Qin Yue was coerced by Xiang Yuwei and swaggered in the amusement park with his ears on.

Passers-by looked sideways at him, a big man with a reluctant expression, shaking his snow-white rabbit ears.

A little girl next to him kept staring into his ear and said to her mother.

"Mommy, Mommy. Is this big brother a rabbit spirit?"

As soon as Qin Yue heard this, he immediately took a popsicle and walked to the little girl and squatted down.

"Little sister, do you want to eat this popsicle?" he said, shaking the popsicle in his hand.

The little girl's eyes lit up and she was overjoyed: "Yes, big brother give me the popsicle~"

Qin Yue tore open the package of the popsicle in front of her, and with an expressionless face, he stretched out his tongue and licked the popsicle, completely sticking to his saliva.

When the little girl saw this, her whole face wrinkled into twists, her eyes turned red, and she burst into tears.

"Wow, Mom, Mom! Big brother bullied me, woo woo woo~~crying and crying~"

The parents immediately came over and carried the child away.

Qin Yue grimaced disdainfully in the direction they were leaving.

"You're the

rabbit spirit!" "Your whole family is a rabbit spirit!!"

he happily turned around and returned to Xiang Yuwei, who was lining up and preparing to ride the roller coaster.

Xiang Yuwei looked at the people in the car, howling heart-rending in the midst of various spiral ascensions, she was very nervous, and couldn't help but grab Qin Yue's hand.

"Qin Yue, I'm afraid. Can I not go up? I'll just sit down there.

Tang Xiaofu said on the side: "Cousin, you're here, it's too timid to retreat like this, right?"

Qin Yue had an idea and took out a silk scarf from his pocket.

"Yuwei, if you are afraid, you will cover your eyes with a silk scarf, and if you can't see it, you won't be afraid.

Xiang Yuwei grabbed the silk scarf in her hand and smiled beautifully, Qin Yue was really too caring.

"Ding! Xiang Yuwei's heart is moved, the heart rate is +666!"

Tang Xiaofu was hurt by the sour smell of love, and scolded in her mouth, and got on the roller coaster by herself.

Qin Yue also carried Xiang Yuwei to her seat, fastened her seat belt, and watched her put on a silk scarf.

"Aren't you afraid now?"

Xiang Yuwei grabbed the handrail, felt the car tremble, and immediately began to accelerate.

In her ears was the galloping wind, and the people in the car began to howl as they rose and fell, and she felt weightless, overweight, and her body fell from ...... high altitude

Suddenly, the silk scarf was blown off by the wind!

As soon as she regained her vision, her heart raced and she closed her eyes tightly.

A large, warm hand silently touched her eyes and helped block her vision.

It wasn't until the car stopped steadily that Qin Yue put down his hand.

"Frightened, right?" Xiang

Yuwei was still a little frightened, and her whole body stiffened.

Her hair was messy, and her clothes were a little disheveled, Qin Yue helped her tidy it up and took her to sit on the side of the road for a while.

Tang Xiaofu searched for a long time, and finally found the two of them in the corner.

Xiang Yuwei's face was pale, and she grabbed Qin Yue's hand tightly.

"What, it's scary to ride a roller coaster? Hasn't my cousin been on it before?" Tang Xiaofu came over in a hurry.

Xiang Yuwei was already much better, and said to Qin Yue with a smile: "It's almost lunchtime, let's go find a restaurant, right?"

Tang Xiaofu hurriedly replied: "Okay, cousin, I know there is a particularly delicious hand-made meatball here, let's go eat it!"

She jumped up and down in front to lead the way.

Qin Yue and Xiang Yuwei followed behind.

In fact, before getting on the roller coaster, she thought she wouldn't be so scared, but she still underestimated her PTSD.

The moment she fell, she felt as if she was back in the car.

The moment she fell off the cliff had been repeated countless times in her dreams.

But since she found Qin Yue, she hadn't had a dream like that again.

I thought that the fear had been cured, but I didn't expect that it was just hidden, and it didn't disappear completely.

Seeing that Xiang Yuwei had been covering her heart, Qin Yue frowned and worried.

He quietly ran to a roadside stall and came back with some shopping.

Entering the meatball shop, as soon as everyone sat down, Qin Yue put a big box in front of Xiang Yuwei.

"Yuwei, open it and take a look.

"What, a surprise for me?" she smiled as she opened the box.

There were actually two pink magic wands inside, she picked them up and waved them, pressed the button, and a familiar piece of music played.

“...... Balala energy, Salosara, the little demon fairy's whole body turned ......"

She was stunned, and the entire store turned their heads to see them playing with magic wands.

Tang Xiaofu came back with meatball soup, and when she saw the gift that Qin Yue gave Yuwei, she was so frightened that she almost tripped over herself.

"I'm dripping mom, isn't it, Brother Qin, you gave my cousin a magic wand??You are all adults!What kind of toys do primary school students play with?" Tang Xiaofu continued to mend the knife, "I don't think elementary school students can play like this!"

Xiang Yuwei was still waving the magic wand, and it seemed that she was having a good time.

"No, Qin Yue gave me a magic wand, I like it~ He just gave me hundreds of thousands of bags, and I won't be so happy. Actually, I also love to watch the little demon fairy now.,Some time ago.,Just finished brushing the twentieth time.。 Xiang Yuwei said lightly.

Tang Xiaofu's meatballs fell into the bowl in shock, splashing the soup on her face.

"Isn't it...... Cousin, do you really like to watch the little demon fairy? I have nothing to say, you two are a perfect match.

Xiang Yuwei looked at Qin Yue gently, a little curious in her heart.

"Qin Yue, how do you know, I like the little demon fairy? She was a little teasing.

Qin Yue had already thought of a reason.

"In the morning in your room, I noticed that there were a lot of little demon fairy figures in your glass cabinet, and there were also a lot of little demon fairy comics hidden in the bookcase. It's not hard to guess what you like.

"I see. Yuwei lowered her head shyly.

It's amazing to have someone by your side, paying such attention to her in such detail.

She was a little moved.

"Ding! Xiang Yuwei's heart is moved, the heart rate is +520!" Tang

Xiaofu looked at their ambiguous atmosphere, as if grasping some gossip.

"Oh Huo~ I still caught it. Brother Qin slept in your room last night, did you two hehehehe~"

Tang Xiaofu said that Yuwei's face was red.

She quickly grabbed a meatball and stuffed it into her big mouth

!"Hurry up and eat yours!

Although Tang Xiaofu has a lot of broken words, she has a strong ability to warm up.

If it was only her and Qin Yue, she would be so introverted that she would not be able to hold back a word for a long time.

That would be embarrassing.

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