After opening Xu Kongkong, Qin Yue also sat back in front of his computer desk.

"Silly wood, there are some things that you know in your own heart, and you don't have to say it. Especially, don't let Yuwei know. She is a delicate person, and a little wind and grass will make a lot of cranky thoughts. I don't want her to be annoyed. Qin Yue deliberately admonished two sentences.

Dumbwood is also a smart man, and he quickly understood what he meant.

"Brother Yue, I understand. I won't talk too much in the future. However, there are some questions that I am more confused about. When I checked the information before, I found out. The information on the construction of this villa area is somewhat inconsistent with the story told to us by the old village chief at the foot of the mountain.

"What do you say?"

said the old village chief said that a few years ago, an artist came here, and the artist fell in love with this mountainous area, and finally attracted investment, so he deliberately came to this border to engage in real estate. However, the information on the Internet does not mention the slightest information about this artist. "Dumbwood was a little confused.

He is actually very similar to Qin Yue to a certain extent, they both belong to people who will drill the horns when they encounter problems that they can't understand.

Qin Yue naturally checked the information of the villa area, but because the villa was provided to Yao, relatively speaking, he didn't have so much defense.

The suspicion is so serious that it is necessary to investigate the matter clearly.

But being reminded by the wood, he also became curious.

"It's funny. I'll look for the information about this villa area again when I have time, if you have any gains, share it with me, okay?" Qin Yue patted him on the shoulder.

Dumbwood nodded in agreement.

Qin Yue walked to the door and carried the rest of the luggage with the head of the house, and the things in the truck were almost done. They are negotiating with the driver to balance the remaining money.

At this time, there was a young lady in her thirties, dressed in casual clothes, who peeked curiously into their house.

After a while, the other party finally couldn't hold back his curiosity and stepped forward to ask.

"Excuse me, are you the new owners of this villa?

After all, in this kind of border mountainous area, a group of city people suddenly come to live together, no matter how you look at it, it is easy for people to misunderstand whether they are engaged in some illegal organization activities.

Qin Yue was keenly aware of the other party's suspicions, and shook hands with her with a smile: "We are new residents, and this is the house we rented. Don't be afraid, sister, we are an independent game studio, and we are working on a new game recently, so we want to find a place to work in a good environment. I just happened to find this place.

After listening to the explanation, the eldest sister breathed a sigh of relief.

"I see. Sorry for the offense. Let me introduce myself, my surname is Liu, and my name is Liu Xue. You can just call me Sister Liu!" Liu Xue looked very enthusiastic.

"Sister Liu also lives here?" Qin Yue inquired about her up and down.

Liu Xue looks very simple, and the clothes she wears are also dozens of yuan on the ground, she doesn't look like a rich person who can live in this kind of six-million-dollar mansion.

Liu Xue smiled heartily: "Wrong! I'm just a person who shows people houses." The building I live in is right next door to you, and I've lived here for seven years. I've been living here since the house was built. But that house is not mine.

"It turns out that there is also a profession of helping people look after houses?" Qin Yue deliberately pretended to be stupid, thinking about putting a few more words into her mouth.

Liu Xue really continued: "There are so many rich people, of course there are also people who hire people to look at the house." The house you rented, as far as I can remember, has never been occupied, but a special cleaning team comes to clean it every month. You should be the first to live here.

"No wonder it's so clean, there's not even a bit of green algae in the pool." The head of the house was thoughtful on the side.

Liu Xue chatted with them for a few words, and she said a lot of gossip news about this villa area, saying that there are a total of ten houses in this villa area, and five of them are currently idle.

The owners of the remaining five houses have their own quirks, and everyone lives in seclusion, almost all of them are a group of people who don't like to make friends.

But yes, people who like to socialize can't live in this uninhabited mountain, and those who can stay and live must be people who are very lonely in their bones.

"I'm kind of approachable. The owners of the third, fourth, and seventh buildings are rarely seen in ordinary times, and only occasionally when they come out to buy, can they see their true colors. Anyway, you'll be staying for a long time. There's definitely a chance to run into it. "

Liu Xue is quite enthusiastic, living in this mountain for so long, her psychology has not become autistic, and it is indeed rare for someone to be so enthusiastic about outsiders.

Liu Xue lived in the ninth villa, while Qin Yue and the others lived in the tenth villa.

There were people in the remaining three, four, and seven buildings, but when Qin Yue and the others came over in the morning, they didn't seem to see the owner of the house.

The moving company's truck drove away, and their moving process was over.

Qin Yue carried a basket of wild mushrooms into the kitchen, which was given by Liu Xue, saying that she picked them up in the forest, fresh ones.

Lin Xiaoguo was in charge of the kitchen, looking at these mushrooms, and fell silent.

"This, these, can you eat them? You won't see the villain if you eat them, right? You won't lie on the board, right?" she really didn't dare to start.

This fungus looks delicate, fresh is fresh, and there is dew hanging on it, but there are too many types, and it is dazzling to see.

Qin Yue picked it and found that there were several kinds of green and porcini mushrooms, as well as red mushrooms and chicken firs, all of which were edible mushrooms, but there were no poisonous mushrooms mixed in.

"These are not poisonous mushrooms, as long as they are fully cooked, there will be no problem eating them. This Liu Xue doesn't seem to be a layman, she has lived in the mountains for seven years, and it is impossible not to even understand the fungus. Qin Yue also came to cook, preparing to make a chicken stew with mushrooms.

The fresh ingredients were given by the enthusiastic villagers under the mountain, and Qin Yue didn't take them in vain, and gave them some money, which was considered a return.

Although the people in the mountains were simple and enthusiastic, and gave them a lot of things, Qin Yue also understood the world, and knew that he couldn't take other people's things for nothing, so he still had to give them some compensation.

Otherwise, when Qin Yue and the others next time, they really need help from others, and the villagers probably hate them to death, where can they still help.

Living in the mountains is particularly good for this, you can eat pure natural ingredients that have absorbed the essence of heaven and earth, whether it is vegetables or meat, the taste is different from the ingredients produced in the greenhouses and farms in the city.

A dish of chicken stewed mushrooms, without adding other extra spices, the tempting fragrance that diffused directly woke up Xiang Yuwei, who was sleeping soundly upstairs.

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