"Oh, my mom and dad went to town too, and they only come back once a year. It must be fun in the city, otherwise why wouldn't they want to come back to the mountains?" Feng Wa's voice was so innocent.

There was not the slightest complaint against his parents in his tone, and he even wanted to defend them.

Xiang Yuwei glanced at Fengwa, her eyes were full of pity, this little girl is really too well-behaved, she is about to burst with maternal love.

She raised her hand and touched Feng Wa's hair and said, "How old is Feng Wa this year?"

"It's almost seven years old."

"Then you're going to elementary school, right? When you go to school, you'll make a lot of new friends."

"But the school is far from us, and it's an hour's walk. My parents didn't give me money to study, but my grandparents said that they would definitely pool money for me to study.

Hearing this, Xiang Yuwei's face changed: "Didn't they go to the city to work just to make money to support their families? Why don't they let you study?"

"They say that girls are troublesome, and they are not boys, so they don't need to read so many books." Anyway, when you grow up, you can just find someone to marry, and you will lose money for girls to go to school. Feng Wa lowered her head when she said this, and her tone was obviously disappointed.

Xiang Yuwei looked at her, took out a few mints from her pocket, which she gave when she got on the plane, and stuffed the candy into her hand.

"Thank you, sister, you're so nice. Feng Wa smiled beautifully, just a few pieces of candy can make her so happy.

Feng Wa looked at Xiang Yuwei's face under the light, and little stars flashed in her eyes.

"Sister, you look so good. You're the best-looking person I've ever met, better looking than the big stars on TV!" she complimented sincerely.

Xiang Yuwei was a little shy by her praise: "How can it be so exaggerated." When Fengwa grows up, she will become as good-looking as her sister!"

"Hehe. Sister, you don't have to comfort me, I am black and fat, where is my sister white and beautiful. The big fat and chubby in the village, they all said that I was ugly, like a sweet potato egg!

" "cough cough cough cough ......" Xiang Yuwei was so choked that she couldn't speak, where is there such a slander of a girl's appearance, the little children in this village are too rude.

Take a closer look at Fengwa's appearance, with good facial features, and a pair of Peugeot double eyelids, black is a little darker, but it is a very healthy complexion, and her smile is very bright, and she must be a lively and confident natural beauty when she grows up.

"Okay, don't listen to those bastard boys, when you grow up, it's too late for them to chase you!" Xiang Yuwei's first impression of Fengwa is very good.

She has liked children since she was a child, and even moved the idea of becoming a kindergarten teacher, she thinks that children are simple and cute, and there is often no prejudice and discrimination against people and things.

After talking so much with Fengwa today, her impression of this remote village is actually good.

Although it is backward, the economy cannot keep up, and the ideology is not civilized, the relationship between people is still very sincere.

They are about to spend three months in this mountainous area, and it is definitely necessary to deal with the people in the village and establish a good relationship in advance.

It was late at night, on the small bed, Xiang Yuwei put Feng Wa in the innermost part of the bed, she was in the middle, and Qin Yue stayed at the very edge.

The three of them squeezed into a big pie, which can be said to be tightly fit, leaving no gaps.

Feng Wa, the little child, quickly fell asleep, Qin Yue looked at Xiang Yuwei lying in his arms, and raised his hand to brush the messy bangs on her forehead.

"Qin Yue, haven't you slept yet?" Xiang Yuwei noticed his movements and quickly said.

"You didn't sleep, you didn't sleep either.

"I'm a little bit in love with the bed, this kang is so hard, I really can't sleep."

"I'm so tired today, and you are sleeping like a dead pig on the plane, so let's get some rest." It's good to close your eyes and refresh yourself. Qin Yue persuaded her to go to bed early.

She suddenly raised an arm and wrapped her arms around Qin Yue's neck.

By the moonlight, Qin Yue saw her slender eyelashes flickering, and a pool of streamers brewing in her dark eyes.

"What's the matter, I just don't want to sleep, what's the matter. She chuckled.

Qin Yue raised his big hand and stroked the back of her head carefully, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Are you spring in the middle of the night?" he said coldly.

Xiang Yuwei was so choked by him that she couldn't speak: "You're only in the middle of the night! Fengwa is on the side, why are you so thick-skinned, are you embarrassed to say this?"

"Then don't you think about that, why are you looking at me so affectionately? Qin Yue raised his hand and pinched her fleshy face.

Xiang Yuwei simply turned over and looked at him on his chest, occasionally and sometimes, she always had the illusion that Qin Yue was obviously in front of her eyes, but it seemed to be far away from her.

It was the same before, he deceived her, and secretly went behind his back to investigate the car accident, to investigate Boss Wang and Xiangjia.

She, the client, didn't know anything about the truth, if it weren't for the unexpected encounter with her father in the underground casino, I'm afraid Qin Yue would continue to hide it.

It is true to say that he is scheming and the city government is extremely deep, but the purpose of his doing this, in the final analysis, is also to protect her.

Xiang Yuwei is not a person who loves to play tricks, maybe in the eyes of outsiders, she is very weak and emotional, but she is a person who can distinguish right from wrong.

Her attitude has always been simple, she treats whoever is good to her.

Even if the other party deceives her, but the purpose of the deception is to be good to her, then she won't care too much.

She doesn't like to do it, and she hates misunderstandings with people close to her, but she can tolerate some little secrets.

Xiang Yuwei stretched out her little hand to draw circles on his chest, drawing Qin Yue a little itchy.

"Is it also your plan to leave Greentown this time? Don't be in a hurry to answer first, I know that your original intention in doing these things is to protect me, and I won't ask you why. I only hope you can tell me honestly, did you deliberately arrange for me to leave Greentown?"

Xiang Yuwei looked at him seriously, and the light in Qin Yue's eyes was dim.

He didn't think long before he spoke very dryly, "It was indeed deliberate.

When Xiang Yuwei heard an affirmative answer, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"I knew it was all your plan. I don't blame you, anyway, I stayed in Greentown, and I couldn't help anything, but always held others back. It's good to leave. "

You're not angry?" Qin Yue was a little surprised.

No one likes to be calculated, isn't Xiang Yuwei really angry?

She looked straight at him and said very seriously: "Qin Yue, the only person I can trust unreservedly in this world is you. Even if you calculate me, I believe that you want to be good to me. "

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