Reborn as a Pea Shooter

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This article was first published on Jinjiang Literature City, author Long Qi, thank you for supporting the genuine version.

He approached Ming Fei, squinting his eyes and slightly curling his lips: "Next time I won't lose my temper like this."

Ming Fei was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted, his old face turned red. He turned his head and couldn't help complaining. The two of them had just talked for such a long time, and he had lost his temper because he was distracted.

But why did Fanla go to take a cold shower... Could it be that when the two of them were talking seriously about the attributes of elements, a certain part of him was always beeping? Stop, stop, the imagination is too much.

Ming Fei shook his head, coughed, and said calmly: "There is not much time, let's start practicing."

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Fanla was in a good mood and didn't embarrass him anymore: "Okay."

It's called practicing, but it's actually very simple.

Vanla is truly good at everything. After flying in the sky, he went underground. That's right, he inserted a lightsaber into the ground, and when he lifted it up, there was a huge pit.

But with just a few cuts, he had dug a tunnel.

Ming Fei was stunned, and looked at Vanla like a groundhog... Well, more powerful than a groundhog, cough cough.

In the cave a few meters underground, several protective shields were propped up, and the two of them really started.

No specific movements were needed. With the connection of thoughts and Vanla's deliberate guidance, the special energy cycle was immediately formed.

It flowed from Mingfei to Vanla, and after being refined and purified, it flowed into Mingfei's body.

This cycle repeated, and the two of them were immersed in it unconsciously.

This was the second time they were connected, and Vanla was already familiar with it. The knowledge he possessed was too huge, although he didn't mind opening it all up to Mingfei. But for efficiency, opening it all up was not the best choice.

Ming Fei is a genuine rookie. To be honest, he can't grasp the key points even if such a huge treasure trove is unfolded in front of him. He can't find the right one for himself, which will only waste twice the time.

At this time, Fanla needs to take control. He first screens out the knowledge of the auxiliary system and the most suitable energy system, so that Ming Fei can learn from it. Clearly listing the key points and guiding them in detail is truly twice the result with half the effort.

Although he is guiding Ming Fei, in fact, Fanla himself has also benefited a lot.

There has never been such an opportunity to check the energy composition of his body so objectively, because this unique angle has made him escape from being an authority and become a bystander, and he can see the shortcomings that he couldn't find before more clearly, and make adjustments quickly.

Such a change is not a big breakthrough for the beginner Ming Fei, but for Fanla, who has been immersed in light magic for many years, it is a huge breakthrough. His current stage is no longer the time to collect energy crazily, but to strive for excellence. A small change may have a huge impact.

It's like the dawn of light encountered in a bottleneck. Breaking through this realm, what is reached is a height that was unimaginable before.

The passage of time was imperceptible, and the two of them were constantly growing and completely immersed in it.

No words were needed, the feeling of being completely open and connected was wonderful and indescribable.

The original plan was to let Ming Fei reach the fifth level of combat, and then the two of them would finish first.

Although Ming Fei was already at the third level of combat, you should know that the difficulty of each level of the combat level is multiplied. The third level of combat is a huge threshold. A large part of the combat plants can reach the third level of combat, but if you want to improve further, you need extremely high talent or hard work.

Even so, it is not easy to reach the fourth level of combat.

Countless hardships and unremitting perseverance are just the basics. The long time is the most unbearable.

Many combat systems are stuck at the fourth level of combat and cannot move forward.

The fourth level of combat can already participate in combat. Although it cannot change its body shape flexibly, it has many benefits in the posture of plants, and its ability is not weak.

Moreover, accumulating experience in battle while continuing to improve combat level is also the path that most plants would choose.

Because of these, Vanla also had a rough estimate of Ming Fei's combat level improvement, even with this special energy cycle, Ming Fei's own advanced posture, and his assistance. But after all, Vanla majored in the attack system, and although the auxiliary system was also very accomplished, it was not as good as Elena, the chief priest.

Therefore, after careful consideration, he estimated that Ming Fei would need at least three days to break through the fifth level of combat level.

This time is enough to shock everyone in the entire Palant.

What surprised Vanla was that it only took two days for Ming Fei to reach the critical point of the fifth level of combat level.

Everything went incredibly smoothly, as if there was an invisible force secretly urging it.

However, after all, being in the enemy camp, the less time it takes, the better. Although Vanla had doubts in his heart, he did not relax at all, and all his energy was focused on this last moment.

Although Ming Fei was being pulled, he was also feeling spontaneous. He naturally knew that this was the critical moment to break through the fifth level of combat, and he was inevitably a little excited.

With ups and downs, there was some turbulence. Ming Fei calmed down again after Fanla's whispered instructions.

But when he calmed down again, a strange feeling instantly enveloped him.

Ming Fei was completely passive, but Fanla reacted immediately. The third interface appeared in the cycle of the two people! What's going on?

I wanted to resist but couldn't. Then, a fourth interface appeared!

Fanla was shocked, as the cycle of connection between the two people was suddenly broken, and two living beings were forcibly inserted. But after a brief pause, the cycle accelerated violently.

Completely out of control, unable to stop, can only passively accept it.

Moreover, the energy coming from the fourth interface was unimaginably huge, even Fanla was very surprised.

It is thick and full of boundless love. Although it is a huge individual, it is unexpectedly delicate. Slowly blending in at the speed of quicksand, making the whole cycle more broad and broad.

This is a very special feeling. This kind of love is selfless and does not require repayment. It is just giving, but it allows you to receive it with peace of mind, without feeling guilty or even thinking of repaying it.

Just doesn't need to be.

After completely entering a state of selflessness and returning to consciousness, both of them vaguely heard a deep but loving voice saying goodbye: "Goodbye, my child."

The two of them opened their eyes at the same time, and the four-corner cycle was completely stopped.

A feeling of reluctance could not help but arise in his heart. Mingfei looked at Fan La and vaguely found the same emotion in those blue eyes.

After a moment of silence, Mingfei asked: "He...who is he?"

"I don't know, but..." he paused before saying, "I have only experienced this kind of broad selfless emotion in the Tree of Life."

"Tree of Life?" That is the root of Palant, how could it be felt in Zan Tomb.

"It's not the tree of life, but it may be a great creature of the same kind. The mysteries of the universe are endless, and there are countless life forms."

Ming Fei was stunned. The feeling left by 'it' still remained in his heart. It was very warm, but he could feel a slight strangeness. After a moment of pause, he said, "It... must be injured."

Fan La was startled for a moment before slowly nodding.

Inexplicable sadness lingered in his heart, and Mingfei felt a little lost.

Van La came closer to him and whispered: "Don't think too much, we can't help him."

"I know." Even if it is injured, its power is still beyond imagination. In front of that vast power, the two of them are like a speck of dust. It is impossible to even touch it, let alone help.

"Don't worry, this kind of life form, which is almost as old as the universe, will definitely heal itself." There is something that Van La did not say. In fact, the issue of life and death is not that important to them.

Existence and non-existence, in another sense, are both existence.

After walking out of the cave and breathing in the fresh air, Mingfei's depressed heart gradually eased. In fact, apart from selfless love, I couldn't feel the slightest bit of sadness from that giant creature.

Since all it gives is love, don't ignore its thoughts anymore.

Thinking of this, Mingfei breathed a sigh of relief and finally felt relieved.

After walking out, he finally felt something strange in his body. The elf appearance he had maintained due to the energy blessing of Van La had always been a bit restrained and tired, but now, he was completely at ease. His body was relaxed as never before, and his strength surged. , it feels very good.

At this time, he subconsciously relied on himself to release his thinking energy.

For just a moment, he was stunned.

His thinking ability... only for such a short period of time, it completely enveloped the entire Desolate Star like an octopus!

This feeling of infinite visual extension is so amazing!

Mingfei 'touched' Fanla in surprise. He thought that this was Valla helping him.

But in fact, after connecting with Vanla's thoughts, an indescribable feeling arose. Then, the boundaries of the thoughts became wider, rushing directly out of the atmosphere and towards the void of space!

Even... there is a tendency to continue to extend.

This, this is too exaggerated!

Compared with before, the two of them have improved a lot.

His thoughts were swirling and he was still probing outwards, but Fanla stopped him, and Mingfei immediately understood what he meant.

You may encounter a detection net during the extension. If you are discovered, it will be a bad thing.

With his thoughts recovered, Mingfei opened his eyes and looked at Fanla with a bright look.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Van La's mouth. Under the gray sky, her skin was so white that it seemed to glow, and her deep blue eyes were more like a lake in midsummer, shining with dazzling light.

Ming Fei stared blankly, suddenly feeling that he had never seen anyone more handsome than the person in front of him. The emotions in my heart are surging wildly, there are many dangers along the way, the two people are dependent on each other, the confession of connected thoughts and feelings, and the complete trust in each other.

I have never been with anyone like this, and there has never been anyone who can connect with him. This feeling is beyond words, but it makes my heart beat.

"I can't bear to watch you like this anymore."

Mingfei smiled, touched that charming face with both hands, stood on tiptoes, and kissed the thin, polished lips...

The initiative was instantly reversed. His waist was tightly clasped, and his lips were forcefully demanded. Mingfei was forced to raise his head with greater intensity and accept more.

At the moment when they were at a loss for words, a childish voice shouted with a trembling voice: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

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