At this time, the strong man from the Blood Clan who was fighting against the Queen of Heaven had a slight sense of the major races in the starry sky that were all rushing towards the Blue Star, and he made an instant decision.

The next second, I saw a piece of blood-colored ocean in the starry sky in the Ape Blood Super Galaxy Cluster, which immediately began to condense and condense rapidly.

The next second, a nine-foot-tall, blood-red middle-aged man flew directly towards the Blue Star Land with a bloodthirsty light in his eyes.

Galaxy's Edge!

Less than ten minutes after Lin Wu and others wiped out the phantom of the Queen of Heaven, fluctuations on the starry sky plank road began to appear here.

As soon as the fluctuation appeared, Linwu and others seemed to have made up their minds, and a look of determination flashed on their faces.

But the next second, several people's faces were full of confusion!

Just because the first strong men to come over turned out to be Snail Zu and others.

In other words, since the decisive battle began on Blue Star, many powerful people have just withdrawn from the galaxy in accordance with the treaty, but they have not gone far.

Now, because the Queen's shadow appeared again and violated the rules, many powerful people have returned to the galaxy again.

The next second, I saw at least 5,000 powerful men from various star races. Although they were not from the same race, they all turned around at the same time and looked quietly outside the galaxy.

This clearly stated the position of supporting Blue Star, which immediately made many major races on the way start to think.

You know, these more than 5,000 strong men all represent the same race.

Even among these people, some of them, and even their races, are ranked beyond ten thousand in the starry sky.

But even so, because of the quantity, this is a force that cannot be underestimated.

On the contrary, at this moment, those who came with the will of the mother star who followed many strong men were anxious.

Because no matter which one of these people is pulled out, they are the treasures of each family.

But no matter how much the will of many home planets persuades them, many powerful people have already shown an attitude of willing to die.

For a moment, I couldn't control the will of everyone's home planet, so I could only quickly contact my own family and start shaking people.

It was like a butterfly effect, because the middle and lower-level races actually started to send troops. In an instant, the storm in the starry sky became more severe.

Because of this, just like fishing in troubled waters, the thoughts of those races that had always been taking advantage of others began to become active.

In such an environment, on the edge of the Milky Way, on the third day, the first race finally appeared.

The opponent is a race that ranks more than 3,000 times in the starry sky, neither above nor below: the Yuanyuan tribe.

The characteristic of this race is that every member of the tribe has a round shape, like a ball, from birth.

One of the rules of the starry sky: lower-ranked races must give way when they see higher-ranked races.

But now, these more than 5,000 strong men are paying attention to the chubby strong men coming out of the starry sky plank road, and they don't pay attention to each other at all.

However, in the next second, a pure black ball that was thousands of feet in size quickly flew thousands of miles away from these powerful men. It glanced at almost all of them who were at the sixth level of cutting stars.

The race expert who was at level 7 of Zhanxing and had a low race ranking immediately said arrogantly: Go away, I'm going to support the Lin clan!

However, in the face of the other party's powerful words, the strong men did not change their expressions and did not give in even an inch.

The next second, Snail Ancestor stood up directly, looked at the opponent without fear and said: In the galaxy ahead, during the decisive battle between Blue Star and the Zerg, all races are prohibited from entering!

As soon as these words came out, the will of the mother star in Snail Ancestor was so frightened that he disappeared instantly.

On the contrary, it was the strong man from the Yuanyuan clan who suddenly emitted energy and said, Are you ordering me?

However, facing the opponent's terrifying energy of level eight, Snail Ancestor did not flinch.

But the next second, the more than 5,000 strong men behind them said directly, as if they had agreed upon it: It's not an order, it's a notice!

Chapter 266 The strength of the super race

As soon as these words came out, this super strong man from the Yuanyuan tribe looked at everyone with dangerous eyes.

On the other hand, Snail Zu and others were not afraid of the other party's threats and still refused to give in.

On the other hand, this strong man from the Yuanyuan tribe suddenly had an equally round shadow appear on his body, and he gently shook his head at the opponent.

Obviously, this moment is also the first time since ancient times that all races in the starry sky have seen how terrifying the condensed power is.

But even this action by Snail Zu and others instantly made many super races who did not want to participate in it instantly become murderous.

After all, everyone's current behavior has already touched the cake of the superior.

Just when everyone was in a stalemate, another wave of fluctuations appeared instantly.

However, they did not wait for the strong men of this race to step out of the starry sky plank road.

I saw a race that looked like a giant sky-swallowing beast suddenly appeared.

The opponent's whale-like body glanced at the race that was gradually stabilizing the starry sky plank road. The next second, the opponent's tail smashed the starry sky plank road into pieces.

The result of this action was that the race that had not yet appeared was directly crushed in the turbulence of the starry sky.

On the other hand, this whale-like creature was exuding spots of green light. He looked at Snail Zu and the others and said softly: Get away or be destroyed!

The Whale Star Clan is located at the 360th rank in the starry sky.

At this moment, in the starry sky, the laws of the dark jungle were vividly displayed.

In fact, even the Yuanyuan clan who first appeared has tried to minimize their existence since the other party appeared.

Obviously, the emergence of such a hegemonic race is no longer something that Snail Zu and others can threaten.

After all, if you continue to threaten, you will be hitting a rock with an egg and using a mantis' arm as a chariot.

Like, are you afraid of the threat of five thousand little ants of different shapes?

Just when Snail Zu and others were confronting each other, Lin Wu and others from behind flew over instantly.

Hey, Whale Star Clan, who do I think it is? It's such a grand event, come on, come on, you kill me, come on, kill me?

At this time, Linwu and others had just arrived here, and they had transformed into Qianzhang's true form.

The most important thing is that Linwu was so mean that he actually stretched out his huge head towards the other party with an indifferent expression.

But obviously, the other party really didn't dare to take action because of the arrival of Lin Wu and others.

After all, they were the Lin clan.

As long as you dare to kill Linwu today, a super Lin clan will dare to destroy your race tomorrow.

It is worth mentioning that although Linwu acted like an extremely rogue person, everyone was also extremely anxious.

After all, if you don't have support, the consequences will be disastrous.

These powerful men who were capable of killing stars at level seven or above, in front of the undefended Blue Star, Blue Star could only be destroyed.

You know, not to mention these powerful people on the edge of the galaxy, even the current Jiang Xuan, if he is willing, as long as he returns to the interior of Blue Star,

In less than three days, the entire Blue Star can be turned into a Death Star.

Not to mention these guys.

Therefore, after Lin Wu and others considered it again and again, they directly agreed with the ideas of Snail Zu and others.

That is to directly exclude all races in the starry sky from the Milky Way.

Just when Lin Wu was extremely rogue.

In an instant, the energy of at least eight starry sky planks appeared directly.

This time, Linwu was even more anxious.

You know, being able to build a starry sky plank road usually only happens when a race starts sending troops.

Obviously, these eight paths represent the eight races.

But the next second, under Lin Wu's signal, Lin Hei and others made a move at the same time.

That is to turn into the real body and head towards the eight starry sky planks.

In an instant, plank roads had been built one by one, and the race that came out of the vanguard instantly hit the big heads of Lin Hei and others.

Eight major races: “…….”

Just when many races were confused, a sound that resounded to the edge of the galaxy suddenly exploded in the ears of all races.

When did the Lin people start relying on scoundrels to survive?

The next second, a woman with a crown on her head and a perfect face, as big as a planet, suddenly appeared.

For a moment, everyone, including Lin Wu and others, had their hearts in their throats.

Just because the other party is the queen of the Zerg tribe!

And it was the Queen of Heaven who came in person, not a projection of will.

But the most despairing thing is that with the appearance of the other party, the densely packed starry sky plank roads in the outer reaches of the Milky Way are fluctuating crazily and increasing in number.

Just when Lin Wu and others were about to take back their heads in embarrassment, another voice suddenly sounded from deep in the starry sky.

Hey, hey, ladies, why don't you fight with me? What are you doing here in this corner?

As the other party's words rang out, everyone's eyes were filled with only blood.

The Blood Tribe, the sixth super overlord in the starry sky, is also here.

But when the other party came here, it seemed that his goal was different from everyone else's.

The other party seems to be here just because of this queen.

At this time, the scarlet man, who had arrived thousands of miles away from everyone, looked at the situation around him.

He smiled with a big, scarlet mouth: You can't beat me, so you come to bully these little guys? Hahaha, old lady, you are really becoming more and more embarrassed as you live!

These words were like a trigger, instantly making the queen furious.

The next second, the Queen of Heaven and the scarlet man were seen attacking the void around them at the same time with great tacit understanding.

The next second, the space shattered and turbulence arose. On the other hand, the two powerful men dived directly into the black hole without hesitation.

But before leaving, the queen actually had a sneer on her lips and glanced at the dense Zerg army that had begun to appear behind her.

As soon as the two powerful men left, before everyone could take a breath, they immediately noticed the densely packed insect soldiers that had begun to appear.

Suddenly, everyone started to feel numb.

After all, in just a few seconds, among the many insect soldiers on the periphery of the galaxy, at least a hundred insect queens of various colors who were at the ninth level of Star Cutting had already gathered together.

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