After the three of them left the ward, an uninvited guest came to the quiet ward.

Zhou Xiaoxiao hid behind the door timidly, and through the crack in the door, greedily peeed at the pale woman on the snow-white hospital bed.

She held back the smile on her face and covered her mouth tightly, she was afraid that she couldn't help but laugh out loud and alarm the people in the house. took out the mirror from his bag, took the eyebrow powder and painted himself with dark circles, looking sickly and weak.

After doing all this, she pushed open the door, and at this time, her face had been replaced by a sad and aggrieved face.

"Xiaoqian, are you okay, how is your body?" Zhou Xiaoxiao grabbed Wang Qianqian's hand tightly as soon as she went up, and her strength was so great that the other party couldn't pull it out.

She glanced at her with a puzzled look on her face, and after more than ten seconds, she finally recognized this somewhat strange woman.

"Are you...... Xiang Ren's side——

" "Yes! I'm his girlfriend!" Zhou Xiaoxiao decisively blew up her identity, "Xiaoqian, you are too pitiful, you are young, why do you have no mother? You will live with your stepfather in the future, what if he treats you badly."

Wang Qianqian frowned, the way this woman spoke made her a little disgusted.

"Sorry, I'm tired and I want to take a break. If you're okay, go back first. Wang Qianqian gave an eviction order, and she almost blasted this annoying woman out.

Zhou Xiaoxiao wiped a few crocodile tears from the corners of her eyes, replaced them with a sly smile, and took out a voice recorder from her bag.

"Xiaoqian, you must not know what Xiang Ren did before, right? Let me tell you, he owed five million gambling debts before, and in order to pay off this debt, he was willingly supported by a rich woman. Many of the girlfriends he has made are basically focused on their money, and he is not sincere at all!" Zhou Xiaoxiao laughed madly, the corners of her mouth rose, but her voice was trembling.

Wang Qianqian glanced at this crazy woman, she subconsciously didn't believe what she said.

In the last second, she happily declared that she was Song Xiangren's girlfriend, but now she is constantly slandering and smearing him

? Could it be that she regards her as a rival in love? I hope that in this way, Wang Qianqian will "retreat in the face of difficulties."

"I'm sorry, I don't have the slightest interest in what kind of person Song Xiangren is. If you're done, go ahead and don't waste my time. She lay down and covered the sheets.

Zhou Xiaoxiao was prepared for how emotional the other party would be, but she didn't expect that she would ignore the past so lightly.

This made her feel deeply insulted.

"Xiaoqian! What I said is true, I didn't lie to you! Song Xiangren is really a scumbag, you really can't trust him anymore! If you don't believe it, I still have a recording!!"

she pressed the recorder and played the pre-recorded clip.

Song Xiangren's voice came clearly from the recorder, and a gap finally opened on Wang Qianqian's always plain face.

“...... Do you know how I paid off my debts!I'm going to sell myself, I'm going to sleep with those rich women......"

She frowned, rubbing her slightly aching temples and feeling a sense of sorrow.

Was she still deceived?

Deceived by her father.

Deceived by her mother.

Now even her friends, the friends she thought she could trust and rely on, were all cheating on her

?"Yes! I'm right! He's a slut, garbage, scum! He doesn't deserve to be with you at all!!Xiaoqian, do you know? I gave him a lot of money, and he went to work part-time for him, and he was okay, and he kept beating me and scolding me...... I really hate him to death, he must want to hurt you when he is close to you now!Don't be deceived by him!"

Zhou Xiaoxiao vented hysterically, she took off the coat she was draped on, and there were bright red pinch marks on her white arms.

Wang Qianqian was shocked, her heart was shocked, she didn't expect this crazy woman to be so pitiful.

...... tortured like this

"You...... Put your clothes on and don't be seen. Wang Qianqian took the coat, helped her put it on, and took out toilet paper to wipe her tears. Although her demeanor was calm, her heart was already turbulent.

Women are always easy to empathize with women, and Zhou Xiaoxiao's miserable acting skills have indeed reduced Wang Qianqian's favorability towards Song Xiangren to a negative number.

Holding the crying woman, Wang Qianqian comforted her in her ear and said.

"Don't worry. I didn't like Song Xiangren in the past, and I won't like him in the future. Who would have thought that he was such a person, it really disgusted me...... Thank you for coming over to remind me. She patted Zhou Xiaoxiao's back, her voice was so gentle.

Zhou Xiaoxiao lay on her shoulder, choking up, while revealing a wicked smile that had succeeded in her treacherous scheme.

Now, she finally let this woman leave Song Xiangren completely, and from now on, Song Xiangren will be her alone.

What do you say that she is his light, she is his lifeline? It's all bullshit

! Her Song Xiangren doesn't need light, and she doesn't need anyone to redeem him!

He can only, and always will, continue to accompany her in hell, and that is enough.

Zhou Xiaoxiao stretched out countless pitch-black vine tentacles from her heart, dragging the man who tried to climb up to the ground, and pulling her into the quagmire and swamp where she ......

Outside the hospital, Song Xiangren was packing in front of a fast-food restaurant when he picked up his mobile phone and made a call to Wang Qianqian.

There was a light joy in his voice.

"What do you want for lunch? stir-fried meat with green peppers, fried tofu, grilled fish and shrimp. By the way, you are a patient now, you can't eat heavy flavors and barbecue, you have to eat lighter......"

He said for a long time, but the other side was silent, and he was sensitive, and he also sensed the slightest inappropriateness.

"What's wrong, why don't you speak, are you not feeling well?"

Wang Qianqian took a deep breath, and finally said a sentence ruthlessly: "Have you played enough?role-playing games are fun, right?Don't you think I'm a stupid white sweet, I'm very good at teasing?"

"Ah......" Song Xiangren was stunned, he couldn't understand the development of the plot.

But when Wang Qianqian spoke, the determination in her tone made his heart twitch uncontrollably.

"Are you, did you listen to what others said? Aren't you Zhou Xiaoxiao's slut! Don't listen to her nonsense! She is a liar, she is the best at acting and deceiving people!" He panicked, the whole person was at a loss, and the blood in his body seemed to be flowing backwards.

"What kind of thing are you? Who are you to scold her! Song Xiangren, you make me sick. You go, don't appear in front of me in the future. Goodbye!".

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