Reborn Entrepreneurial Giant

Chapter 331 PCCW Progress

Qu Li participated in the first day of the summit, two discussions, and the rest of the activities were just to watch. Someone also asked Qu Li about Zhou Shaoning's joining Nokia, and he replied that he was still in communication. This is not a lie, Honor and Nokia are negotiating.

After the IT Leaders Summit, the confrontation between the Big Four became the focus of media coverage. Qu Li fought against Ma Yun, Li Yanhong fought against Ma Huateng, and there was also a four-party melee, which made the audience cheer.

Of course, netizens who pay attention to financial news and wealth idols are a minority after all, and most people care more about entertainment and gossip. Wang Fei’s "Legend" has spread all over the world through glorious channels, and has been widely spread in Europe, America, Japan, South Korea and Greater China, and quickly became an iTunes music. No. 1 on the store's new song list, and boarded the major music rankings in the United States. The "Legend" MV hits more than 10 million in two weeks on YouTube, successfully reaching the top.

It's a pity that Glory's influence and communication power are far inferior to those of the Spring Festival Gala, and that's it. How long "Legend" can maintain its popularity abroad can't depend on money ability alone.

After Lei Jun returned, there were still many things to do, such as the promotion of Glory, the end of "Avatar" in January, "Iron Man 2" in May, the succession of "Inception" in July, and the World Cup. Messi co-endorsed Glory, but unfortunately they didn't succeed. The next best thing was Ronaldo endorsed the magic series, and Messi endorsed the mate series. They were product endorsements rather than brand endorsements.

The concentrated bombardment of so many advertisements is to allow Honor to achieve brand transformation in 2010, and it is impossible to interrupt it because of the lawsuit initiated by Apple.

Qu Li went south to Xiangjiang, Charlie Li's PCCW was finally going to be sold to him, oh, to Vision Investment. Qu Li went to Xiangjiang to be a witness. He has no time and energy for management, but he will become a board member of PCCW.

"Is there any change in the contract?" Qu Li asked Sun Jianhe

"Li Cha ideally bought Yingda Real Estate at the market price."

"Is there a problem?" Qu Li was puzzled

"The market value of Yingda Real Estate is about 5 billion Hong Kong dollars, and PCCW holds more than 80% of the shares. He can't afford so much money for the time being. And he once wanted to share the cash of Yingda Real Estate..."

"That means he is a penny-pinching person?"

"I can't say that, but he really wants to take advantage of us." Sun Jianhe said cautiously: "There is also the Yingke brand, and he also wants to take it back."

"Forget about the Yingke brand, Yingda Real Estate will keep it." Qu Li didn't want to waste time

"The operating conditions of Keyingda Real Estate are not ideal, and there have been basically no real estate projects started in the past two years..." Sun Jianhe

"It's not urgent. We'll talk about it after PCCW gets it." Qu Li was somewhat disappointed with Charlie Li. Yingke, who didn't want him in the first place, had agreed and regretted it now, ha ha. A businessman is a businessman, the pattern is not big.

That night, Li Charlie held a banquet to receive Qu Li, and people from China Unicom attended.

"I'm very sorry that I didn't do everything I promised you." Charlie Li apologized for keeping the Yingke brand

"It's okay, I didn't want it in the first place." Qu Li said indifferently

"Then Yingda Real Estate?"

"From now on, it will be called Dayan Real Estate!"

"..." Li Charlie didn't expect Qu Li to refuse so decisively. Fortunately, he had experienced many storms and was not entangled in this matter.

"Is the takeover of Pinebridge Capital going smoothly?" Qu Li asked.

"I would also like to thank Yuanjing Investment for its cooperation..." Li Charlie replied, not at all embarrassed, maybe he thought that one size should be equal to one size.

Sun Jianhe and many people from Vision Investment were there. Qu Li had nothing to talk to Li Charlie, so he hid aside. Unfortunately, nowadays, few people would ignore his existence, and soon someone took the initiative to "get to know him".

Although Qu Li can speak English, his level is just that, and his level of Cantonese is even more limited, so it is difficult to communicate with him if he does not understand Mandarin. The point is that Li Charlie's reception was not of high standard, and he felt that he was not worthy of his status, so he left soon.

When Sun Jianhe saw Qu Li the next day, he told him about it: "Later, a few people with appropriate identities came to the scene, and Li Charlie's expression changed."

"What did you say?" Qu Li asked curiously.

"I said that your wealth is not much worse than that of the Li family. He lacks basic respect for you."

"You bragging like this is not to make people laugh and say that we are ignorant local tyrants." Qu Li knew that Forbes released the Global Rich List in March, and Li Bancheng's net worth of 21 billion US dollars was the richest Chinese man for the second consecutive year. These people say they don't care about rankings, but who can give up the benefits of fame? Qu Li really doesn't have as much wealth as Li Bancheng now.

"Haha, it's a bit exaggerated. The main reason is that he has a lot of small movements. Since he doesn't obey the rules, don't blame us for not practicing martial arts!" Sun Jianhe seemed to be full of confidence

"I have cooperation with Changhe, Glory needs them in Europe..." Qu Li

"Don't worry, Changhe belongs to Li Zeju, the eldest son of Li Bancheng, so he won't have any objections."

"Don't meddle in their family affairs. Even if we don't make friends with Li Charlie, we don't want to become enemies with him..." How could Qu Li be arrogant?

"Okay, I'll go find him later and implement the acquisition as soon as possible."

Qu Li will not participate in the next negotiation. Zhang Yiwen is not in Xiangjiang, but Liu Yifei has an event here, and Xiangjiang Film invited her to participate.

"You don't need to be so hungry." Qu Li persuaded her, Xiangjiang Films has collapsed, so there is no good project.

"There are no good projects in the United States, and Huayi didn't give me a chance. If I don't make movies, am I at home every day?" Liu Yifei was somewhat resistant to Qu Li's intimacy. Even though she knew he had a girlfriend, she still flirted with him. Qing, and then go to today.

"It's really not good here in Xiangjiang. They just want to make money. It won't help your career, but will consume your popularity." Qu Li really didn't want her to lose money. It is enough for this kind of LSP, there are other choices, why not do better?

"I don't make movies, so you support me?" Liu Yifei didn't know how to say this, it was too out of character for her: "I'm no worse than her."

"Everyone is unique, you don't have to compare yourself to anyone."

Both Liu Yifei and Qu Li are celebrities, it is impossible to chat in public, they are likely to be targeted by paparazzi, and it is still safe in a five-star hotel. The communication between the two is more than these friendly exchanges, but unfortunately we can't talk about it.

what can i say Of course it is Liu Yifei's career. The vases in blockbuster movies are actually pretty good. What blockbusters have domestic movies produced in recent years?

"Big movies are all related to big directors..." Liu Yifei was a little dissatisfied

It seems that no one of the major domestic directors has cooperated with Liu Yifei. This is really a strange thing. Could it be that they can't see her beauty? Or is she too salty?

"You can make more friends, especially female directors. You can support a few young directors by yourself to make movies you like. Don't worry about money..." Qu Liting took charge.

"How about we collaborate on a movie?" Liu Yifei said on Qu Li's chest

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