"Shut up!!If you talk nonsense again, I'll let you die here!" Xu

Xinke had a little more strength in his hand, and the palette knife was against his neck, the sharp tip pierced into his skin, and a little blood beaded down the cold iron sheet.

"Teacher Xu, calm down, I'm not here to fight for your life. You don't have to be so tense. Qin Yue is colored.

He knew that Xu Xinke would not kill him, but he couldn't rely on this to force Xu Xinke to be anxious.

After all, she is also a ruthless person, if she is in a hurry, he will only kill himself.

Her eyes were deep, and after struggling for a few seconds, she finally let go of her hand and pushed Qin Yue away, and she sat down on the sofa in the studio, regaining her usual laziness and demureness.

Qin Yue's heart finally let go, and when he stepped to the center, he moved a stool and sat down, the two were separated by three meters, and the cold atmosphere condensed in the air.

"When did you start knowing that it was me?" Xu Xinke crossed his legs and looked at him indifferently, as if he had already guessed that Qin Yue would know the truth one day.

There was not a hint of surprise on her face.

Qin Yue was slightly surprised by her indifference, he thought that when this moment came, the other party would at least have a little mood swing, but he didn't expect it to be so calm.

It's calm, as if everything is under her control.

"I'm just a little skeptical. From the first time I met you in the florist, I knew that you were not an ordinary person. Later, I fought with the Two-Headed Snake men, who repeatedly let me go, saying that their boss wanted to protect me. I was wondering, is the Boss of the Two-Headed Serpent someone next to me?"

"Of course not. Qin Yue smiled, "There is a man next to you who likes to wear black clothes. At Wang Qianqian's villa, he put a gun to my head, and I remember him. Later, when I came to the flower shop, I saw a man in black, who looked very similar to him. I followed him all the way, and he was wary of revealing his hiding place. Go to the underground casino, and I see him again, and he follows you, apparently your most loyal right-hand man. "

The person you're talking about is Zhong Wen. He and I, as well as Yan Nan, have been friends since childhood. He dropped out of school before he finished high school and worked under my dad, working from the bottom to the backbone. My dad trusted him and put him in power, and the two-headed snake said it was my leader, but he was doing most of the things.

Xu Xinke took out a cigarette and lit it, white smoke filled it, and her relaxed tone seemed to be gossiping with her friends.

Qin Yue frowned, feeling that this scene was indescribably weird.

Obviously, one second was still tense, but the next second I was able to sit down and talk about the past, the present, and the future.

"Why are you telling me this? I'm just an outsider, the more I know, the safer it will be for you?" Qin Yue asked.

Xu Xinke turned his head to look at him and smiled gently: "Why do you think I will protect you? If I don't protect you, you will die more than once in the villa and in the casino! I let you live, so I never thought of treating you as an outsider." "


" "I want you to live with Yuwei." In place of me and Yannan, live happily. She smiled beautifully, and the words she spat out seemed to be extremely difficult to crack code.

Qin Yue's face was a little ugly, and he couldn't guess what this woman was thinking.

But judging from her expression, she was not hostile, and that smile did not have the slightest scheming and calculation.

In Qin Yue's mind, a thought suddenly flashed, a bold conjecture, and gradually emerged from the fog.

"You, shouldn't you, you've been ready for a long time, you're going to—" The surprise in his eyes couldn't be suppressed.

Xu Xinke made a boo gesture at him, and his voice was as soft as comforting a fried little wild cat.

"Don't worry~ Now is not the time to reveal the answer. All in all, you can go back with peace of mind, take Yuwei with you, and make your own indie game. You are a smart person, and a smart person can make achievements no matter what line of work you go. I believe that under your care, Yuwei will definitely get better and better.

Xu Xinke stood up and carried the tall picture frame downstairs.

Qin Yue followed, not wanting to end their conversation like this at all.

"Wait!Xu Xinke! You left this time, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to talk to you face-to-face like this!!You tell me, what do you want to do next!You cooperate with Xiang Qian Dong, not for profit, but to avenge your lover, right!!It was Xiang Qian Dong who killed him!"

Qin Yue stood on the high stairs, Xu Xinke stood outside the store, closed the door of the truck, and turned his head to look at him.

At that moment, her eyes were overflowing with incomprehensible sadness and anger, as well as her determination to see death as home.

Qin Yue knew that he had guessed correctly.

"Boy, that's the end of today's conversation. I hope we never see each other again. It's good for you and for Yuwei. She smiled goodbye.

Qin Yue was stunned and watched her close the door of the store and get into the small truck, the driver of the truck was the man in black before.

The other party gave Qin Yue a warning look, as if to remind him that there are some things to ask, and some things to end here.

He didn't make any way of it, and just watched them gallop away, and at the end of the road, the taillights came on, and gradually, disappeared into the darkness.

This time I said goodbye to Xu Xinke, and I don't know when the next time we meet.

But Qin Yue's intuition told him that it wouldn't take long.

Driving the van, he walked back to the road, passing by a barbecue stall, he subconsciously picked up his mobile phone, clicked on the studio's group, and sent a few steaming photos to the group.

Program Ape-Qin Yue: "(Picture picture) Whoever wants to eat barbecue, hurry up and report your name! It's outdated!" The

group was boiling instantly, and in the living room of the villa, everyone was talking about it, looking at the photos of roasted chicken wings, roasted chicken legs, roasted eggplant, and roasted leeks and swallowed saliva.

Art-Lin Xiaoguo: "I want to eat meat (-^〇^-)!The group owner buys us meat to eat, feed us more, work enthusiasm, it will rise significantly

!" Copywriter-Xu Kongkong: "Xiaoguo, take care of your big mouth, your weight loss career, you can't give up halfway, eat a bite of barbecue, but you want to gain three pounds......

"Art-Lin Xiaoguo:" Kill your crow's mouth, shut up for me, isn't it itchy again, and you owe a beatingᕙ('▿ ́)ᕗ. "

Copywriting-Xu Kongkong:" (trembling) Grandma spares her life

...... "Modeling-Zheng Kai: "Hahaha 666

......" Propaganda - Yang Huan: "Brother Kong is really rough and thick-skinned, and he is ashamed of himself...... "Art-Xiang

Yuwei: "(covering his mouth and laughing) Qin Yue, after shopping, go home early." We're all waiting for your supper!" "


in the dark.

The bright light of the screen illuminated Qin Yue's face, and he couldn't help but smile as he looked at the happy big family in the group.

No matter where the road ahead, there are always them who are still there for you. Whether it was smooth sailing along the way, or full of thorns, they all had the courage to support them to continue to move forward.

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