After listening to Cang Lin's casual words, Jiang Xuan immediately felt enlightened.

Afterwards, Jiang Xuan looked at Cang Lin and said to himself, As expected of an old fox!

Seeing that the problem that had troubled Jiang Xuan for a long time was solved so easily, Jiang Xuan swept away the previous haze and immediately started planning.

Since the Zerg thing is nothing to worry about, even in this muddy water, Blue Star can sneak a handful of fish, and Jiang Xuan immediately entered the original space.

In the original space!

At this time, little Jiang Lan suddenly noticed Jiang Xuan's arrival, and immediately created a clone, happily jumped to Jiang Xuan's side and said: Gitui, what's up!

And Jiang Xuan also touched little Jiang Lan lovingly, then looked at the little guy and said: Tell the twenty-five teams outside the starry sky who are plundering,

Let them go ahead and return to Blue Star after every three planets while ensuring safety.

In addition, you also work hard to break through the upper limit of level 6 of Star Slayer. Originally, I thought that in this ranking battle of all races in the starry sky, Blue Star had no chance and could only wait until the next thousand years, but the plan seems to have changed!

Chapter 354 Heading to the depths of the starry sky

On the other hand, Xiao Jiang Lan at this time was shocked when he heard that Jiang Xuan actually wanted to pursue the once-in-a-thousand-year ranking of ten thousand races.

You know, when the sequence of thousands of races in the starry sky begins once a thousand years, it is not like these tens of thousands of races, novices pecking each other.

Because at that time, each of the six old races came out with their best talents, and even the top 10,000 races in the entire starry sky would start various planetary battles.

At that time, there will be a reordering of the entire starry sky, and all rules will be abandoned, just for the sake of one's own race to reach a higher level.

The brutality can be imagined.

After all, according to the records in the starry sky, almost every time a thousand-year war is started, the strength of each race in the starry sky will be reduced by several percent.

That's why Xiao Jianglan looked like this.

But Jiang Xuan has made up his mind, and Xiao Jiang Lan can only say that he will try his best to break through.

In fact, this was Jiang Xuan's helpless move.

After all, based on the information in the Starry Sky Rules, Jiang Xuan discovered that in fact, these so-called tens of thousands of people ranked in the Starry Sky Sequence could not enter the Starry Sky Sequence at all.

Because only your clan, after entering the 10,000-name sequence in the starry sky, may have some guarantees.

Therefore, when Jiang Xuan fully understood how to solve the Zerg conspiracy, he made up his mind. This time, Blue Star must find a way to enter the order of less than 10,000 people in the starry sky.

While Jiang Xuan was still chatting with Xiao Jiang Lan, Tianlin Yu, who was outside Blue Star, suddenly started to vibrate.

Seeing this, Jiang Xuan nodded to Xiao Jiang Lan and exited the original space.

Above the Starry Sky East City!

When Jiang Xuan sensed that after these days, the powerful men from Blue Star had returned one after another, he opened the Tianlin Yu.

And many captains also knew that the Star Hunter was coming, and there was no time to waste, so after each person handed over 60 drops of source liquid to Jiang Xuan, they immediately prepared to soar into the sky again.

But Jiang Xuan immediately stopped everyone and said to Kumado, Yamata no Orochi, Anna and many other captains: After you go out this time,

Each team should invade three races. After three races, return to Blue Star once. There are only more than two years left.

During this period, everyone should work hard. When the Star Hunt officially begins, everyone can come back and make a breakthrough!

Captain Duo, who was in the audience, also knew the current situation, so after everyone nodded, they said nothing more and soared into the sky again.

After everyone left, Jiang Xuancai entered the origin space again, looked at the pile of origin liquid, and calculated.

Twenty-five teams, each team has 60 drops of source liquid, totaling 1,500 drops of source liquid.

In addition to the original 1,100 drops, the total amount of Blue Star's source liquid came to more than 2,600 drops.

But now Jiang Xuan also knows that when the Star Hunt begins, all the powerful people in Blue Star will return to Blue Star and huddle within the mother star.

At that time, Blue Star will not have any source of source liquid, and because many powerful people absorb energy, the source liquid will be consumed in a hurry!

Therefore, many powerful people in Blue Star are like squirrels about to hibernate. They must collect enough source fluid reserves for Blue Star.

In the next few days, Jiang Xuan also made a pretense and did return to Blue Star once.

And because of the appearance of the leader of Blue Star, strong men from all over Blue Star swarmed towards the Xianling Forest.

But at that time, Jiang Xuan had already gone to another country.

It was not until ten days later that Jiang Xuan thoroughly inspected the entire interior of Blue Star and found that everything was fine and prosperous in the current Blue Star before he returned to Starry Sky East City again!

On the day Jiang Xuan returned to Starry Sky East City, Bai Shen and others, within Jiang Xuan's calculations, successfully broke through to the fifth level of Zhanxing.

After seeing that everyone had broken through the fifth level of Star Slayer, Jiang Xuan immediately looked at everyone and said: The Star Hunt is coming, and 99% of Blue Star's experts have already gone out to fight in the starry sky to obtain resources for Blue Star.

Dragon Emperor, Wu Gu, you dozen of strong men will be stationed at Blue Star to deal with various emergencies.

Everyone in the Killing God Pavilion and I are going to the depths of the starry sky this time to dig a hole for the Zerg.

When he said this, Jiang Xuan looked at Amethyst and said extremely seriously: After I leave this time, I will be back in two years at most and one year at least.

As the deputy spokesperson of Blue Star, you can control all the strong people of Blue Star. Remember, in the past two years, we have mainly plundered the source liquid.

If I haven't come back on the day the Star Hunt begins, you can directly issue an order to have all the powerful men in Blue Star return to Blue Star and huddle up!

Immediately, Jiang Xuan looked at Bai Shen and the others, smiled and said: This time, we are not only going to the Sheying Clan over the Ancient A Super Galaxy Cluster, but also the Celestial Ape Clan, and even...

We also have to meet the Lin Clan, a super race that ranks among the top 100 in the starry sky, but the most critical point is that in the Lin Clan,

If the other party is willing to help us, maybe we will go to the top ten starry sky overlord race super galaxy clusters!

After hearing Jiang Xuan's plan, Bai Shen and others not only showed no fear, but even started gearing up one by one.

At this time, Jiang Xuan, after making arrangements for everyone, looked at Cang Lin, who had no energy fluctuations around him.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xuan's action immediately alerted Cang Lin: What are you doing? What are you going to do, young man? I can tell you, I can't stand this.

But while speaking, Cang Lin couldn't help but continued to secretly look at Amethyst.

In fact, Jiang Xuan already knew what the other party was thinking these days. He just wanted to study Amethyst and see if he could imprint a few Zerg.

But now, since Jiang Xuan already knows that the other party is a big boss, he will definitely not let this old guy really stay in Blue Star.

But neither of them pierced the window paper, so Jiang Xuan directly used his force to suppress others and said: No, no, no, you obviously don't have a few years to live.

We, the filial younger generations, must be thinking of letting you experience the charm of the starry sky during your lifetime.

After saying that, regardless of Cang Lin's refusal, Jiang Xuan immediately winked at Bai Shen, held Cang Lin on his left and right, and soared into the sky.

In mid-air, Cang Lin, in order to better suit his status, immediately shouted: Oh, shit, I want to go home, I'm afraid of heights,

You let me down, my life is longer than yours, I can't die, don't worry, let me down quickly!

But Jiang Xuan ignored the other party at all. Instead, he and Bai Shen clamped each other's arms tightly with both hands and came directly outside the Blue Star!

But the moment Jiang Xuanlin flew out of Tianlinyu, he understood the terror of this boss even more.

Just because, when everyone is about to approach Tianlinyu, Jiang Xuan, who controls Tianlinyu, can obviously sense that even if he does not open the door himself, as long as Canglin comes here, Tianlinyu will automatically open the door for him. The other party, open the exit!

Chapter 355 Traveling Far Away

Near the moon!

At this time, when Jiang Xuan and others flew here, for some reason, they all turned their heads at this moment, quietly suspended in the starry sky, looking at the blue mother planet of themselves and others.

It wasn't until a few minutes later that everyone set off again, heading to the edge of the galaxy.

Two days later!

When Jiang Xuan and others arrived at the edge of the galaxy, everyone began to look a little serious.

After all, this time everyone is trekking across a long distance under the stars.

Finally, after a surge of energy from Jiang Xuan, this starry sky plank road leading directly to thirty-five nebulae was successfully built.

But everyone knew how dangerous the starry sky was, so the moment everyone entered the starry sky plank road, everyone began to hold their breath and concentrate, trying to keep the energy around them in a fighting state at any time.

On the contrary, Cang Lin was protected by Bai Shen and others. Ever since he was forcefully led into the Starry Sky Plank Road by Jiang Xuan and others, his face had been full of sorrow and he didn't know what he was thinking.

It wasn't until more than ten days later that everyone finally walked out of the starry sky plank road and arrived at an uninhabited planet that everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, Jiang Xuan continued to build the starry sky plank road.

However, just when Jiang Xuan once again built a starry sky plank road within the range of seventy-six nebulae, a space plank road fluctuated beside everyone and suddenly appeared.

The mere appearance of this energy instantly made Jiang Xuan and others feel as if they were facing a formidable enemy. Almost at this moment, they were staring ahead with alert expressions.

Tens of minutes later, a team of indescribably long bodies were seen, but they were all Level 6 Star Slayers, with a total of fifteen strong men escorting something. After they emerged from the starry sky plank road, the atmosphere between the two parties instantly became extremely tense. .

In the end, it was the strong man from the other side who was at the sixth level of Star Cutting and seemed to be the leader. He looked at Jiang Xuan and others and said, Xing'an, we are the Yuxing Chamber of Commerce, a transportation team certified by the Starry Sky.

Seeing this, Jiang Xuan immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and then immediately said: Xing'an, from the starry sky race, go to the depths of the starry sky and pay my respects!

Then, after both parties nodded slightly, Jiang Xuan once again led everyone into the Starry Sky Plank Road.

On the other hand, the many powerful men of the Yuxing Chamber of Commerce who had just walked out of the Starry Sky Plank Road were relieved after Jiang Xuan and others left, but they still looked at each other in confusion. Apparently no one knew where Jiang Xuan and others were. Race, which one is it?

However, Jiang Xuan and others who were on their way after entering the Starry Sky Plank Road also breathed a sigh of relief and talked to each other.

But the good times did not last long. When Jiang Xuan and others entered the starry sky plank road for the eighth day, the originally stable starry sky plank road suddenly trembled.

The next second, everyone's eyes were almost focused on the originally stable starry sky plank road in the distance. After cracks appeared, everyone could only walk out of the starry sky plank road ahead of time.

However, when Jiang Xuan and others walked out of the starry sky plank road, everyone stared blankly at the galaxy in the distance.

It was at this moment that everyone finally understood why there were cracks on the Starry Sky Plank Road.

I saw that in the star field in front of everyone at this time, almost everything they could see was a black storm.

The storm that stirs up the entire galaxy is the famous natural disaster in the starry sky - the Black Star Wind!

At this moment, Jiang Xuan, even though he had memorized all the records of natural disasters in the entire starry sky, but after seeing with his own eyes the Black Star Wind directly involved a huge planet into the turbulence and quickly shattered it, everyone Still feeling scared.

This kind of natural disaster, according to the starry sky records, it seems that only the starry sky bosses with domain level seven or above can barely pass through it.

As for all the powerful people below the seventh level of the domain, they are seeking death.

After everyone saw with their own eyes that the space of the entire galaxy in the distance began to become unstable and cracks appeared, everyone watched for several days. In the end, they had no choice but to fly in another direction.

But what everyone didn't know was that when everyone finally came to another galaxy with stable space and opened the starry sky plank road to enter, behind them, hundreds of starry sky bandits with violent auras, which no one noticed, were already staring at everyone.

After all, in the starry sky, being able to stare curiously at natural disasters like Black Star Wind and creatures for several days is almost something that only rookies in the starry sky can do.

At this time, many violent strong men who watched Jiang Xuan and others enter the Starry Sky Plank Road again quickly arrived near the Starry Sky Plank Road where Jiang Xuan and others left.

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