This time our focus is mainly on the 24,000 Yazhu tribe. As for a race that has just qualified for the starry sky ranking, haha, how much background can it have?

After the other party finished speaking, it seemed as if something was suddenly pregnant in his body, and the three scorpion tails suddenly raised high.

After a while, three drops of golden venom gradually appeared on the opponent's tail needle.

Immediately, the other party seemed to have done it many times, and very skillfully put the three venoms into a pool next to him.

Below, a strong man from another race noticed the opponent's venom and felt envious.

After all, the Yuscorpion clan was able to reach its current position from a hundred thousand people in the starry sky after 90,000 years of hard work, and almost a large part of the credit was due to these venoms.

This can also be regarded as a specialty of the Yuscorpion tribe. A specialty that is valued by the upper races, and the whole tribe has accumulated venom for a hundred years, and can be exchanged for a drop of the original liquid.

Milky Way.

Blue Star!

When Jiang Xuan heard the news about Xiao Jiang Lan, he immediately didn't want to admire the cherry blossoms and soared into the sky and flew directly to Starry Sky East City.

And during the flight, his perception directly covered the entire Blue Star, and he sent a message to all the star-level experts: Go to Starry Sky East City immediately to discuss important matters!

You must know that Jiang Xuan's words and deeds will directly affect everything about Blue Star.

So now Jiang Xuan must consider, consider, and consider every decision he makes.

Dragon Kingdom, Mount Tai!

The moment Jiang Xuan entered Starry Sky East City, he saw a huge crowd of people on top of the huge city.

And from time to time, there are streaks of star-shattering energy flying in from other giant cities at extremely high speeds.

As time passed, a few hours later, all the star-level experts from Blue Star had arrived here.

Finally, Jiang Xuan looked at the many powerful people in Blue Star who were a little confused, and immediately said: The race ranked 25,000 in the starry sky, the Yuscorpion clan, will come to Blue Star soon.

The purpose of the other party's coming is actually an unwritten rule in the starry sky, that is, Blue Star needs to pay the other party protection money. Everyone, let's talk together?

As soon as these words came out, Yamata no Orochi, who was in the crowd and had already broken through to the second level of Zhanxing, immediately said: Bag Yalu dares to ask us for protection money, so he has his head pulled out!

After the other party's words were spoken, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly condensed. After all, the relationship between the other party and the God-killing Pavilion was the head.

All the members of the God-killing Pavilion were all looking at each other at this moment.

After being looked at like this, Yamata-no-Orochi immediately felt a chill on his neck, but because he didn't say anything wrong, Yamata-no-Orochi could only bite the bullet and stare at everyone with his eyes wide open.

It seemed that Yamata no Orochi's words completely ignited the atmosphere, and all the powerful men in Blue Star spoke and discussed with each other.

At this moment, Amethyst's body, which had turned into a human form, suddenly said: Why do you want them to come? Why don't we go over?

Just like a stone causing a thousand waves, even Jiang Xuan immediately began to think deeply as soon as these words came out.

Finally, after five days and five nights of discussion, everyone finally finalized the plan.

That was Jiang Xuan, leading thirty star-level warriors from Blue Star directly to the Yuscorpion Clan.

First, you can explore the strength of the opponent's race and prepare for the next war.

Of course, everyone is not saying that after going there, they can just do it. After all, they can only make a final decision after a thorough investigation.

But the problem now is the selection of personnel.

Jiang Xuan and all the members of the God-killing Pavilion will definitely go, and there are already eight places.

And Amethyst just stared at Jiang Xuan with her beautiful purple eyes without saying a word, and she had already obtained a spot.

As for Suzaku, as an older generation of giant city controllers and with his strength intact, there is no doubt that he has obtained a spot.

As everyone wants to see the creatures of exotic planets, there is gradually competition for spots.

But Jiang Xuan understands that everyone knows that when he steps out into the starry sky for the first time in the name of Blue Star, there will definitely be crises and dangers.

Therefore, no one wants to see something happen to their companions, so they can only compete with each other for spots and be the pioneer themselves.

In the end, Jiang Xuan seemed to have thought of something and immediately made a decisive decision: The remaining ten people will all choose humans. After all, we at Blue Star call ourselves humans and cannot turn against the guests!

As soon as these words came out, Wu Gu, Shangguan Hong, Miyazaki Hayao, A Yao and others were immediately overjoyed.

You know, based on his observations in the past few months, Jiang Xuan has vaguely discovered a phenomenon, that is, the interior of Blue Star has almost become a human world again.

After all, the base of the human race is really too big. The most important thing is that the genius of mankind is really like a crucian carp crossing the river.

Even though all the creatures on Blue Star are now coexisting in peace, the geniuses of human beings have begun to completely suppress all other creatures.

Moreover, it is obvious that a problem can be found. Among the new generation of strong men who have gradually begun to advance to the star level recently, humans are already in a 50-50 split with all other races!

Chapter 302 A little bit

Following Jiang Xuan's decision to cut through the trouble quickly, Wugou, Shangguanhong and others naturally stood out and got a place to go to the Yu Xie Clan.

In the end, Blue Star, led by Jiang Xuan, a level 3 star-cutting expert, led twenty-three star-leveling level 2 experts, and six star-leveling level 1 experts, and prepared to step out into the starry sky for the first time.

On this day, Jiang Xuan arranged for all the powerful people to safely absorb the energy and break through. He comforted Xiao Jiang Lan for a long time before leading everyone to rise into the sky.

As for Xiao Jianglan, because of Blue Star's will, he could only create a clone to follow Jiang Xuan and others.

But the Lord Will can only sit firmly on Blue Star and hold the power.

When Jiang Xuan and others flew out of Blue Star and stood on Yinghuo Star, looking at their home planet, almost everyone was in a trance.

This kind of visual impact cannot be described in words at all.

Just as everyone was watching in fascination, Amethyst suddenly said: Jiang Xuan, this is the first time for me to set foot in the starry sky with everyone, so I brought a few star-cutting insect soldiers with me, should it be okay?

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Xuan immediately looked at the small dots on Amethyst's dark purple dress.

I saw those small dots, just like the decoration of the long skirt, densely packed and attached to the long skirt in an extremely regular manner.

For a moment, Jiang Xuan could only bite the bullet and said: About how much did you bring?

As soon as these words came out, Amethyst said immediately: Not much, just a few hundred million. I'm afraid that when the fight breaks out, we won't have a bottom.

On the other hand, Jiang Xuan had already understood the billion points mentioned by Amethyst, so he could only nod his head and once again led everyone to fly to the edge of the galaxy.

It wasn't until everyone was flying in the vast Milky Way for the seventh day that they finally arrived near the meteorite cluster at the edge of the Milky Way.

In the end, Jiang Xuan finally opened the Starry Sky Plank Road after spending a long time based on what he learned from the Starry Sky Rules.

As a result, everyone looked directly at the entrance to the starry sky plank road in another latitude, and filed in without hesitation.

Of course, as Jiang Xuan, who had learned about the starry sky plank road for the first time from the theory of starry sky rules, he was actually not sure how far the plank road he opened differed from the actual destination.

But it was already turned on, so I had no choice but to rush in!

As everyone entered the starry sky plank road, Jiang Xuan found that almost every step he and others took, it seemed that the outside world had advanced thousands of miles. This weird space of different latitudes was really eye-opening for everyone.

It wasn't until everyone advanced on the starry sky plank road for three full days that they finally saw the symbol of the Tianyuan system.

That's a galaxy with two suns!

In the end, everyone managed to stumble and finally fell out of the starry sky plank road.

However, before Jiang Xuan and others could react, the people who had just fallen were immediately surrounded by dozens of creatures whose strength was approximately equal to the Blue Star Beast Emperor level.

I saw many giant creatures like black scorpions, sensing the energy on the bodies of Jiang Xuan and others, and said with strong and restrained senses: Yu Scorpion Star Territory, who are you waiting for?

As soon as these words came out, the chatterbox Shi Jian, who had been holding back for several days, immediately grinned and said: I'm really dozing off, the pillow is here.

As for Jiang Xuan and others, smiles appeared on their faces immediately after sensing the other party's message.

But in just a moment, Jiang Xuan began to stand in the starry sky of the Tianyuan system and look at the layout of the other race.

At this time, Jiang Xuan was like a sponge, trying hard to learn the way of survival of the star race.

For example, the opponent is at the edge of the galaxy and arranges strong men of their own race to warn their home planet as soon as possible. This alone is enough for Jiang Xuan to learn from.

Hello, we are Blue Star, ranked 26,000 times in the sky. Behind me are the many humans from Blue Star, who have come specially to make offerings to the Yuscorpion clan!

As Jiang Xuan's perception informed him of his intention, it was obvious that many of the Beast Emperor-level Yuscorpion tribe's strong men were first overjoyed.

But then, he became a little arrogant and arrogant towards Jiang Xuan and others!

Upon seeing this, Amethyst looked at the expressions of the many strong men on the other side, her purple eyes flashed, and murderous intent emerged, ready to strike.

But in the end, Jiang Xuan, who was discovered first, quickly stopped him.

After all, the truth that little devils are difficult to deal with exists everywhere.

In the end, a black scorpion that was about three thousand meters long and clearly looked like a squad leader led everyone and immediately headed to their home planet.

Yuscorpion Star!

When Jiang Xuan and others appeared in his own galaxy, the golden-clad leader of the Yuscorpion clan immediately knew of the arrival of Jiang Xuan and others.

For a moment, the twelve race experts from the planet in the cave spoke one after another.

Haha, it seems that the human race of Blue Star is very knowledgeable.

Nonsense, the reputation of the Yuscorpion Clan is unknown in the starry sky. The other party should have received the message of the will of the Yuscorpion Clan's home planet and immediately came to the rescue!

Yes, now that the creatures from Blue Star are here, we can also ask them if Blue Star is really connected to the races above.

If not, the original power of the century-old party will not be given grace!


As the many strong men spoke to each other, the leader of the Yu Scorpion Clan, who was sitting at the front, also gently raised his three scorpion tails, thinking about how to beat the Blue Star strong man next.

Outside the Tianyuan system!

After three days of flying under the stars, Jiang Xuan and others finally saw the entire planet of the Yuscorpion clan.

The whole planet is dusty, and there are some planets with deep holes on the planet.

For some reason, when he saw the whole picture of the other planet, Rongsu, a tough guy, suddenly said: It's so ugly!

Unexpectedly, with just two words, the Black Scorpion, who was leading the way at the peak of the Beast Emperor's power, immediately turned his head to look at Rong Su.

For a moment, Rongsu could only explain in embarrassment: Well, I said our planet is really ugly compared to yours!

After listening to Rongsu's explanation, the big black scorpion stared at Rongsu for a long time before finally leading everyone again and flying towards his home planet.

However, just as everyone was flying towards the Yuscorpion planet, an extremely sharp sound suddenly came from below.

Hahaha, here we come, brother~ Oh, it would be great if all the planets below could reason with you like Blue Star!

The next second, densely packed Yuscorpions were seen, led by a golden Yuscorpion clan leader, flying toward Jiang Xuan and others at extremely fast speeds.

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