by step. For example, first complete the whole house network , to achieve full coverage of router WIFI signals.

There is also Klun, the voice assistant: "Our goal is not to surpass Siri, but to make it smarter..." Maybe Klun, which is connected to chatgpt, is the real intelligent voice assistant.

The Honor meeting continued, and everyone discussed a lot, such as fingerprint recognition and face recognition, but none of them are as important as the whole house smart home.

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