Okay, just stay on the city wall and break through with peace of mind. I will protect you.

After Jiang Xuan finished speaking, he landed on the city wall and looked at the people below who were fighting crazily.

It is worth mentioning that the five-person team, since they completely recovered from their injuries more than ten days ago, have also joined the ranks of killing insects wholeheartedly.

After all, being stared at eagerly by a group of strong men who are much stronger than you is not enough if you don't put your whole heart and soul into it.

Chapter 175 Countdown

Noticing that Jiang Xuan had completely woken up and was standing on the giant city, looking at themselves and others, the five-person group worked harder to kill the insect soldiers.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Xuan said to Emperor Fei on the side: Uncle, help protect Bai Shen. I'm going down too. I have to speed up the cleanup.

Go away, you little brat, I won't even accept you as my uncle.

Seeing this, Jiang Xuan blinked and immediately flew down the city wall and joined the battle.

half year later!

The deserted Starry Sky North City.

At this time, Jiang Xuan and others were sitting together, discussing things.

It has been a month since everyone eliminated the insect soldiers.

In other words, it only took everyone less than half a year to completely kill the insect soldiers behind the green puppet.

Of course, excluding the Insect Emperor and the 100 million peak Insect Emperors.

At this time, Bai Shen had already broken through to the late Beast Emperor stage.

Today everyone gathered together to discuss the important matter regarding the decisive battle.

Maybe Bai Shen and others have no concept of time since entering Starry Sky North City.

But Jiang Xuan knew that the countdown to the decisive battle had come to the last five years.

Because in Jiang Xuan's mind, the task of supporting Starry Sky East City suddenly popped up again today.

[Support Starry Sky East City, countdown: 4 years, 364 days and 22 hours. 】

In the past six months, Wu Daode had been seeing the dragon almost all day long. The other party was busy installing energy cannons in the giant city area of ​​​​North City.

The other party was also deliberately called back by Jiang Xuan today.

Seeing that everyone had arrived and chatted with each other, Jiang Xuan immediately lowered his head and looked at Jucheng.

[Beicheng: Level 3. 】

[Energy: 78 million. 】

[Upgrade requirements: 50 million (can be upgraded). 】

[Note: One hundred thousand energy can be exchanged for original power x 1. 】

After careful calculation, this time the insect queen actually brought more than 200 million energy to Beicheng.

This kind of high-risk, high-reward trading is indeed very exciting.

But Jiang Xuan also understands that in this kind of business, others can lose countless times, but as long as he loses once, he will be destroyed directly.

Now Jiang Xuan has two choices before him, either to upgrade the giant city or to improve the strength of other members.

In the end, Jiang Xuan made up his mind to provide Rongsu with all his energy and help the opponent break through the late stage of Beast Emperor.

When Jiang Xuan told everyone about this idea, Uncle Fei immediately thought of something and said.

You are stupid. Why do those guys from Blue Star accuse us wrongly? You just have to endure it. We can also go and steal their wool.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned, obviously not understanding the meaning of the other party's words.

I saw Uncle Fei rolling his eyes and explaining: In Beicheng, because you have too little background, you have to make careful calculations every time, but the other two cities are different.

If you do this, I will take these little guys to Dongcheng and Xicheng, and it will take up to half a year.

We are back, and you don’t have to worry about whether to upgrade Xiao Rongsu or the giant city.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

After all, this method of squeezing wool is something that even one person might not be able to figure out.

Just do it, Uncle Fei looked at everyone and said immediately: Xiao Rongsu, little female voice, clown fish, little ghost, you four,

Follow me to West City first. As for Little Red Snake, you and this group of five will be sent directly to East City when the time comes.

After finishing speaking, Uncle Fei prepared to leave with the four of them.

I saw Bayin and others turning to look at Jiang Xuan.

After thinking about it, Jiang Xuan still sent a message to Uncle Fei: Uncle, when I break through the deep sleep this time,

That little loli said that three of the four ferocious beasts in the West City have been assimilated by the origin, and the East City has also been invaded in large areas, you...

As soon as these words came out, Uncle Fei, who had already been in the air, suddenly turned his head and looked directly at Jiang Xuandao: Are you sure?

In desperation, Jiang Xuan could only guarantee again and again that the news was absolutely true.

For a moment, Uncle Fei's body flying in mid-air fell back to the city wall.

Seeing Uncle Fei's frowning expression, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense.

Until a few hours later, Uncle Fei turned slightly, stared at everyone, and said very seriously: The wool must be gathered, but the plan needs to be changed.

What I originally thought was to send these four little guys there and then come back to send the others.

But after you said that, I decided to stay with the four little guys until they broke through.

After the other party finished speaking, he looked at Jiang Xuan and continued: Remember, these days when I am no longer here, you and Bai Shen and the others should not be with Amethyst in the black mist.

If there is any conflict, the other party is now like a bomb of your era. It will explode at a moment. It is still the kind of bomb with millions of insect emperors.

After the other party finished speaking, he took the four people with Bayin again and flew towards the entrance of Beicheng with a lot of thoughts.

Jiang Xuan and Bai Shen looked at each other as they watched Uncle Fei and others leave Beicheng completely.

The next moment, Jiang Xuan said directly: Upgrade.


As soon as Jiang Xuan finished speaking, the giant city began to rumble as promised.

This move actually shocked the five-person group. After all, it was the first time for everyone to see this formation.

But after looking at the calm eyes of Jiang Xuan and others, the five-person group immediately calmed down.

After sensing the trembling of the giant city, Amethyst in the black mist looked calmly in the direction of the giant city.

Then, the other party also began to think deeply.

A moment later, Amethyst murmured to herself in the black mist, Queen, hum~, don't be in a hurry, I'm not in a hurry. I heard that a super mutant insect queen who is a candidate for the Queen is coming this time...

Starry Sky West City!

Since the five-year countdown to the decisive battle came, the Human Emperor summoned dozens of new generation powerful men.

Without exception, they are all geniuses among geniuses, including Lan.

No one knew what the Human Emperor was talking about when he summoned everyone, not even the most powerful confidants around the Human Emperor.

But starting from that day, the many geniuses who were summoned seemed to have changed their personalities, and they were committing suicide in Xicheng all day long.

For a time, Xingkong Xicheng, which was originally solemn, serious, and filled with a chilling atmosphere, was in a state of panic.

Even Lan, who had always been mature and steady, started to provoke many powerful people in various ways.

This big movement also made the insect queens in the black mist aware of it.

At this time, in the black fog of the West City, huge insect queens gathered together.

Is this? Are these guys from Blue Star crazy? Are they actually starting to kill each other?

Could it be?

Did the seeds we planted back then work?

Hahaha, this is the only possibility. They are not the only ones planning this game.

It's a good deal for this little guy like Chongjin Puppet to harvest the fruits.


In the afternoon two days later.

Uncle Fei took Bayin and others to Starry Sky West City again.

But as soon as they entered, Rongsu and the others were stunned.

Even Uncle Fei thought he was on the wrong track.

I saw battles taking place everywhere on the walls of Xingkong West City at this time.

It can be said that the chicken is flying and the dog is jumping.

Chapter 176 Sent to the edge of West City

Although Xicheng was in a state of chaos at this time.

But it's not a big deal since these new generation strong men are competing with each other.

However, the moment Uncle Fei appeared in West City, all the ancient powerful men felt something.

But the next moment, when everyone sensed the figures of Rong Su and others, their faces sank.

For a moment, many ancient powerful men, as if they had a tacit understanding, all flew towards the place where Uncle Fei was at the same time.

Before anyone could arrive, a white-robed figure full of murderous intent came to Uncle Fei's side first.

The Emperor has an order!

Boom~, just four words, made Uncle Fei, Rongsu and others kneel down at the same time.

The many ancient powerful men who were coming from behind didn't pay attention for a moment, but they were suddenly suppressed by a force and fell to the ground.

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