After the meeting, they all went back to their computer desks to get to work, and although they were both Alexanders, if they didn't do anything, the pressure would be even greater.

Qin Yue is not really very strict, strict to the point of excessively squeezing labor, if he is not sure, it is impossible to make such a request to them.

It's just that the members of their studio don't know their own potential, which is much bigger than they imagined.

Everyone was working, but Qin Yue saw that Xiang Yuwei took out a ball of things from her duffel bag, and after that, she left the living room and ran to the garden.

Qin Yue followed curiously, and found that she was bent over, shoveling soil with a small shovel in the flower bed, her movements were very clumsy, and she was particularly strening, and she had to lie on her stomach all the time.

When Qin Yue saw this, he immediately went over to care.

"Are you planting things? Sure enough, even if you move, it can't stop my eldest lady's enthusiasm for planting flowers. He teased and took the shovel from her hand to help her dig the soil.

Xiang Yuwei slapped the dust off her hands and smiled: "I bought a lot of hyacinth bulbs from Mr. Xu before. I didn't have time to plant them, and I was just about to move, so I brought them all with me.

"Hyacinth. Speaking of which, the first time we met, you were holding a bunch of hyacinths. Later, you told me that it was because of Teacher Xu that you liked this flower? When did Teacher Xu's boyfriend die?" Qin Yue's seemingly casual question was actually a cliché.

Xiang Yuwei was a little puzzled: "Qin Yue, why do you suddenly want to know about Teacher Xu?" Anyway, you also asked me a few days ago, if Teacher Xu was not what I imagined before, did you want to hint at me at that time?"

"No, just casually. Don't think about it. Teacher Xu has such a good relationship with you, if I doubt her, it will be too bad.

"Qin Yue, if you don't want to say it, forget it, but I can still answer your question. Xiang Yuwei didn't continue to ask, "The year Mr. Xu's boyfriend's accident happened, I remember it was eight years ago. At that time, they were already engaged, and there were less than three months before the wedding.

"Eight years ago. finally was about to enter the palace of marriage, but was caught off guard by this flying disaster. The last time I went to Heping Street, I saw that Ms. Xu had closed the flower shop, so I helped her move something, and there was a portrait of a man in her studio at that time. Qin Yue said lightly.

Xiang Yuwei was a little surprised, she didn't know that Teacher Xu had closed the flower shop.

In fact, she hadn't been to that flower shop for a long time.

"Mr. Xu likes that shop very much. Even if she loses money, she drives it. I didn't think she would turn it off, she should have something very important to do. Xiang Yuwei thought thoughtfully, "Qin Yue, is the portrait of the man you saw?" Xiang Yuwei

flipped out her mobile phone, poked and poked, and pulled out a photo to show him.

The man in the photo looks plump and handsome, with tanned skin, standing in the sun, smiling heartily, with his photographic equipment behind him, and the endless Gobi Desert as far as the eye can see.

The shot in the lower right corner was taken ten years ago, two years before his death.

"It's him, I was in Mr. Xu's studio, and the painting I saw was painted on this man, yes. Qin Yue nodded.

Xiang Yuwei smiled and sent the photo to Qin Yue's WeChat, she seemed to know that Qin Yue needed this photo, but she didn't ask what he wanted this for.

"The photo was taken secretly by Teacher Xu when I was a child. Brother Zhong was still there, and I often watched the two of them show affection in the studio. At that time, I was very envious, envious of their pair of winged birds, they were the most perfect pair I have ever seen. It's a pity that many things in the world are not perfect, if I can, I hope that God can give Teacher Xu a chance! Let her meet the lover she has been dreaming of.

Xiang Yuwei said these words very emotionally, she felt that she had no regrets in her own life, she could meet Qin Yue, and she could meet so many friends who fought side by side.

Even if her leg doesn't get better, she won't be greedy for more.

She is already very happy, but there are still so many unfortunate people in this world.

She hopes to share her happiness with those who need it.

Qin Yue silently put the seed bulbs of hyacinths into them one by one, buried them in the soil pit he had dug, and after making them, he watered the bulbs.

"Don't be fooled. Teacher Xu must have her own happiness, she is your teacher, then she is also my teacher. I will bless her with you. After Qin Yue finished speaking, he pushed her wheelchair and led her into the living room.

Everyone was busy for an afternoon, Qin Yue finished writing the code, stretched his stiff body, clicked on WeChat, and saw the photo Xiang Yuwei sent him.

Although he didn't expect to find any clues from this photo, he subconsciously uploaded it to a search engine that recognizes pictures.

Qin Yue didn't hold out much hope, but this search really allowed him to find something.

"This photo has actually been used in the news. Zhong Yannan turned out to be a very famous field photographer, photographing a lot of natural scenery and some wild animals. The photos he took have been on National Geographic several times...... "

Qin Yue browsed the news, and his reports, all the descriptions, gave him his first impression, that is, this man, he is a young talent.

Legend has it that the neighbor's child is highly educated, smart, talented, famous, rich, has an equally beautiful and famous girlfriend, and is very handsome.

But he himself, after only going through the first half of this script, quit, and he became a person who could only live forever in photos and other people's memories.

Through this photo, Qin Yue also accidentally discovered Zhong Yannan's blog account.

In the past, people used the most social software, which was basically a certain Tianya forum and a certain blog website.

Some intellectuals like to write blogs at length, but Zhong Yannan is a person who loves to record life.

Since the day he signed up, his blog has published a long article almost every week, accompanied by a few photos, and published his daily thoughts, and has written more than 100 articles in total.

As a well-known public figure, he also has close to 10,000 followers.

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