Without further ado, I will arrange for many insect queens to be promoted to their respective insect soldiers!

Immediately, in the eyes of the Insect Gold Puppet, Zimei's busy figure immediately began to command many insect queens and began to set up camp.

But the moment Zi Mei turned around, her smiling face suddenly turned cold.

Obviously, the other party also has ulterior motives.

This is the Zerg, a race that respects the strong and only recognizes strength.

Here, no one will really surrender to anyone sincerely, only absolute strength is the truth!

At this point, among all the insect queens that invaded Blue Star, only the last Beicheng insect queen is left, and she has not come yet.

But when thinking of Amethyst, whether it was Chongjin Puppet, Zimei, or the controller in Nancheng who had never shown up, they all began to have different expressions on their faces.

In such a scheming mood, waves of terrifying energy suddenly appeared in the north in the endless black mist.

You're welcome, everyone!

In just six words, whether it was Zi Mei or the Nancheng controller, they all turned their heads and stared at the north.

Even many insect queens looked there, looking extremely fearful.

In the complicated expressions of everyone, Amethyst's elegant figure in a purple dress slowly appeared.

At this moment, many insect queens were at a loss as they sensed the undetectable energy on Amethyst's body.

In the end, many insect queens could only look at Amethyst's many insect soldiers to judge their strength.

However, just this glance made all the insect queens tremble.

Just because Amethyst at this time, almost 99% of all the insect soldiers led by Amethyst were at the insect emperor level.

And, the most terrifying thing is that the number of insect soldiers on the other side is actually several times more than the number of insect soldiers on each insect queen.

For a time, all the insect queens' fear of Amethyst reached its peak.

After all, a bug queen who wants both quantity and quality is already a symbol of strength.

On the contrary, Amethyst at this time looked like she was divided into three parts of the world. She instantly understood what was going on, so she pretended not to understand the situation and glanced at it and said, Why, aren't you welcome to me?

However, before the Insect Gold Puppet could say anything, an Insect Queen with cyan lines on her face stood up suddenly and asked, Amethyst, why are you the only one here? Where is the Insect Blue Puppet, and where are the other Insect Queens?

The next second, before all the insect queens could react, the insect queen whose face was covered with cyan lines was instantly shattered into pieces.

On the contrary, Amethyst, as if nothing happened, returned to the same place again, and looked at her slender jade fingers with boredom, and said with some displeasure: I haven't reported to the Chongjin Puppet yet, are you in a hurry? What kind of energy!

Then, regardless of the eyes of all the insect queens, she walked forward quickly, looked at the insect gold puppet on the throne and said: The controller of the North City, Amethyst, has seen the insect gold puppet crown,

Because of the increase in troops from many strong men in the West City, all thirty-six Insect Queens in the North City were killed. The Insect Brain became furious and sent many Insect Queens to my side again.

In the end, I lived up to expectations, and with the help of many insect queens, I successfully captured Beicheng. The only regret was that all the insect queens had died in the battle.

When it was said that all the insect queens were dead, everyone noticed that Amethyst's face didn't even waver at all.

For a moment, words like tyrant, femme fatale, etc. appeared in everyone’s mind!

On the contrary, the Chongjin Puppet, after hearing Amethyst's words, quickly stood up from the throne and said, My Majesty Amethyst, there is no need to say this. After all, you are the only one who has successfully broken through the giant city on your own. Please, please Take your seat.

The next second, in the eyes of all the insect queens, the Insect Gold Puppet instantly formed another throne that was almost identical to his own next to his throne, and looked at Amethyst.

But whether it was Zimei or the Insect Queen in Nancheng, when they heard the words of the Chongjin Puppet, they snorted coldly and felt the insult to them by the Chongjin Puppet!

Chapter 263 Hands in pockets, holding unicorn horns

Hearing the cold snorts from everyone, Amethyst sneered without any trace, and walked directly to the throne without any hesitation.

You know, this sentence of the Chongjin Puppet is a double entendre, which not only exalts Amethyst, but also belittles many insect queens.

However, when Amethyst sat firmly on the throne, she turned her attention to Zimei and said, Sister, since we separated thousands of years ago, why don't you go see your sister?

After finishing speaking, Amethyst moved her dark purple dress intentionally or unintentionally.

On the other hand, Zimei, who was being questioned, also looked nervous at this time.

After all, they are both the highest-level purple insect queens, so they are also divided into different levels.

Just from the clothes of the two, it is obvious that Zi Mei's lavender clothes are obviously not as good as Amethyst.

Sister misunderstood. It was the Queen of Heaven who personally issued the order for you to be sent to Beicheng. My sister wanted to see you, but she didn't dare to go. Zimei said.

However, after listening to the other party's explanation, Amethyst shook her head slightly and said with some self-deprecation: Well, that's true. I will never forget the fact that you united with many insect queens to successfully bring down your sister!

Seeing the strange words of the two men, Chongjin Puppet, as a junior, could only say helplessly: Okay, Your Majesty, the war is about to begin. Let's improve the strength of our respective insect soldiers first!

As soon as these words came out, whether it was Amethyst or Zi Mei, their purple pupils looked at the Insect Gold Puppet at the same time.

However, as the other party was the nominal leader of the Zerg in this era, the two had no choice but to eventually start distributing pheromones to enhance the strength of their respective Zerg soldiers.

However, just when everyone began to improve the strength of their insect soldiers, another change occurred.

Amethyst casually took out a drop of source fluid and threw it directly into her endless insect emperor swarm.

The main character is a wealthy person.

The next second, I saw the peak insect emperors under Amethyst, because they had the ultimate supply of source fluid, they immediately distanced themselves from all the insect soldiers.

In the eyes of many insect queens, in less than half a day, the insect soldiers under Amethyst, who were at the peak of insect emperors, were like mushrooms after a rain, breaking through one after another.

On the other hand, the drop of original liquid gradually became smaller.

It wasn't until the fifth day, when at least 100,000 star-level insect soldiers appeared among the many peak insect emperors under Amethyst, that the drop of source fluid completely disappeared.

But don't forget that although the source liquid has disappeared, the rich source power is still several times richer than other places where many insect soldiers are located.

Unexpectedly, when many insect queens thought that this was it, Amethyst once again took out a drop of source liquid.

For a time, the numerous insect queens visible to the naked eye began to fill their minds with black lines.

After all, insects are afraid of comparisons, because Amethyst's appearance instantly made it look like there were many insect queens, which was very inferior.

In the end, many insect queens could only grit their teeth, and took out the source liquid that the insect brain had given to everyone, and began to supply their respective insect soldiers.

But don’t forget that among the insect soldiers brought by Amethyst, almost all are peak insect emperors. In fact, there are almost no insect soldiers below the insect emperor.

But many other insect queens were not like this.

For a time, many insect queens who originally hoped that among their own insect soldiers could break through to star-level insect soldiers, their dreams were shattered instantly after the source liquid was put into their respective armies.

Just because those insect emperors, when the source liquid came over, their bodies instantly began to absorb the source liquid like cotton.

Because it is too dispersed, a drop of source liquid can barely allow the insect soldiers of many insect queens to break through dozens or even single-digit star-level insect soldiers.

Beyond the stars!

At this time, Lin Wu and others, as if from God's perspective, watched whether it was Hei Wu or the Blue Star powerhouses in West City recharging their energy and starting to eat melons one after another.

But what Zong Nao didn't know was that the eleven strong men of the Lin clan, headed by Lin Wu, almost all looked at Qilin, who was slowly absorbing energy on the Starry Sky West City.

It's just that because the opponent is now in human form and does not emit energy or the power of luck, no one can judge how talented the man with two horns is.

But now everyone is certain of a few things.

That is, the opponent definitely has the pure blood of the Lin clan. The most important thing is that the man below does not have any Blue Star origin mark.

As for the opponent's star-cutting level strength, he was automatically ignored by Lin Wu and others.

But what you need to know is that even under the current situation, Lin Wu and others can go directly to Blue Star and take Qilin back to the Ancient A Super Galaxy Cluster if they want to.

After all, the opponent has no origin brand, and is equivalent to his own race, wild in the starry sky.

At this time, the eleven star-level nine superpowers next to Zong Brain were talking to each other in a furtive manner.

How do you say? Just go down, pick it up and leave?

Linhei, are you out of your mind? The two parties are having a decisive battle. Going in rashly will break the rules.

Then what do you think we should do? Linwu, Linwu, don't look at me. What can I say? If you say anything, my brothers will listen to you.

That's right, we have so many ninth-level star-slayers, but we can't get out of the domain level, let alone this indigenous galaxy, super star cluster, we can just do whatever we want!


On the other hand, Linwu at this time had his hands in his pockets and his eyes fixed on Qilin in the west city, trying hard to sense him.

But what everyone didn't know was that Lin Wu had a hand in his pocket that was holding Lin's horn tightly. As long as he determined the opponent's talent, he would directly shake him.

After all, among all the people present, only Linwu had ever truly sensed the ultimate power of luck.

Starry Sky West City!

Ten days later!

At this time, Jiang Xuan nodded slightly as he looked at the powerful men who had been steadily absorbing them for ten days, and some of them were gradually beginning to break through to the star level.

As for the many strong men who had already broken through the star level, they just replenished their energy and adjusted themselves to the best condition, and then they began to open their eyes and sense the black mist.

At this moment, the young man with two horns in the distance also opened his eyes, looked up at Jiang Xuan, who had been standing on the edge of the giant city from beginning to end, and walked slowly away.

Others may not know, but Qilin must know at this time how much suffering Jiang Xuan is suffering.

This is the fate of a planet, the success or failure of a planet!

If you want to wear a crown, you must be punished by it. At this time, Jiang Xuan was really depressed and felt a little depressed.

At this moment, Qilin walked up to Jiang Xuan and said: No matter how hard we work, success or failure in this battle is left to fate.

Seeing someone talking behind him, Jiang Xuan smiled stiffly and said, Well, try your best!

Looking at Jiang Xuan's depressed expression, Qilin also shook his head slightly and said: I want to inject the power of luck into the entire West City first. Although I don't know what the use is, my subconscious thinks that I should be like this. Do.

Chapter 264 What Blue Star? That's the patriarch

After hearing what the other party said, Jiang Xuan was also a little curious, so he looked at Qilin and said, Okay, then you can start now. The power of luck is ethereal. I also want to see it.

The Qilin behind them nodded slightly and then flew over the West City.


The next second, a Qilin auspicious beast tens of thousands of meters suddenly appeared in the sky above everyone.

The other party stood on the Nine-auspicious Cloud, his domineering eyes slightly glanced at Xicheng.

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