As soon as Qin Yue's words changed, Yang Huan became a little interested in his words.

"Brother Yue, do you have any suggestions, but you can give some advice!" Yang Huan looked at him expectantly.

"It's not impossible to do the e-sports industry, it's just that if you want to find a group of new people to train from scratch, I'm afraid there is no guarantee that the final investment will pay off. It's better to switch to a project such as a game live broadcast platform, build a platform, sign a famous anchor to come over, and gradually attract some users. It is also easy to make a platform bigger and stronger, and rely on the traffic of this platform to monetize.

Qin Yue just said some of his superficial opinions, but he didn't expect Yang Huan to hear it, but it was quite useful.

"That's right, Brother Yue! Your suggestion, I'll consider it carefully! To make a platform, it doesn't cost much at the beginning, and when I contact a few friends to show my skills together! When the platform has more anchors, I can also choose some talented people from it to engage in e-sports competitions. I might be able to figure it out. Yang Huan looked high-spirited.

Qin Yue was happy that he could have his own goal.

At his level, he has deeply understood a truth.

Achieving friends, making them better and better, is also achieving themselves.

Doing business and starting a business has never been just about the jungle.

If they can turn enemies into friends and cultivate a few more powerful friends, the resources they will master in the future will also be of great help to Qin Yue.

"You're going to your dad's company, so you can't go to the mountain villa with us. Then are you planning to quit our studio?" Qin Yue squinted at him.

Yang Huan smiled brightly, without a trace of scheming and hiding: "Of course it's impossible! You can go to your mountain villa, I will stay in Greentown, and I can work online! If you do publicity in the later stage, I can also contact friends in Greentown to help. Moreover, when my platform is launched, when the time comes, I will advertise Brother Yue's game in a circle, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds. Hahaha.

Yang Huan's cheerful laughter came from the car, and when the car arrived at the school gate, coincidentally, he met Song Xiangren and Wang Qianqian walking together.

The three of them looked at each other, and the scene was really a little embarrassing.

Qin Yue noticed that Wang Qianqian was originally holding Lao Song's hand, and when she found that Qin Yue was looking at her, she put it down shyly.

Song Xiangren glared at Qin Yue, and complained a little about why Qin Yue came so unfortunate and frightened his goddess.

"Qin Yue, you stayed well in your villa, why did you suddenly go back to school?" Song Xiangren went up and greeted him naturally.

The two of them get along now, like old friends, without a trace of restraint. Yang Huan on the side saw it, and his eyes widened.

"Brother Yue, didn't you two have a very unpleasant quarrel before? It's only been a few days, and you'll be reconciled?" his finger pointed back and forth, and then he found Wang Qianqian on the side, and was even more shocked.

"No, it's not! it's not the madman who came to our villa—" He almost uttered the word "madwoman."

Qin Yue's eyes quickly slapped him on the top of the head, making him stop his rude behavior.

Wang Qianqian was even more embarrassed when she saw this.

She rashly went to Qin Yue's villa to make trouble before, and when she remembered her embarrassed ugliness at that time, her face couldn't help but burn red.

"Well, there's more you don't know. If you have any problems, just drive away first, and I'll go back after delivering the documents myself. Qin Yue patted Yang Huan's shoulder.

Yang Huan muttered something to say, but was stopped by Qin Yue again, and he also chose to leave with interest.

"Okay, Brother Yue, then I'll go first!" Watching

Yang Huan walk away, the three of them walked side by side in the direction of the computer teaching building.

Qin Yue changed into his usual rational posture and spoke to Song Xiangren: "Old Song." Has Zhou Xiaoxiao continued to pester you recently?"

Since the last time I broke up with her in the hospital, I deleted all her contact information and social accounts. I watched her move out of our rental house, and I gave her all the things she had given me over the years. Song Xiangren said extremely firmly.

Wang Qianqian listened on the side, and his words were actually for her.

"What about Miss Wang, has Zhou looked for you again?" Qin Yue looked at Wang Qianqian.

Her body shook and she paused for a moment before she said, "The last time she contacted me was the one I told you." I still have her account on WeChat, but she hasn't contacted me again. "

Oh...... All right.

Qin Yue thought that Zhou Xiaoxiao would not be so easy and gave up breaking up the two of them.

But these days have passed since she was engaged, and Zhou Xiaoxiao has completely evaporated from the world and has not appeared in front of the two of them, which is indeed not like her style.

Did she really have a good conscience and choose to let go?

Before, they were still suspicious that someone was telling her to do this behind her back.

Qin Yue thought at that time that this person who was making small moves behind his back would definitely not give up on them so easily.

But until now, the other party has not made any moves, which is really strange.

Song Xiangren looked at Qin Yue with some concern, he knew that Qin Yue was very smart, but in the face of such a complex force as the two-headed snake and the Xiang family, he still didn't want Qin Yue to take risks.

"Qin Yue, you have decided to leave and go outside to avoid the limelight, I think it's good! Even if you think you're powerful, don't risk yourself, okay? After all, there are people who love you waiting for you. Don't do anything you regret. Song Xiangren said a lot.

Qin Yue nodded silently: "I know." I'm already planning to stay out of it. Whether it's Xiang Jia or the two-headed snake, I don't touch it. You can rest assured about this.

"That's good. Although we had a very unpleasant quarrel before, let me tell you, I really regard you as a friend now! If anything goes wrong, I will have to run to your grave and cry, and crying will wake you up!" Song Xiangren successfully made everyone laugh.

Qin Yue smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, Old Song, who will live longer than whom, keep your tears, go to your daughter-in-law and cry, I'm too lazy to listen to you!"

They talked and laughed and arrived at the door of the teacher's office.

The teacher who handed in the registration form before them was also the one in front of him, and when he saw their arrival, he was very enthusiastic and pulled the three of them to sit down.

"Oh! But I've finally got you here. Look at the dark circles under the teacher's eyes, I stayed up late last night to read the planning book of your two groups, it's really great! Especially Qin Yue's plan, if you make it, let alone win the award, it's no problem to be on the list of indie games this year!"

The teacher touted it, and they were blown up.

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