After Wang Qianqian's mother remarried, she stayed in Greentown with her current husband.

Perhaps it was the sequelae of her ex-husband's death that made her, a middle-aged woman who especially likes to run outside to socialize with Mrs. Kuo, have become a lot more restrained.

Usually she has nothing to do, so she stays in her husband's villa, raising flowers and embroidery, and doing harmless hobbies.

Song Xiangren drove the car, there were three people sitting in the car, and he observed Qin Yue's every move from the rearview mirror from time to time.

Although he was quite disgusted with Qin Yue, he even disdained to sit in the same car with him.

But because of Wang Qianqian's face, he could only endure it.

The three of them have their own thoughts, and each of them has extremely deep and complex emotions.

When she arrived at the villa, the maid was surprised by the arrival of the guests, Wang Qianqian usually did not have a good relationship with her classmates, and this may be the first time she brought her classmates home.

"Aunt Xu, I'm looking for my mother. Wang Qianqian said bluntly.

"Madame is still resting upstairs, young lady, wait a minute, I'll go and ask her to come down." The

maid hurried upstairs to report, and the servants drew the curtains of the living room and prepared hot tea for them.

After a while, a middle-aged woman came down from the upper floor, and when she saw the three people in the living room, she was obviously stunned.

"Xiaoqian, why are you free today, take your classmates home? Two young men, you have to stay and have a good meal at noon. "

Madame looked dignified and elegant, and looked like a very amiable person.

Qin Yue's first impression of her was acceptable.

When Madame spoke, Wang Qianqian kept clasping her hands, her expression was complicated, and there was not a trace of a smile on her face.

Mrs. quickly sensed that the atmosphere was wrong, and deliberately talked to Wang Qianqian with a smile, but was taken aback by the other party's reaction.

"Xiaoqian, why don't you speak? What do you mean by bringing back two such handsome male classmates today? Are you enlightened and want to find a boyfriend?" Madame covered her mouth and snickered, looking like a hippie smile.

Wang Qianqian suddenly raised her head and glared at her: "Mom, shut up!"

Madame was startled by her roar, and couldn't believe that the person who said this could be her gentle and lovely daughter.

"Xiaoqian, what's wrong with you? You tell Mom, Mom will find a way to help you!" the lady grabbed her hand in a panic, but the other party broke free.

Wang Qianqian looked at her with cold eyes, she couldn't believe that the dirty things Qin Yue said could be the woman in front of her, who had lived with her for 20 years, done?

My dad didn't plan a kidnapping before? The person he kidnapped was not Xiang Yuwei, the fourth lady of the Xiang family?" Wang Qianqian's mouth spit out cold words.

Madame was stupid, she stood still, her eyes full of shock and disbelief, when did her daughter know about this, who told her?

Madame suppressed the surprise in her eyes, turned to a smile, reached out and held Wang Qianqian's hand, Wang Qianqian wanted to dodge but didn't have time.

"Xiaoqian, my good daughter. Did someone outside tell you something? They want to sow discord and hurt the relationship between our mother and daughter, don't believe it?

Wang Qianqian looked at her suspiciously, with a trace of struggle and hesitation in her eyes.

"Then you say, how did my dad die? How could a person who is so optimistic and love life suddenly choose to commit suicide? Did he do something hurtful and unreasonable, trying to bury the truth in this way?"

Madame's eyes became complicated, she put down Wang Qianqian's hand, sat on the sofa, and her face became blue and white.

"Xiaoqian, do you really want to doubt your father? He is so good to you, holding you on the tip of his heart and pampering you. Now that he is dead, do you still have to wonder if he has committed a crime? Are you worthy of your conscience?"

Wang Qianqian frowned, she was a little unsteady on her feet, her mother actually said such things to attack her, she was very cold.

Song Xiangren couldn't help but go up and help her up, and helped her to the sofa and sat down.

Qin Yue was watching the whole time, just wanting to see this scene and what direction it would develop. He knew that Madame would definitely not expose the truth so easily, and he had to force her, otherwise she would not admit it.

"Madam, you are Wang Qianqian's mother, and I understand your distress as a mother who hopes to protect her children. But what your deceased husband did is not buried. You know, since Wang Qianqian will stand up and question you, it proves that there are other people besides you who know the truth. Then no matter how you hide it, the truth will still be known by others in the end, isn't it?"

Qin Yue said word by word into Madame's heart, Madame glanced at Wang Qianqian with a weak heart, she knew that there were some things that she couldn't hide no matter what.

If you can hide it for a while, you can't hide it for a lifetime.

What's more, Wang Fugui is now dead, even if the truth is revealed, there is no reason for the police to pursue the responsibility of the Wang family.

Looking at her daughter's pitiful appearance, the wandering light in her eyes gradually became firm.

"Kid, I'm sorry. Mom and Dad have lied to you for so many years. With tears in her eyes, Madame finally couldn't help but pour out.

Wang Qianqian looked at her in disbelief, her mother's meaning was to admit that what Qin Yue said, was it right

?"Mom, you tell me that all this is fake, isn't it!? My dad can't do this kind of thing, isn't it?"

"Child, calm down! You listen to your mother, Wang Fugui is indeed not a bad person, he was forced to be anxious at that time, if he didn't do that, everything he has worked hard for half his life will be plundered by others!"

What Madame said made Wang Qianqian fall into silence, and she shook her head sluggishly, expressing her doubts.

Madame sighed deeply: "Wang Fugui is too greedy, he wants to enter the jewelry industry in Greentown single-handedly, but he doesn't know that those jewelry giants have joined forces with gangs behind their backs and have completely monopolized this market for a long time." He invested all the money from the loan, and the newly opened shop was smashed, and there were no cheap merchants to buy goods, and some people specially hired troublesome customers to touch the porcelain...... Faced with the predicament, he did not repent, but invested all the money at the bottom of the box.

Wang Qianqian covered her mouth, with tears in her eyes, she had heard some of the words her mother said from other people's ears before.

But she didn't know that his father was forced to a desperate situation, and what did it have to do with him choosing to kidnap Xiang Yuwei?"

Later, he got gossip from a friend. It is said that a foreign jadeite mine has dug up a piece of jadeite rough of extremely high quality, weighing five tons! This stone is about to be auctioned, and those who win the bidding will be able to get this rough stone


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