Reborn Entrepreneurial Giant

Chapter 452 Difficult Cooperation

Shopee's Chinese employees account for no more than one-third, and now it is almost the same as a pure Silicon Valley company. However, because of the existence of the middle platform, various program codes can be used universally, and low-quality codes will be disgusted and forced. Domestic programmers are making progress.

How many people in Shopee can understand the policy that Tan Lijun doesn't understand? Qu Li held a management meeting, also based on the principle of Context not Control, to let employees understand his ideas and goals, and let them actively cooperate with Jumei.

Qu Li didn't like management in the first place, so he chose this lazy method and let the employees manage themselves. As long as the money is enough, most people can take the initiative.

"Tongda Network is a logistics technology service company, not only to serve Shopee, but also to serve Shopify well, and to improve the lower limit of logistics and distribution..." Qu Li made some remarks on Jumei's acquisition of Shopify and the establishment of Tongda Network at the Shopee headquarters. Explanation, including the positioning of Shopee.

"We want to achieve global procurement and global sales. The lack of logistics and distribution capabilities is always a shortcoming, but Amazon has done a good job. The cost of self-built logistics in the United States is too high. To do a good job in e-commerce retail, Shopee must establish My own advantages..." Qu Li explained the ternary theory of price, product and service: attract users through low prices, and retain consumers through products and services.

A unified understanding cannot be achieved in one meeting. Qu Li stayed in Silicon Valley to communicate with Shopee's management to understand their situation and adjust their team. In fact, Qu Li didn't want Amazon to compete in the United States. It would be too difficult, but the United States is a global talent center. Apart from the high cost of starting a company here, it is a competitor, and other advantages.

Companies that grow up in Silicon Valley are naturally multinational companies. Jumei may become the next Goudong by relying on its business model, but if it wants to surpass Goudong, it must make up for the shortcomings of talents. With the international market and the talents of Silicon Valley , he can deal with the impact of Ari Taobao, Yihaodian, and Yixun calmly.

When Ruanmeibi is internationalized (freely convertible), entrepreneurs who grow up in the Chinese market in the future will inevitably have more people with an international perspective, and each generation will be stronger than the next generation. This is inevitable in a stable social environment. It is really not a dream for Chinese post-00 entrepreneurs to become the protagonists of the post-Internet era.

Qu Li's international thinking was half active and half passive at the beginning, and now he is proactive. Time WeChat and Instagram are the embodiment of his international thinking.

Different from Zhang Yiming's cautiousness, Huang Zheng's internationalization is more radical than Qu Li's. He directly established a branch in Silicon Valley and formed a team. It's not because WeChat has a high market share in North America. It's for user experience. If the server is not located in the United States, it is difficult to ensure that users in Europe and Asia-Pacific have a good user experience.

Different from the low profile of WhatAPP, WeChat has the help of Qu Li, and has a higher ranking in the KOS store. He has recommended both Instagram and WeChat on Twitter, and has other help. The countries and regions where WeChat is now dominant except Chinese women, Dongying, Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Spain. On the contrary, in North America, there are more WhatAPP users.

"WhatsApp is a start-up company. The cost of pushing verification codes for user registration is not low. We can persist. They..." Huang Zheng doesn't think WhatsApp can surpass WeChat.

"Don't underestimate Zhang Xiaolong and Goose Factory, they are very strong."

"I know, because they are strong, there is no need to be afraid..."

There are many reasons for the success of WeChat. One is only a few hundred K in size, and an extremely simple tool is becoming the forefront of the APPStore free version industry. .

"Goose Factory does not invest in WeChat in Pengcheng, does it mean that they have internal problems? The open platform is not so easy to build."

"What about QO diversion?"

"This is only temporary. The lower the model, the higher the probability of using WeChat. This situation is similar in China. We have directly covered it through pre-installation..."

Market development in different regions is different. WeChat succeeded in Dongying because there were no competitors. There was a kakao talk in Kimchi Country. WeChat was not so lucky. In fact, Xiangjiang also has TalkBox, but there is no venture capital support and it does not focus on the domestic market. , is destined to fail to become a climate.

"If this is the case, then we must pay attention to the user experience and the fluency of the software..." Qu Li said some big words

"Well, domestic and foreign are two versions."

"Such a simple division? Different cultural backgrounds, different usage habits, our cultural background is similar to that of Dongying..." Qu Li remembers that the apps occupying the instant messaging markets of Dongying and Kimchi countries have grown into super apps just like domestic ones.

"But Zhongying's APP can't be simply copied from the past, user privacy..." Huang Zheng still pays attention to these things, as if the Pinxixi APP has become a malware in China, but it is much more honest abroad. In China, the function of shaking WeChat and people nearby does not appear in WhatsApp. The development of these two functions has been put on the current agenda of WeChat.

"Then do you think it is necessary to integrate the Instagram function into WeChat? There is also a public account." Qu Li explained a little bit. Although he said that these requirements did not play a role in training the team, there is no way he would not have a shortcut Let's go, training employees is the premise of the success of the enterprise.

The official account can also become the service account of the enterprise, which is very useful. The WeChat circle of friends can be seen as a simplified version of Instagram.

"What about Instagram?"

"I mean let WeChat add a display window to Instagram." Qu Li will not give up Instagram. Facebook has helped Instagram grow into the most popular photo app in the world. WeChat may not be able to replace the role of FB. Moreover, Instagram can naturally be transformed into a short video app. In a sense, Instagram is more important than WeChat, representing the potential of "money ability" in the future of Time.

"Then WeChat is not just an instant messaging app abroad."

Qu Li also has some headaches. In his impression, European and American users like simplicity, and even the APPs of major Internet companies generally occupy less space than domestic ones.

"You are talking about a simple instant messaging app, how many profit models are there? Or is there any possibility of profit?"

"It's hard!" Huang Zheng is not stupid, he is very smart. From the development of ICQ, Yahoo Messenger, MSN and QO, it can be seen that simple instant messaging apps do not make money.

"What about picture social networking and feed ads?" Qu Li demonstrated on his mobile phone. Of course, there are no ads on Instagram now, and there won't be any in the short term, but there will be in the future. Under Facebook, Instagram's advertising revenue will be close to 20 billion US dollars ten years later, surpassing tiktok at that time.

"The development potential is much greater than that of WeChat." Huang Zheng

"That's why I want to use the big to lead the small to promote mutual development." Qu Li

"This is difficult and requires the cooperation of the team that developed Instagram."

"Zhang Yiming is very smart, but you will be under a lot of pressure. You can't be too slow or too hasty. If Twitter and Facebook find out about the photo social market..." Qu Li said hesitantly, fearing that he would not cooperate.

"I will pay attention." Huang Zheng's face was very calm.

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