Xiang Yuwei blushed shyly, stretched out her little hand around Qin Yue's waist and snuggled behind him.

He got the car in his engine, and quickly sped away, quickly leaving the villa area.

Not far away, a masked man with a telescope was spying on, noticed a man and a woman leaving, and quickly called his eldest brother to inform him.

"Big brother, I just saw two men and women riding out of the villa. "

Is it Qin Yue?"

"Looking at the appearance and appearance, it's not. Big brother, do you want to send someone to follow them? "

Call a car to follow them and see where they are going?"


Qin Yue was driving on the street, and as soon as he came out of the villa area, he noticed that there was a black car following them behind him.

He didn't immediately go to the location of the underground casino, but began to circle with them.

This trick was used on Qin Yue's body before, and now that history is repeating itself, it's really funny.

"It's not that easy to catch up with me. Qin Yue accelerated and galloped.

The black car followed.

The two have always kept a certain distance. After a few detours, he was completely sure that the other party was following him.

After all, who has nothing to do but the drag racing party, going back and forth on several identical streets?"

"I really think I can't get rid of you, right, you underestimate me."

Qin Yue twisted the front of the car and quickly turned into a small alley.

The alleys of the old town are as complicated as spider webs, and it is very good for ordinary people not to get lost after entering, let alone trying to get out of them.

Looking at the size of the black car, it can't enter the narrow section of the road at all.

The person who followed him was lost.

"Big brother, we're lost.

"You don't have to. If the other party was really Qin Yue, they would definitely go to the underground casino tonight. You go to that place and keep guard, and stop them before they go into the casino. "

Yes, big brother!"

After a while, Qin Yue came out from the other direction of the old city.

Xiang Yuwei leaned behind him, a little puzzled by what had just happened.

"Qin Yue, why did that car follow us all the time?"

"What's the matter, are you scared? I said before we set off that the place we are going to is very dangerous. Do you regret going with me?" Qin Yue said deliberately.

Xiang Yuwei knew that he was teasing her, but she couldn't help but defend herself.

Her little hand tightly circled Qin Yue's waist, and she didn't mean to let go at all, but wanted to bind herself firmly to him.

"Don't worry, even if you go to hell, I will hold you tight and fall with you. Qin Yue, anyway, in this life, don't you want to let go of me!I will haunt you until you die, I will also pester you~"

Her soft voice said these touching sentences word by word.

Qin Yue turned his head and glanced at her in surprise, his delicate wife who couldn't take care of himself actually had the potential to be sick

? But when he heard this, why didn't he feel scared, but became even more excited?

I really wanted to kiss her here.

"Don't worry, even if you go to hell, I will protect you. Don't let you get hurt in the slightest. So, you can stay by my side with peace of mind. "


arrived at the unfinished villa area described by Song Xiangren, and Qin Yue soon discovered the entrance to the underground casino in this gloomy area. In fact, it was hard for him not to find out.

Outside, there was a long line of luxury cars and supercars, and all kinds of richly dressed people moved in a certain direction of light.

They all wore masks on their faces.

Unless it's an old acquaintance, it's hard to identify the other person.

Qin Yue stopped in a corner, put on the mask he had prepared in advance, picked up Xiang Yuwei casually, and quickly blended into the crowd, no one paid attention to them at all.

Qin Yue walked towards the entrance of the casino seemingly casually, while probing the surrounding grass and trees with his keen five senses.

The voices of many people broke into his ears one after another.

"Master Liu, how many chips have you prepared for tonight's game?" a female voice with the smell of wind and dust and was so sweet that it was greasy.

"Hehe, tonight's gambling game is a rare show! I've been playing in the casino for so long, and I've watched it three times in total! Every time, it's unforgettable~"

"Master Liu, look at what you said, isn't it just a play." Can you still have a good-looking face?"

"Yes, yes, my face is the best-looking, what I love most is the way you call my name in bed, little goblin~ When the master goes back, I will do you!"

This place is full of this kind of filthy filth from the dark underground, they say unsightly flirtatious sentences, joke about other people's unbearable gossip news, and some even estrus in public, in full view of everyone, doing things that affect the market style.

Although Qin Yue was a scumbag in his previous life, he had not yet degenerated to the point of being in the company of this group of people who constantly lowered the lower limit of human morality by relying on their own power and power.

"It's all a bunch of scum. Qin Yue cursed in a low voice.

Although Xiang Yuwei heard it, she had been following Qin Yue's instructions, nestled in his arms motionless, like a lifeless rag doll.

Whatever she sees or hears here, don't be surprised, don't move, don't make a sound.

In this way, he will not become a burden to Qin Yue, and he will not destroy his plan.

Fragile as Xiang Yuwei, she also has her own persistence and stubbornness.

When it was Qin Yue's turn, he took out two VIP cards, and the big man who received the card took

the machine and swiped it, and there was a dripping sound! The red light displayed on the machine, he showed a suspicious look, so he swiped it again, and it was still a red light.

"Sir, your card—"

Before his words fell, Qin Yue's eyes under the mask stared at him deadly, and he spoke, spitting out ghostly words.

"Our card is fine, right?"

Dahan's eyes froze for a moment, and then he lost focus in an instant.

"Yes. Your card is fine, please come in and have fun. The

other party let him go sluggishly, and gave Qin Yue and Xiang Yuwei a number plate each.

After they entered, Qin Yue clearly heard the screeching sound of brakes coming from behind, followed by three or four big men, roaring and rushing in the direction of the door.

"Stop them, don't let them in!!!" "Big brother ordered, these two

people can't enter the casino! Which of you let them in

!" "What about people, people, find out for me! If you can't find anyone, you are all responsible!"

Listening to the chaos coming from behind him, Qin Yue chuckled, and had already disappeared into the bustling crowd.

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