Qin Yue didn't ask much, even though he knew that Wang Qianqian must have her reason for staying, but before the other party revealed her intentions, Qin Yue didn't plan to startle the snake.

"If you want to stay, stay. But if you want to stay for a long time, I'm afraid we won't be able to satisfy you. In two days, we're going to move somewhere else. Qin Yue folded his hands to look at her, and those eyes seemed to be able to see through the filth in her heart.

Wang Qianqian shrunk her shoulders, Qin Yue's aura was too strong, and she always felt nervous inexplicably when talking to him.

I'm afraid that he will see through something.

"You're moving out, where are you moving to?" she asked.

"I don't need to explain it to you. Do you want to join our studio? Didn't you join Song Xiaocao's studio before? He is not good to you. Qin Yue asked deliberately.

In fact, he already knew that Wang Qianqian had a falling out with Lao Song.

When she heard Song Xiangren's name, her face collapsed in an instant, and the originally delicate and pitiful mask finally couldn't hang up, with a faint sense of anger.

"He, I broke up with him a long time ago. Scum like him, I don't even want to mention it. I'm sorry, I'm not in a good mood, I'll go back and rest first. Wang Qianqian got up and wanted to leave, but her attitude was instantly cold.

Qin Yue leaned back on the sofa, calm as water, and said to her back.

"Do you really think that Song Xiangren is a scumbag? There is no second possibility? He did do a lot of dirty things in the past, but he didn't kill anyone, he didn't set fires, and he wasn't a heinous person. He was so good to you before, you didn't feel the slightest temptation?"

Qin Yue's words instantly set off Wang Qianqian's anger, and her whole body exploded.

"Why should I be tempted by him!! Is my Wang Qianqian so cheap? As long as anyone is good to me, I have to like whom? The surname Song has always just wanted to use me, just like he used Xiaoxiao before! Didn't you have a holiday with him, why do you still help him talk. Wang Qianqian shouted at Qin Yue.

The members in the living room, one by one, their eyes fell on them, and Yang Huan and the head of the dormitory were even ready to restrain Wang Qianqian and prevent her from going crazy.

Qin Yue raised his hand to let them calm down for a while.

In the face of Wang Qianqian's anger, he was very calm, as if this anger was not vented on him.

"Miss Wang, you sit down first and calm down. Is it possible that Zhou Xiaoxiao's words made you have some misunderstandings. I also had a misunderstanding of Lao Song before, but now, I know that he is a person who is willing to repent. He really likes you, otherwise, he wouldn't have made changes for you, and even knelt down to me because of this......"

Qin Yue's words, especially the last sentence, had a strong impact. Wang Qianqian was completely stunned

, what did she hear? Song Xiangren, kneeling down to Qin Yue? Why

, for what

? Can he be a dignified man, kneel down to another person? The other party is still a mortal enemy that she has always hated?"

"You...... I don't believe it, you're lying, you must be lying. She clutched her head and stepped back in disbelief.

"Miss Wang, Lao Song knelt down to me for you, after your mother was shot, he gritted his teeth and knelt down to beg me to tell him in order to get a clue about the murderer from my mouth. You said, he can pay so much for you, how can he just want to have fun?"

Qin Yue's every word hit Wang Qianqian's pain point.

She didn't believe Qin Yue's words, she clearly didn't believe it, but some pictures flashed uncontrollably in her mind.

The handsome young man smiled at him, accompanied her to the grave,

and treated her well with a protective desire. Qin Yue looked at her face and knew that his persuasion still played a certain role.

"Lao Song is indeed sincere to you. And I also advise you, don't believe that Zhou Xiaoxiao's words. I don't know what she told you, but it was nothing more than some crying and words to win the girl's sympathy. That pitiful gesture is just used to bewitch you. In fact, she is a sick girl, although Song Xiangren tortured her, she never only thought about possessing him. You're just being treated like a rival by her.

He made it very clear, and then it depends on how Wang Qianqian makes a choice.

For some people, they have already reached the point of being a Jedi, and I am afraid that they will no longer be able to listen to the advice of others.

Qin Yue persuaded her to turn around and not listen to slander, on the one hand, to protect her own people, and on the other hand, to pull this poor little girl.

Let her not make mistakes again and again.

Every step on the road of life, after taking it, there is no turning back, and the impulse of that step may make her regret it for the rest of her life.

He didn't want another poor person in this world. After all, not everyone can be as lucky as Qin Yue and get the favor of the system.

"I...... I ......"

She stood there with tears streaming down her face, and her whole body was struggling inwardly.

Qin Yue and Zhou Xiaoxiao's words were still intertwined and echoed in her brain, she was too confused, and her already fragile nerves were even tighter.

After a few moments, she calmed down and sat down on the couch again.

"He is on his knees begging you, have you told him? Who is the murderer of my mother. She looked firm when she asked the question.

Qin Yue couldn't help but show a sneer when she saw her struggling for so long, but finally asked this question. Sure enough, this person still can't let go of hatred, it's a pity.

I told him. "

Then why didn't he tell me, and if he really liked me, shouldn't he tell me who the murderer was?" she was a little excited.

"No, you're wrong. He deliberately concealed it in order to protect you. Lao Song didn't want you to go to the moth to put out the fire and die in vain. "

I...... I ......" Wang Qianqian struggled again, she covered her face.

"Don't you know that even if you know who the murderer is, you can't get revenge. Got it, isn't it more painful, more powerless? Old Song just doesn't want you to live in hatred. I think that your mother, if she doesn't tell you the truth, she must hope that you can live well. Be a normal person and have your own happiness.

When Qin Yue said this, Xiang Yuwei came to their side, and one of her small hands covered Qin Yue's big hand.

He seemed to be persuading Wang Qianqian to let go, but in fact, why wasn't he persuading Xiang Yuwei to say this?

They all heard it in their hearts, but they didn't know how she would choose.

That night, Xiang Yuwei led Wang Qianqian to her room to rest, they slept in the same bed, in the middle of the night, Xiang Yuwei slept very soundly, but Wang Qianqian opened her eyes suddenly.

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