If you are willing, I will immediately make you the next leader of the Lin clan. I will protect you from advancing to the domain level for up to a thousand years!

As soon as these words came out, both Jiang Xuan and Qilin's eyes widened.

Qilin reacted and said tremblingly: Dare I ask? Who are you?

Unexpectedly, such a common question instantly made Lin Zhan slap his forehead with some annoyance, and quickly explained: Gujia Super Galaxy Cluster, Lin Zhan, leader of the Lin Clan,

The Lin Clan is a super race ranked 99th in the starry sky. If you are willing to go to the Lin Clan, the conditions are yours!

Almost at the moment Lin Zhan said, You accept the conditions, Jiang Xuan and Qilin looked at each other in tacit understanding at the same time.

But Lin Zhan didn't care at all about such small actions. Instead, he looked at Heiwu carelessly, waiting for Qilin's reply.

In fact, both Jiang Xuan and Qilin understood how beneficial it would be to go to the Lin Clan, but now that Blue Star was in danger, Qilin had no intention of thinking about other things for a while.

Seeing Qilin's struggling expression, Jiang Xuan smiled and said, Along with everything else, are you willing to go?

Listening to Jiang Xuan's question, Qilin immediately said: Yes, but this is my root and my home. I'm not going anywhere now!

But now Jiang Xuan has let the emperor tell him how difficult it is for Blue Star now.

Not to mention the issue of victory or defeat, it is still unknown how many races will want to destroy Blue Star in the future.

So Jiang Xuan thought over and over again and decided to find a good future for Qilin.

After thinking about it, Jiang Xuan gently shook his head at Qilin, and then said to Lin Zhan: Senior, Qilin can follow you to your race.

But there are several conditions. I wonder if you can do it? Or do you want to?

I saw Lin Zhan, who had been absent-minded and his mind was filled with nine auspicious clouds. As soon as he heard Jiang Xuan's words, he immediately said: Say!

Seeing this, Jiang Xuan also spoke directly: First, Qilin, as a Blue Star powerhouse and possessing the power of luck, can influence the trend of the battlefield to a certain extent. He must wait until this decisive battle is over before leaving.

Before Jiang Xuan could continue, Lin Zhan immediately interrupted and said quickly: The same is true for Yu Qing and Yu Li. After all, he is my ancestral star, but I am afraid that he will die. I will just stay there without doing anything. It shouldn’t be too much to be around him.”

Listening to Lin Zhan's words, which sounded more like he was talking to himself as he went to the back, Jiang Xuan continued: Secondly, if Blue Star can really win, I hope that the race of the seniors can protect Blue Star for a hundred years.

I believe you have been dealing with the Zerg for longer than we have. If we win, we are afraid that the Zerg will play tricks on us.

No problem, no problem. Now you can go and take a look outside Blue Star. Your entire Blue Star has been surrounded by millions of our Lin Clan strong men. Not a single hair can get in. Lin Zhan said.

Listening to the other party's cheerful words, Jiang Xuan still said calmly: Third, if Blue Star can win this time, the Lin Clan must announce to the entire starry sky that Blue Star will become an ally of the Lin Clan. Senior, are you willing?

As soon as these words came out, Lin Zhan, who was originally carefree, immediately began to frown and think.

You know, the alliance between the two major races is usually a relationship where they are of equal strength and can help each other.

But Jiang Xuan's words clearly meant that Blue Star should first tie up the chariot of the behemoth Lin Clan before stepping out of the starry sky.

Just as Lin Zhan was thinking about it, Qilin saw this and immediately said: Forget it, I won't go.

Lin Zhan, who was originally deep in thought, reacted immediately when he heard Qilin's words, and said somewhat flatteringly: Oh, my little ancestor, Xuan, I will announce it after the fight!

Seeing that the other party, as the leader of a super race, actually cared so much about Qilin, Jiang Xuan thought of Blue Star's current situation again, feeling heartbroken and helpless.

Seeing that Jiang Xuan stopped talking, Qilin continued: Senior, there is one more thing. I have been using Blue Star energy since I was born.

Blue Star nurtured me, you see? Will we give Blue Star some source liquid at that time?

For such a reasonable thing, Lin Zhan immediately nodded and said there was no problem, but the other party did not say how much he would give.

On the contrary, Qilin relied on his talent and said directly: Senior, tell me the number!

What number? Oh, the source liquid, tell me. At this time, Lin Zhan was wandering in the world and didn't know what he was thinking. When he heard Qilin's words, he immediately replied.

Qilin slightly raised a finger without saying anything, and looked at Lin Zhan.

Chapter 269 Comparing to an egg

For some reason, when Lin Zhan looked at Qilin's raised finger, both Jiang Xuan and Qilin began to look a little nervous.

On the other hand, Lin Zhan at this time, looking at the finger Qilin raised, actually began to fall into deep thought.

I don't know what the other person was thinking about at this time, but he started to look at Qilin here and Jiang Xuan there, and while looking, he even nodded from time to time as if he had a sudden realization.

It wasn't until a long time later that Lin Zhan seemed to have figured it out, and slowly said: Oh, my clan leader understands your concerns, but about the source liquid,

We can only wait until this war is over. The most important thing now is that your Blue Star is like an egg and measures must be taken.

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Xuan, who was still wondering what his concerns were, immediately said: Egg?

Yes, an egg. Once upon a time, your blue star was born without the will of the mother star, so you creatures spontaneously built a four giant cities full of loopholes to resist alien creatures, right! Lin Zhan said.

After hearing what the other party said, Jiang Xuan nodded immediately and listened carefully.

Lin Zhan looked at Jiang Xuan's serious look and praised: Not arrogant or impatient, he has a good character. Well, let's continue.

However, since your blue star recently gave birth to the will of the mother star, the entire planet has instantly had a perfect mother star protection cycle.

But because the will of your planet is still too weak, it is currently unable to effectively prevent many other races from entering. It is like an egg membrane and cannot provide effective defense at all!

In the end, Lin Zhan seemed to have made up his mind and said to Jiang Xuanda: As an ally, I decided to use the power of millions of Lin clan strongmen to

I will release a Tianlin Yu that can last for hundreds of years for you on the periphery of Blue Star. The person in charge of the Tianlin Yu will be handed over to the little Qilin. Think of it as a gift to you!

After the other party finished speaking, before Jiang Xuan and the others could ask, they flew resolutely into the starry sky again.

In just a few hours, a sound that resounded throughout the world suddenly came from outside the starry sky.

I don't agree!

Unexpectedly, the next second, Lin Zhan's domineering voice, accompanied by millions of roars, sounded again.

Ang~, agree? Do I need your consent?

Such changes made many powerful people instantly full of curiosity.

As a result, a star-level expert quickly rose from the ground, flew to the atmosphere, and began to investigate.

But after this inspection, everyone began to tremble instantly, and even the original indomitable fighting spirit began to fade.

Just because outside the Blue Star at this time, there are terrifying beasts of various colors scattered neatly and orderly around the Blue Star!

The most important thing is that any one of the many powerful Lin clan men at this moment could kill the entire Blue Star.

At this time, many Lin beasts, under the leadership of Lin Zhan, began to appear that hot golden sticky substance around their bodies.

As the viscous energy around each Lin Beast increased, golden lines began to connect with each other and formed a huge octagonal energy shield.

As the viscous energy increased, a few days later, all the energy shields actually covered the entire Blue Star!

At this moment, Lin Zhan's voice suddenly came from the sky.

Xiaozu..., bah, little Qilin, the two horns release energy, and it borders the Tianlinyu built by millions of strong men of the Lin clan.

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Xuan and Qilin immediately looked at each other. Then, Qilin nodded heavily, and then released energy, shooting straight into the starry sky.

In less than ten minutes, Qilin, who was just releasing energy, suddenly turned red, as if he had drunk fake wine, and started to stagger.

But Qilin's own energy began to increase crazily, and its energy became more and more solid.

After dozens of minutes, Qilin suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the golden energy shield above the sky, and whispered: Hidden!

Just one word was uttered, and just like the words were spoken, the energy shield above the sky suddenly disappeared quickly.

But upon closer inspection, it didn't disappear, but became transparent, still protecting Blue Star.

Just as Jiang Xuan was carefully observing the energy fluctuations above, Lin Zhan appeared next to everyone in an instant.

After the other party only glanced at Jiang Xuan, he turned his head and said to Qilin: How are you? How are you? Are you uncomfortable with anything?

Immediately, the other party looked at Qilin, whose face was still a little red, and quickly explained: The Heaven-holding Qilin Controller can mobilize the energy of millions of strong people from the Lin clan.

Because your strength is too low, I came up with this idea. How about protecting Blue Star and allowing the energy of millions of strong Lin clan people to feed you back?

Qilin was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly said: Thank you, senior, I'm fine now!

After hearing Qilin's affirmative reply, Lin Zhan seemed to be completely relieved, and explained with some pride: The Lin clan's home planet has a permanent Tian Lin Yu.

It has been controlled by generations of Lin Clan patriarchs. I want you to get familiar with it first. You, Tianlin Yu, can block all the powerful men in the starry sky at the domain level from entering.

In addition, the avatar of the Lin Clan’s mother star will is also on the way. When the time comes, he will follow you and take charge of Tianlin Yu together.

As for domain level and above, if they want to come in, there will be a prompt. You can be worry-free for a hundred years. Now, I have done everything I can do.

If you win, Tianlinyu will not disappear within a hundred years, but if you lose, I will directly take away the little Qilin and withdraw Tianlinyu. When the time comes, don’t say that I am heartless!

After the other party finished speaking, he looked up at the sky in a somewhat unhappy mood, and casually pulled out a piece of defensive soft armor that was rough in shape but obviously a treasure from the void, and handed it directly to Qilin Dao.

The old lady won't let me stay here. Her reason is that no one can find out what kind of wrench the domain level wants to use at the scene of the war.

Therefore, I can only bring you the Tianlin Armor, one of the eight sacred objects of the Lin clan. As for me, I can only watch you from outside the starry sky.

Anyway, remember, Tianlin Armor allows you to commit suicide on this indigenous planet. In addition, it has the effect of counter-injury!

When Lin Zhan said the word retaliation, he deliberately paused for a moment.

After noticing that Jiang Xuan and Qilin's eyes lit up, they flew towards the sky in an instant. Before leaving, they actually laughed and said, You can teach me.

Hahaha, oops, why is my Tianlin Armor missing? Without this thing, I can't resist the attack of the Queen of Heaven!

As soon as these words came out, both Jiang Xuan and Qilin suddenly raised their heads and looked at the disappeared figure of Lin Zhan.

Just because of the other party's last sentence: resist the Queen of Heaven's attack.

Just this short sentence made the two of them understand in an instant how strong the defense of this Tianlin Armor was!

Chapter 270 Tianlin Armor

With Lin Zhan's departure, the countdown to the decisive battle has officially begun!

At this time, Jiang Xuan felt envious as he watched the Qilin gradually merge into the Tianlin Armor.

But how strong this Tianlin Armor is, Qilin still needs to tell him personally.

It wasn't until a few hours later that Qilin suddenly lowered his head and groaned softly in relief, and then opened his eyes.

How is it? Jiang Xuandao.

Qilin opened his eyes, his body trembled slightly, his eyes were a little surprised and he said: This Tianlin Armor combines offense and defense. It can be said to be a real big killer.

When the time comes for the decisive battle, if you want to go deep behind enemy lines and kill the insect queen, you must call me!

Seeing this, Jiang Xuan nodded slightly, then looked at Heiwu and started to frown slightly!

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