Approximately how many insect soldiers are there? Jiang Xuan asked.

Bai Shen was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Mio.

Seeing this, Miao thought for a while and said: Based worms, according to the tens of billions of Amethyst worms, there are at least 90% left.

Because these days, the few of us are killing insect emperors. Wu Daode's energy cannon can only kill about 100 million at a time. It seems that it has killed up to 780 million these days.

Speaking of this, Miao paused, seeming to be roughly calculating something. After a while, he continued: We killed more Insect Emperors, probably less than 50%.

After understanding the number of insect soldiers, Jiang Xuan turned to look at the giant city.

[Beicheng: Level 3. 】

[Energy: 48 million. 】

[Upgrade requirements: 50 million. 】

[Note: One hundred thousand energy can be exchanged for original power x 1. 】

You know, these days, Jiang Xuan alone has absorbed 100 million energy.

And the conditions required for upgrade have been met.

This time everyone was called here because Jiang Xuan wanted to upgrade and fell into a deep sleep.

Seeing that the giant city still had nearly 50 million energy, Jiang Xuan made some calculations.

According to initial calculations, the upgrade of Bai Shen and others should be worth 70 to 80 million energy.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xuan immediately said: Bai Shen, next, you don't have to participate in the battle, and you can absorb the energy of the giant city to break through with peace of mind.

After all, Jiang Xuan saw the efficiency of everyone's fighting.

It is estimated that by the time Bai Shen has absorbed nearly 50 million energy, everyone will have killed enough energy for Bai Shen to upgrade next.

After making arrangements, Jiang Xuan flew directly into the city, preparing to break through inside Starry Sky North City.

But at this moment, everyone's eyes were looking at the entrance to Beicheng.

Only three humans and two ferocious beasts were seen, all with disheveled hair being escorted in.

The team of Golden Guards, after escorting the five people in, said directly in the direction of the giant city: Disturbing the order of the West City, relying on the breakthrough of the Beast Emperor, provoking the ancient strong men, and banishing them to the North City.

After the captain of the Golden Guard at the rear finished speaking, he took the other members of the Golden Guard and turned around to leave.

It wasn't until everyone in the Golden Team left completely that the three Emperors and the two Beast Emperors raised their heads and looked at Beicheng.

I heard that Emperor Xuan is also here, and that Wicked was also sent here some time ago?

You have been promoted to the emperor level, can Emperor Xuan be promoted? But, since this place is so desolate, Emperor Xuan probably does not have the energy to advance.

You two, stop being so pushy. It's called morality, not immorality.

I don't agree with what you say. If that guy had any morals, could he blow a big crack in his defense?


The five of them talked to each other and wandered slowly in Beicheng.

Jiang Xuan, who was on the giant city, turned to look at Wu Daode and asked curiously: Do you know them?

Unexpectedly, Wu Daode immediately curled his lips and said with some contempt: Five reckless men, but their strength is indeed very top-notch, and their combat power is very terrifying.

And did you see those three humans? They are brothers born three times from the same mother. If they fight together, it will definitely not be as simple as one plus one plus one.

These five reckless men are the real new generation of thorns in Xicheng. Unlike me, they only like to engage in scientific research.

Everyone rolled their eyes at first, and then began to observe the five people in the distance with their senses.

Because their own realm was higher than that of the other party, the five people who had just entered Beicheng didn't know that someone was actually observing them.

Finally, through observation, Jiang Xuan discovered a question, why did the Human Emperor assign the strong men here, who were almost all new generation strong men, and all of them were the top geniuses?

Either he has strong fighting power, or he has his own specialties like Wu Daode, but without exception, he is not mediocre.

Chapter 173 Doubt life

Noticing that the five people in the city were slowly approaching everyone, Jiang Xuan took the lead and flew towards them first.

Bai Shen and the others behind him also quickly followed up.

The five early-stage emperor-level experts who were looking at Beicheng suddenly noticed Jiang Xuan and others and stopped immediately.

Are you Emperor Xuan? We, five brothers, are here today and will be the boss here from now on. Isn't that too much?

The leader, a middle-aged man who looked to be about forty years old, said.

As soon as these words came out, Bai Shen and the others behind Jiang Xuan immediately looked at everyone dangerously.

On the other hand, Jiang Xuan just smiled slightly and was not angry. He chuckled and said, What's your surname?

Wang Da, what's wrong?

The other party's words obviously sounded provocative.

Of course, Jiang Xuan also understood that as a genius, who could not be arrogant?

However, Jiang Xuan also knew that there was only one way to deal with these geniuses, and that was to defeat them.

Yes, that's right, Jiang Xuan was going to beat these five people up.

After experiencing the betrayal of Blue Star, Jiang Xuan has completely changed.

In this northern city, you only need one voice, and that is yourself.

Even now, Jiang Xuan's attitude towards these outsiders is, even if I am wrong, just shut up and just execute.

This is what Jiang Xuan has thought about the change in his attitude in the past two years after coming to Beicheng.

Looking at the arrogant attitudes of the five people in front, Jiang Xuan shrugged and said: Nothing, I just want to tell you that when you come here, my order is heaven, earth, and only.

The next second, the strong energy around Jiang Xuan instantly pressed against the five people.

For a moment, the five people in front of Jiang Xuan felt extremely dangerous.

But Jiang Xuan's energy just flashed away, and then he said: I know that after you revived from heaven and earth, you are all geniuses among geniuses.

You five can pick these people on my side at will. You also know Wu Daode, so he is no longer within the scope.

If any of you can defeat anyone on our side, I can listen to you. Otherwise, just shut up and listen to my orders from now on.

As soon as these words came out, the five people in the city looked at Bai Shen and others with slightly narrowed eyes.

But because everyone also knew that the people behind Jiang Xuan were probably members of the Killing God Pavilion, they did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

For a moment, Bai Shen and others stared at the five people who were looking at them with indifferent expressions.

I chose him. He has turned into a human form and has such an ordinary appearance. He must be an ugly monster. The uglier he is, the more rubbish he is. That's him.

Among the five, the tallest slender dog man was the first to make a choice.

Upon seeing this, Shi Jian's face immediately darkened, and he said coldly: Thank you.

The thin dog man was stunned and asked curiously: Thank me? How can I thank you?

Gui Xun, who had been standing next to Shi Jian, suddenly said: Remove your arm.

Shi Jian turned his head to look at Guixun, and said with a smile: Brother, you still understand me.

As soon as he finished speaking, Shi Jian and the other party immediately flew towards the distance in the city.

Obviously there's going to be a fight.

When the remaining four people were preparing to use their senses to observe, Jiang Xuan said directly: No need to look anymore, continue.

The four of them were stunned, but their momentum could not be lost.

Two of them immediately chose Gui Hao and Ba Yin, who didn't talk much.

At this time, only Wang Da and Wang Er were left.

I saw Wang Da whispering to his younger brother: Don't choose this Emperor Xuan. You go and fight the thin guy in the back.

Bai Shen was stunned and pointed at himself in disbelief.

Unexpectedly, this move made Wang Er think that Bai Shen was too timid to fight, and he immediately said arrogantly: Yes, it's you, a little brat, let's fight!

Seeing Bai Shen following Wang Er to another place with calm eyes, Jiang Xuan continued to look at Wang Da.

Waiting for the opponent's final choice of combat opponent.

But at this time, only Jiang Xuan and Mio were left, Rongsu.

The next second, Jiang Xuan and Miao staggered at the same time, almost falling from the air, and Rong Su's eyes widened.

Just because Wang Da, who was below the crowd, pointed arrogantly at Uncle Fei who was eating melon at the side and said: Old man, don't look at it, it's you, fight me to a decisive battle.

Your boss has said it himself, anyone can challenge except Wu Daode, and you are not allowed to go back on your word.

Uncle Fei, who was watching the show on the sidelines, turned visibly darkened.

Seeing this, Jiang Xuan immediately realized what was going on and quickly backed away from Miao and Rongsu.

The battle that followed can be described as... It's hard to describe in words, the sky was dark and the earth was dark, the sun and the moon had no light, it was indescribable, it was extremely tragic...

Two days later, Bai Shen, Uncle Fei and others returned to Jiang Xuan at the city wall with calm faces.

As for the five geniuses, they were already huddled at the edge of the northern city farthest from everyone, shivering.

come over!

Jiang Xuan said in a message.

In the next second, the five geniuses flew towards Jiang Xuan immediately, as if by conditioned reflex, without any delay.

After the five people arrived at the giant city, they all stood in a row.

Because of the original attack, the five people's faces were covered with bruises and were extremely pitiful.

But judging from the appearance, the Wang Er that Bai Shen fought was relatively better.

But in fact, everyone knows that Bai Shen's attack is the darkest, because no part of the opponent's body is of normal color.

Are you convinced? Jiang Xuan said softly.

As soon as the words fell, the five people's heads moved crazily.

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