After three cups of tea, it's time to talk about business.

"Mr. Zhong, you asked me to come here not just for small talk, right?" Qin Yue squinted at him.

"I came to you to apologize to you. "

Apologize?!" Qin Yue smiled, he thought of countless possibilities, but he didn't expect this, "I thought that only others apologized to Mr. Zhong, and there was no reason for Mr. Zhong to apologize to others."

"I've been targeting you a lot before, and I've really caused you and that little girl a lot of trouble. But since you plan to leave Greentown, you naturally show your attitude. As long as you promise not to sabotage our organization's plans, you will not pose any threat to me. Zhong Wen was quite calm.

Qin Yue nodded: "I understand." You can rest assured of this. I have not the slightest interest in the struggle between you and the Xiang family. If I want to join the battle between the two giants, I will be cannon fodder at most. There's no need to ask for it.

Zhong Wen smiled: "You are self-aware." Then our grievances will be written off first. "

Is it just because I threatened your plan that Mr. Zhong targeted me before?" Qin Yue asked tentatively.

Zhong Wen's hand paused for a moment: "I admit that I have selfish intentions. When I first saw Xiao Ke protect you, I thought you were the little white face she had just taken a fancy to. Men like young ones, and women naturally like small milk dogs. What's more, you are not bad-looking, which makes me feel even more in crisis.

Qin Yue was stunned by this explanation, he didn't think that it would be such a bloody reason, how could he misunderstand that he and Teacher Xu were a couple?

This Uncle Zhong is unexpected, and he is still a love brain.

"Ahem. Mr. Zhong really tormented me, I would never dare to bear this responsibility! Besides, I already have a place in my heart, where do I dare to look at other women, I will be beaten to death by Yuwei when I go back!" Qin Yue said the truth.

Not to mention, he had already signed a contract with the system, and he couldn't be tempted by women other than

Yu Wei, if he did, he would have to go to hell! And he also promised Yu Wei that if he liked other girls, she would really beat him to death! This is not a joke.

After experiencing so much, Qin Yue has also become very restrained in his feelings, he only wants to win the heart of one person, and the white head is inseparable.

Live a small life with your beloved, and everything else is not very important.

Zhong Wen pressed his shoulder: "You don't have to be nervous. I have no hostility towards you anymore. But in the casino, seeing you and your little lover make me inexplicably angry. If you can't get it, you will be easily jealous. At that time, I really thought about breaking up the two of you and letting you taste the pain of love. "

Ahem, cough, ahem......" Qin Yue choked on the tea in his mouth.

Dare to love this uncle because he can't get it, so he thinks about taking revenge on society! It's really outrageous, and sure enough, these people in the mixed road have more or less distorted thoughts.

There's something wrong with your brain!"

Thank you Mr. Zhong for your mercy and let me and Yuwei, a pair of hard-working mandarin ducks, continue to live our small life. I also hope that Mr. Zhong can get his wish as soon as possible and return with a beauty. Qin Yue made a gesture to him, a common gesture in martial arts novels.

This scene is inexplicably weird, but there are not too many good words, Zhong Wen heard it, it is still very useful, and his mood is a lot more comfortable.

"Count your mouth sweet. I'm in a good mood today and can give you a gift. What do you want?" Zhong Wen was very generous.

Qin Yue said without hesitation: "I want to know how Zhong Yannan died, what does this have to do with the Xiang family?"

Zhong Wen's face sank, and he was obviously a little displeased: "You asked a question that shouldn't be asked." "

You said you could give me a gift, I just want to know the answer to this question, can't you?" Qin Yue didn't back down.

Zhong Wen hesitated for a moment, but still said, "Let's change it." Okay, you don't touch our organization's plans anymore, but now you still won't give up the investigation, are you so curious? "

Hey, hey. Mr. Xu also persuaded me like this, but I like to drill into the horns of the bull and think about the problems I don't understand, I always like to get to the bottom of the problem and explore it clearly. If you don't tell me, I'll do my own research. But don't worry, I'm just curious about the truth. You won't be stupid enough to risk your life. Qin Yue made it clear to him, and Zhong Wen didn't pursue it anymore.

"Xiao Ke always said that you are very smart. I'll admit, you're a smart person, but you're too curious, and you don't always get out safely. It's your luck to meet Xiaoke. But if you meet someone else, you may not be so lucky. Zhong Wen left him a reminder.

Before parting, he gave Qin Yue a box of Junshan silver needles, and the taxi driver came to pick him up on time, and he was very surprised to see that he didn't even lose a single hair on his body.

After getting into the car, the driver made a few jokes with a smile.

"Unexpectedly, the eldest brother didn't touch you. Count you brat smart, if you change to usual, it would be good if you didn't lack arms and legs. The driver's tone was much more relaxed.

Anyway, his task was almost completed, so he chatted with Qin Yue casually.

"Is your eldest brother usually in a bad temper?" Qin Yue also chatted with him.

"I can't say it's bad, I can only say that it's vicious! A look can make people shake into chaff. Don't you know, before our new boss took office, the affairs of the organization were all in charge of our eldest brother! He was a vigorous and resolute man, and he once executed more than 20 traitors in one night! Everyone could smell blood in the bed that night. The driver's voice was full of emotion, and it felt like he had experienced it himself.

"It's terrible. So how is the relationship between your big brother and the new boss

......?" Well, this one. It's not good, it's not bad. After the new boss took office, the eldest brother was not so cruel, and there were a lot of Buddhism. Learn to drink tea and read books all day long, self-cultivation. Everyone says that the eldest brother likes the new boss and wants to chase her! Women, they just like that kind of elegant man, and the eldest brother is also learning to change. "

Haha, alas...... It's really interesting. Then you big brother works so hard, you new boss, don't you have any expression?"

"Well, it's not easy to say. Our eldest has white moonlight in his heart, and he ignores our eldest brother most of the time. But sometimes, it's quite intimate, and they will kiss and hug in front of people, but I don't know if I've slept or not. "The driver master broke the news.

Qin Yue's cognition was a little subverted, I thought that Xu Xin didn't like Uncle Zhongwen, but a woman is unlikely to kiss and hug a man she doesn't like, right?

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