Stand high and low, and it becomes clear instantly!

Of course, if Jiang Xuan were here, he would definitely exclaim to Amethyst: You actually hid hundreds of millions of hands!

Yes, although Amethyst told many insect queens how to contain insect soldiers, it was only the lowest level.

In this way, it is actually just more convenient for Amethyst to contain the insect soldiers, so that they will not look so alien.

For a moment, looking at the many insect queens gradually moving away, a trace of pheromone gently emitted from Amethyst's head.

The next second, a hundred thousand star-level insect soldiers, all of them complete insect soldiers, received Amethyst's order in an instant and ran towards the North City quickly and quietly.

And there, there are still 100,000 star-level insect soldiers standing still!

Chapter 281 Amethyst becomes bigger and becomes the Queen of Insects

As a hundred thousand star-cut insect soldiers left the black mist of Starry Sky West City, Amethyst's deep purple eyes also looked at the insect soldiers in the distance whose queens had died.

Amethyst's ambition was so great that almost everyone he looked at was looking at the star-level insect soldiers. As for those insect soldiers at the peak of the Insect Emperor, they were no longer in Amethyst's eyes.

The next second, the amethyst suddenly burst out, aiming directly at the largest swarm of insects in the black mist.

As Amethyst entered the largest insect swarm, streams of pure pheromones filtered out most of the insect soldiers like a filter.

Time passes slowly!

After a few hours, the extremely tiny Amethyst, who was standing at the center of the insect swarm and transformed into a human form, suddenly opened her eyes.

The next second, the complete star-cutting insect soldiers quickly and uniformly moved towards the direction of Amethyst.

Upon closer inspection, there were actually thousands of them.

When Amethyst led these thousands of insect soldiers to leave, the top group of insect soldiers in the group of hundreds of thousands of meters in radius had already become Amethyst's subordinates!

Of course, among the many remaining insect soldiers, there must be some star-level insect soldiers, but those are almost all missing arms and legs and have been injured themselves.

Just a few minutes after Amethyst left, a cyan insect queen also came to where Amethyst was at the last moment.

I saw that the other party also imitated Amethyst's appearance, exuding pheromones, and after working hard for a long time, he finally made a star-level insect soldier whose black armor was full of cracks, but relatively intact. After obeying his order, he was overjoyed.

Immediately, the other party looked around and whispered to himself, Humph, there is a big treasure in the whole black fog.

You should slowly gather those insect emperor-level insect soldiers. After I accumulate a certain amount of strength, everyone's positions will be rearranged!

However, this insect queen was not the only one to think so. At this time, the fifty-five insect queens, including the insect gold puppets, all reacted and frantically gathered the star-level insect soldiers.

But the efficiency is obviously more than ten thousand times worse than Amethyst.

Starry Sky West City!

When many strong men had absorbed energy for the third day, more than ninety strong men from Nancheng, led by Bai Shen, suddenly emerged from the black mist.

Because it was too sudden, the more than 2,000 strong men below the city who were killing the uncontrolled insect soldiers did not react for a while.

But as the giant city began to exude strong energy for everyone, everyone immediately understood that this was a friendly force.

On the other hand, Bai Shen and others, although their faces were all pale because their energy had bottomed out, upon closer inspection, there were almost no serious injuries.

After Bai Shen rushed out of the black mist, he glanced at the many powerful men under the city with an extremely cold look, and then flew directly towards Jiang Xuan.

When Bai Shen quickly flew to Jiang Xuan's side and noticed his boss's injured body, he felt anxious for a moment.

Because after the appearance of Shirakami's aura, Yayin, who was extremely worried about the other party, immediately stopped healing and quickly stood up to look at Shirakami.

After the two finally got tired of each other for a while, Bai Shen ordered many strong men from Nancheng to go up to the giant city and start to restore energy.

In fact, strictly speaking, the two parties now have entered into a decisive battle.

But because many insect queens were busy gathering the insect soldiers, and Jiang Xuan and others were busy recovering from their injuries, for a while, neither party actually launched a full-scale attack!

Until a week later!

A million miles of black mist.

At this time, Amethyst has gathered almost all the star-destroying insect soldiers of the many dead insect queens.

At this moment, Amethyst's ambition was undisguised because of the dense crowd of star-cutting insect soldiers behind her.

It seems that because of her insect queen, the endless insect soldiers behind Amethyst also started to commotion and roar!

As the many insect soldiers roared, it seemed that the thick and oppressive black mist was diluted by the many insect soldiers, completely revealing the number of all the insect soldiers.

There are at least 130,000 complete star-killing insect soldiers. This is Amethyst's confidence now!

However, at this time, Amethyst seemed to be forcing herself to stay calm, and kept saying to herself, I can't be anxious. I have been waiting for thousands of years. I can't rush for a moment, I can't be anxious!

It seemed that her words of persuasion had an effect, and Amethyst's already inflated ambition slowly calmed down.

Finally, the pheromones on Amethyst's head gently dispersed again.

And as the pheromones covered many insect soldiers, another wave of 100,000 star-level insect soldiers quietly left Starry Sky West City.

After watching more than half of the insect soldiers gradually leaving, Amethyst looked at the more than 30,000 star-level insect soldiers behind her with some speechlessness, and immediately said to herself: No, too few, these guys will be killed. contempt!

The next second, Amethyst instantly transformed into its true form, and a stream of terrifying pheromones indiscriminately covered the insect soldiers who were millions of miles away from the black mist.

But at this moment, the sound transmission from the Chongjin Puppet also reached Amethyst instantly.

All insect queens, immediately go to the dark mist thousands of miles away to discuss the decisive battle!

However, Amethyst turned a deaf ear to the other party's domineering words. Instead, she still worked hard to gather the many insect soldiers.

When a few hours passed, the original body of the Purple Crystal Insect Queen, which was originally 10,000 meters away, suddenly flashed and then turned into a human form.

At this moment, Amethyst felt a sense of the hundreds of billions of ordinary insect soldiers she had newly collected, and immediately felt comfortable.

Immediately, Amethyst glanced at the more than 30,000 star-level insect soldiers behind her, and immediately waved her hand, leading the many insect soldiers into the thousands of miles of black mist.

You know, this time to meet in the black mist thousands of miles away, it must be the time when the major insect queens gather the star-level insect soldiers in these days to show their strength.

I believe that the current insect queens must have brought their own star-level insect soldiers, divided into three, six or nine levels!

Sure enough, when Amethyst led numerous star-cutting insect soldiers and appeared in the black mist, the positions of the many insect queens who were originally standing in two rows had quietly changed.

The moment Amethyst appeared, all the Insect Queens, including the Insect Gold Puppet, looked at the vast number of star-level insect soldiers behind Amethyst at almost the same time.

With just one glance, the eyes of many insect queens relatively behind them dimmed instantly.

As for Amethyst, she casually looked at the distinct legion of star-cutting insect soldiers behind the many insect queens.

Looking at this, Amethyst instantly discovered that her star-cutting insect soldiers were only at the upper level. Like the Insect Gold Puppet, the current star-cutting insect soldier army had reached as many as 80,000, approaching one hundred thousand. mark.

Seeing that the situation was not good for her, Amethyst said without leaving any trace: We just gathered hundreds of billions of ordinary insect soldiers, there was a delay!

As soon as these words came out, many insect queens who originally wanted to step on Amethyst changed their attitudes.

Chapter 282 Status and Discourse

Seeing the reactions of many insect queens, Amethyst raised the corners of her mouth slightly, but her eyes were fixed on the insect golden puppet from beginning to end.

I saw that Amethyst's Insect Gold Puppet looked down on Amethyst because he had too few star-level insect soldiers at the last moment. When he heard Amethyst's hundreds of billions of insect soldiers, he immediately greeted him warmly.

Haha, senior, I thought you didn't receive my message. I'm already going to look for you with everyone.

As soon as these words came out, Amethyst, who was originally sneering, also changed his expression in an instant, and said with great enthusiasm: What the hell, you are the leader of the Zerg. How could we not listen to your order? It's just a delay.

As for the other insect queens, looking at the extremely affectionate two people chatting with each other, although they knew what was going on, they did not break the window paper.

After all, everyone knows that they are from the Zerg race, a race that values ​​strength and thrives on war.

But at this time, Amethyst could also notice that although the Insect Gold Puppet looked the same as before, the other party never specifically invited her to go to the throne next to the other party in the front.

Obviously, the Insect Gold Puppet is currently the most powerful here. As for the position of the second throne, it requires the competition among the major insect queens.

Amethyst, who fully understood this, casually glanced at the many insect queens on both sides, and said softly: If Mingren doesn't tell secrets, how can we fight now?

As soon as these words came out, an insect queen on the right who was obviously very powerful and had many insect soldiers behind her stood up immediately, staring at Amethyst and said: Your Majesty Amethyst,

Above me, there is only one Azure Queen and the Insect Gold Puppet Crown, but our two Insect Soldiers are equally powerful, do you think?

As soon as these words came out, both the Insect Gold Puppet and all the Insect Queens fell silent for a moment, but they were all quietly observing Amethyst, watching what the other party should do next.

However, Amethyst's next move was completely beyond everyone's expectations, even shocking.

Amethyst, who was smiling just a second ago, suddenly changed her expression unexpectedly when she heard the insect queen's voice.

The next second, Amethyst was seen suddenly taking action against the undefended insect queen who was speaking.

In less than two seconds, the insect queen who was still talking a second ago had her head exploded.

Amethyst, how dare you kill the Insect Queen!

In seeking death, you actually violated the Zerg's bottom line!

Come together and kill her!


Due to such changes, not to mention other insect queens, even the leader of the Insect Gold Puppet looked wary and at a loss.

On the contrary, listening to the boring words of everyone, Amethyst gently waved her hands and said with some boredom: It seems that you have forgotten that thousands of years ago, I was also the leader of the Zerg.

Do you need to teach me the laws of the Zerg? Haha, okay, since you are talking about Zerg laws, let me tell you,

As one of the many insect queens who have invaded a race, can the leader given by the queen herself have the power of life and death over all the insect queens?

And Blue Star's Zerg leaders, because of their special scope, have they ever said that the Queen of Zerg, who controls the four giant cities, can deal with many Queens of Zerg,

Also have the same power of life and death? so? As the controller of Starry Sky North City, I killed the insect queen because of her provocation. Did I violate the laws of the insect race?

As soon as these words came out, all the insect queens instantly remembered one thing, that is, Amethyst still holds the title of the insect queen who controls Starry Sky North City until now.

At this time, not to mention many insect queens, even the Azure Insect Queen whose strength was second only to the Insect Gold Puppet began to have dark and uncertain eyes.

Looking at all the insect queens, they all closed their mouths at this moment. Amethyst's expression suddenly relaxed, and a smile appeared on her face again: Oh, I'm sorry, the insect soldiers under her are quite strong.

Then we can only look at the strength of each insect queen. Who knew she was so weak? Even according to the rules of the Zerg duel field, it seems that I won!

The Chongjin Puppet, who had been silent in the distance, listened to Amethyst's smiling tone and hurried forward.

He said to Amethyst: Yes, she doesn't know how to live or die, and if she provokes senior, she will die. Senior, don't be angry, come and take a seat.

As soon as these words came out, all the insect queens knew their positions at this moment.

As for Amethyst, who came last, the opponent only showed the tip of the iceberg and immediately took the second position.

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