Xiang Yuwei clenched her hands tightly, her sharp nails pinched into the tender flesh of her palms, and a vicious chill hit her body, as if the blood around her body was frozen and coagulated.

There was a breath of breath in her heart, but she covered her mouth tightly with her hand, she was afraid, she was afraid that she would make a sound, and she and Qin Yue would both be in danger.

She didn't want to cause trouble for Qin Yue!

"It's very uncomfortable, don't you want to cry very much? Don't be afraid, I'm still here, I've always been there." Qin Yue whispered softly in her ear.

He got up, took the woman in his arms, and left the basement of the casino.

As soon as she got out of such a suffocating environment, Xiang Yuwei's whole person relaxed a lot, and she began to lie on Qin Yue's chest and sobbed quietly.

"I'm sorry, Qin Yue. I'm the one who caused you trouble......

"What stupid thing are you talking about? You are my wife, and my wife will always be the first in my heart! Since you don't like it there, then what do we have, is it necessary to stay?"

Qin Yue patted her on the back, shaking her body while coaxing her, like a baby in swaddling clothes.

“...... I didn't expect that my dad would appear here, and I didn't expect that he would say such heartless words! Is it in his eyes, I am just a useless waste, and I can be sacrificed as an abandoned child at any time......"

Xiang Yuwei felt so stupid, she thought that her dad didn't go home, just because he was on a business trip and was busy with work!

The father of other classmates in the school often took his daughter to the playground to play, go on field trips, go to the mountains, and go to the beach to ......

But her father always seems to have a cold face towards her, except for giving her living expenses and buying her gifts, the daily greetings are almost non-existent.

In the past, she thought it was her father's personality, a big boss was so busy every day, naturally he couldn't spare time to spend with his children.

At this moment, she realized that everything was her self-deception!

She was originally a small pet kept by the Xiang family, and this pet was fattened, and when the time came, it was naturally going to be slaughtered and eaten.

How can a pet be delusional that she is the owner's child! How can she

expect to get her father's paternal love, maybe people have never regarded her as a daughter, haven't they?"

Just for that piece of jade rough stone!Will the value of that broken stone be more noble than that of a living person?"

Xiang Yuwei's voice and questioning were all pains that penetrated deep into the bone marrow.

She felt as if she was living in a false world.

My identity, everything I enjoy, what I see, what I hear, are all ...... lies that have been weaved

None of them are true.

Qin Yue grabbed Yu Wei's hand and broke her tight fingers one by one, revealing the tender flesh that was pinched red in the palm of her hand.

He was so distressed that he lowered his head and kissed her palm, and then put her little hand on his hot chest.

Qin Yue's affectionate eyes always looked at her, and Xiang Yuwei found that she couldn't take her eyes off, and she saw a lot of complicated emotions in Qin Yue's eyes.

There is sympathy, there is compassion, there is pity, and there is pure and burning ...... of love

That's right.

It seems that whether it is when she is dazzling, or when she is embarrassed, or when she is in pain, Qin Yue has always been there, looking at her with his hot eyes.

"I, let's go back, Qin Yue. Thank you for bringing me here. It's painful for me here, but it's better to know the truth than to be kept in the dark for the rest of your life, isn't it?"

she lowered her eyes and covered her heart, revealing a weak smile.

Qin Yue looked at her seriously, his lips opened and closed, wanting to say something, but in the end, he still didn't say it.

Just hugged the person in his arms tightly, walked through the stairs of the underground casino, and arrived at the hall on the first floor, just about to step out of the door, but was stopped by the man in black.

Although he was wearing a mask, Qin Yue recognized that he was the man holding a pistol against his head.

"What's the matter? Our two-headed snake's territory, is it your kid who can come and leave whenever he wants? Since you're here, why don't you stay and have a cup of tea first?"

He had an evil smile on his lips, his hands were always in his trouser pockets, Qin Yue knew that there must be a gun there.

Behind the man in black, there were several fierce-looking younger brothers, staring at them like staring at two clumps of fat.

"Don't leave when you come, let's play with the master~

" "Look at the little girl in your arms is so cute, it's not too kind to be alone."

Their eyes stared directly at Xiang Yuwei, and the little man buried his face deep in Qin Yue's chest in fear.

The man in black watched the interaction of their young couple, and for some reason, showed a look of surprise, but this strangeness quickly flashed and returned to coldness.

"Give it to me, catch it alive, don't hurt that woman!" he waved his hand and retreated to the rear, and a few younger brothers behind him came up.

"Okay, big brother

!" "This kid actually dares to sneak into our casino, see how I clean them up!" Several

people came up with a fist, Qin Yue dodged it flexibly, they attacked several times, and after a while, they were already too tired to do anything.

Seeing this, the man in black showed a touch of disdain in his eyes, Qin Yue is really not that simple.

Holding a woman in his arms, his body movements can still be so flexible, and he is dodging the whole time, and he hasn't even made a move

?" "You kid, how capable are you?" The man in black walked up to Qin Yue, and just wanted to say something, but his mobile phone rang.

Looking at the caller ID on the screen, his eyes darkened, so he had to answer the phone.


"Let them go." The woman's voice was firm and decisive, non-negotiable.


"No, but, let them go." Don't make me say it a second time. There was already a slight anger in her tone.

"Good. The man in black reluctantly agreed, and the dissatisfaction in his heart deepened.

"Zhong Wen, no matter how you acted in the past, now, I am your boss, you have to listen to my orders! Next time, you are not allowed to make arbitrary claims. Don't make me angry. "

“...... I see. The

man in black hung up the phone, with an imperceptible killing intent brewing in his eyes, he was very angry, he was very angry, but since the boss wanted to protect the two of them, he would not act openly.

He sighed, glanced at Qin Yue, waved his hand, and let the little brother behind him walk away, making way for Qin Yue.

"Today is your luck, our boss let you go. But next time, you'd better pray that you don't meet me again. Otherwise, who knows what I'll do?"

he pulled out a sinister smile.

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