"Qin Yue, you are so unserious in front of me, aren't you afraid that your greasy appearance will be seen by other people in the studio and ruin your positive image?" Xiang Yuwei pretended to be calm on the surface, but in fact, she panicked in her heart.

The two of them got along alone, and she couldn't help but think of what Qin Yue told her in Fengwa's house.

He doesn't mind having an ...... before marriage

It was obviously a half-joking sentence, but in Xiang Yuwei's mind, it was played back for a whole night!

That night, she could be said to be trembling and trembling.

Now that the two of them were facing each other, the fear began to stiffen her again.

Qin Yue walked up to her step by step, bent down and got very close to her, so close that he could feel the breath on the other party's body.

His dark and deep eyes seemed to be about to see through Xiang Yuwei, and she turned her gaze away uneasily, not daring to look at him.

"Little Weiwei, I have never had a positive image as a person. I'm not afraid at all to expose my perverted nature. After all, men are like that. More than half of the members of our studio are boys, and when you see the two of us loving each other, you will only be envious and jealous, how can you say more?" When Qin Yue spoke, his heat kept teasing Xiang Yuwei's sensitive skin.

She could smell a mint in his mouth, refreshing and sweet.

Her face was visibly pink.

"Get away, don't get so close to me!" Xiang Yuwei couldn't help but raise her hand to push him away, her eyes pretending to be fierce and glaring at him, "Qin Yue, your method of flirting with girls is really good! I haven't flirted with other girls before, right?"

Qin Yue's face stiffened when he heard this, but he still smiled and said, "I'm self-taught." As soon as I meet you, I know all about love skills.

"Hehe, I don't believe it. Anyway, you lied a lot to me before, how do I know, which of your words is true, which one is deliberately fooling me?" Xiang Yuwei just said casually.

She didn't really doubt Qin Yue, after all, she also knew that Qin Yue was the same age as her, and she was busy with schoolwork, so she didn't have so many opportunities to have a girlfriend.

Moreover, she also asked Kong Kong and Yang Huan, and they all said that Qin Yue had no other girlfriends during his college years.

She naturally knew where Qin Yue's bottom was, so she could joke so lightly.

But the speaker has no intention, but the listener has a heart.

Qin Yue himself was very uncomfortable, as soon as he thought of the romantic debts he left in his previous life, he couldn't wait to take a piece of tofu and kill himself.

Many things have passed, but they haven't completely passed, and when he thinks about it, he still regrets it.

But on his face, he couldn't show any abnormality, and he had to prevent Xiang Yuwei from discovering the abnormality.

"You're still underestimating men. Like our little Weiwei, who looks beautiful and captivating, from the day I became your boyfriend. I've long gone through everything I should think about and what I shouldn't think about in my head. I don't really take action, but I'm not a rookie who doesn't know anything. Qin Yue hooked Xiang Yuwei's chin.

Staring at her delicate lips, she pulled his hand away in annoyance.

"Don't think I'll be so easy to take your word for it, old rascal. Men aren't good things, even if you can hold it now. Can you guarantee 100% that you won't cheat in the future?" Xiang Yuwei was still grinding with him.

Qin Yue squatted down and hugged her, and said in a low voice in her ear: "Don't worry, in this life, my kiss is only dedicated to you alone." If there is the slightest disobedience, I am willing to be thundered by the sky! I will die on the spot and I will give you a vent.

She panicked for a moment, and hurriedly said, "Don't say such a thing! I'm just joking with you, don't take it seriously."

Qin Yue flicked the tip of her nose and smiled: "I knew that my little Weiwei was still very good to me." You can't bear to see me die.

"Oh, that's not what I meant. I believe that you will not betray me, but if you really betray me, I will directly stab you with a knife without the thunder of the sky! Of course, I know you will not do this, this is a mountainous area, even if you want to find a beautiful woman, who else can you find but me?" Xiang Yuwei returned Qin Yue's words to him as they were.

Qin Yue gently stroked her little face, and was about to kiss it, but Xiang Yuwei stopped him with an embarrassed face.

"No...... No!," she said with a blushing face.

"What's wrong? Not satisfied with my kissing skills? If not, we can practice more. Qin Yue grabbed a strand of her long hair.

Xiang Yuwei pouted, her whole face was round and bulging, like a meat bun. Her annoyed look is really cute the more she looks at it.

"I'm not interested in your kiss. Who's going to practice with you, it's less smelly and beautiful!" she glared at him with a fierce face.

Qin Yue stood up and patted her on the head, thinking that with a little coaxing, she would not be angry, but now it seems that this little girl is not so easy to coax.

His gaze fell to the door, and he found two small heads peeping inside.

Tang Xiaofu and Lin Xiaoguo looked at him together, found that they were exposed, and immediately walked out embarrassed.

"Hey, hey. We just want to see how the two of you have discussed, and the room arrangement is going to be finalized tonight, so we can't delay it any longer!" Lin Xiaoguo said.

Tang Xiaofu also nodded: "Yes, yes, you two have been discussing for so long, do you already have eyebrows?"

Qin Yue took the opportunity to say: "This room is good, Yuwei and I decided that this room will not change." "

That's a good dare! I'll arrange it for you!Hahaha! Don't disturb your chat, let's go first!" Lin

Xiaoguo laughed, pulled Tang Xiaofu and ran away.

Xiang Yuwei wanted to interject three times in those days, but the three of them completely ignored her, and no one took her as a thing at

all! "You guys are too much! Without my consent, you will make a decision! Xiaoguo and Xiaofu are too, you are all in a gang! Cooperate to bully me!" Xiang Yuwei scolded and scolded, and the whole person was like a fried little wild cat.

Qin Yue picked her up while she was unprepared, and pressed her heavily on the soft big bed.

Her two hands were held down by him, Xiang Yuwei's whole person was like a panicked little white rabbit, her heart was beating fast, and she was about to jump out!

"You, what are you doing! I, I'm going to call someone!" She spoke with trembling lips, but she didn't have any confidence at all.

Qin Yue's appearance at the moment was really too dangerous.

She didn't dare to struggle at all, for fear of provoking him, and he would be eaten alive on the spot.

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