Reborn as a Pea Shooter

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This article was first published on Jinjiang Literature City, author Long Qi, thank you for supporting the genuine version.

Sylvia stared at the data on the screen, her heart surging, and she gnashed her teeth in hatred.

She had never suffered such humiliation before. Since she came to power, she has been smooth sailing with her outstanding abilities, rising step by step, and at a young age, she has reached the high position of Minister of Outer Space. And she is expected to run for the Chief Archon of Antra Prime.

Especially at a time when the political situation in Zanmubo is turbulent and the party disputes between the House of Representatives and the New Emperor are becoming more and more intense, she has put all her bets in. If successful, she will be the undisputed winner. But if she fails, then everything... is over!

No, it is impossible to make a mistake!

Sylvia calmed down, staring at the dilapidated former patrol ship on the big screen, constantly analyzing the pros and cons in her mind, striving to make the most beneficial judgment.

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Alice connected with her consciousness, listed countless feasible plans, and overturned them many times.

It turns out that it is too difficult to capture the patrol ship with no error.

However, if it cannot be completely captured, the confidential documents hidden in the patrol ship's brain information capsule cannot be retrieved. This is her first time working for him, how could she make such a ridiculous mistake!

After several chasing beams of light, Sylvia ordered to stop the attack, and not let the patrol ship disappear in space.

She answered the call and decided to communicate verbally, believing that everyone would be timid in the face of death.

"Immediately stop flying, otherwise I will release the neutron beam in one minute."

If persuasion doesn't work, then just threaten directly! This dilapidated spacecraft can't avoid the large-scale super-powerful beam anyway. As long as it is swept, it will be directly broken into pieces.

If the flight speed is reduced because of fear, there is still hope to capture the spacecraft intact.

There was no response. In fact, Vanla and Mingfei couldn't say a word.

After the bombing, the cabin was filled with continuous alarms and sparks from the energy loss of an instrument. The whole scene was thrilling.

Vanla's black uniform had been torn in several places. Ming Fei was held in his arms. Although he was not injured, his soft short hair was flying and his image was in a mess.

However, the two did not even have time to check.

After discovering the enemy, they had made the final decision.

A head-on confrontation is an absolute dead end, so there is no need to even think about fighting. There is only one goal - escape!

Sylvia would chase so quickly, no doubt because she was concerned about the information in the patrol ship's intelligent brain information capsule, so she would definitely want to capture the spacecraft, so that it would not be a fatal blow.

If Sylvia released the focusing beam without saying anything, Vanla and Ming Fei would have been wiped out long ago, without any chance.

But... because of this short stay, they have already had the opportunity to escape.

Although the following actions were very crazy in the eyes of any normal person, it was a pity that one of the people in the spaceship was not a normal person at all, and the other one, although a normal person, did not know what was normal.

Therefore, when Vanla proposed a way to escape, Ming Fei nodded without hesitation and trusted him completely.

Alice accurately analyzed the flight speed of the patrol ship, and Sylvia was delighted to find that the flight speed of this broken ship was decreasing!

It seems that they are afraid!

The numbers on the screen gradually decreased from red to dark yellow. When it turned dark green, it was the safe approach speed, and the spaceship could be connected. At that time, it would be easy to capture the spaceship.

The numbers still decreased sharply. After turning light yellow, Adjutant Dena standing behind Sylvia suddenly exclaimed: "Oh my God! What are they doing!"

Sylvia was startled, and her eyes moved away from the value representing the flight speed, looking at the value indicating the movement of the spaceship in the upper left, and then she opened her eyes wide!

The power reactor is running at a super terrifying speed, and the energy is increasing geometrically. How is this possible!

Dena couldn't help but exclaimed: "The short-term reduction in flight speed is to accumulate kinetic energy and increase the operating speed of the reactor in a short time. They are accumulating energy!"

Sylvia supported her hands on the main console, leaned forward, and snorted coldly: "What if they accumulate energy? They still want to fight back? It's just like hitting a rock with an egg. It's ridiculous!"

At this time, Alice's calm voice sounded in the hall: "According to energy analysis and spectral detection, they are going to carry out warp propulsion."

As soon as these words came out, the entire main control room and hundreds of dark elves couldn't help but be stunned.

This is incredible!

To carry out warp propulsion, in terms of the overall strength of Zanmu Bo at present, it also requires hundreds of elites to operate at the same time, and with the coordination and cooperation of the super intelligent brain, and then accumulate a lot of energy, it can be carried out safely.

Warp propulsion is the only way to travel faster than light now. Its principle is to pull space and create multiple jump points, so as to break through the upper limit of space speed and achieve the purpose of super-light flight.

Therefore, this is a very mysterious and dangerous operation. Even though this technology has been mastered for hundreds of years, people are still extremely terrified every time they advance in a curved direction.

Because they cannot resist the strange force brought by the pull of space, they need to sleep in the life support cabin, but who can be sure whether they will wake up at the end of the journey or sleep forever?

Let’s not talk about how two elves can propel a damaged spaceship in a warp direction. Even if it can be operated, how can such a broken copper and iron that can’t even support the protective shield resist the terrifying force brought by the space pull?

It is estimated that after entering the first jump point, it will be pulled into pieces and broken into slag.

This is undoubtedly... looking for death!

After being shocked by the extraordinary abilities of these two people, I couldn’t help but feel a little sorry. In any case, they are already dead.

Sylvia naturally knows this.

Dena finally came to his senses, restrained his emotions, and asked tentatively: "My lord, do you still need to continue chasing?"

Although it is no longer necessary to chase, it is actually impossible to chase.

Each spacecraft has a different jump point for warp propulsion. There is no possibility of encountering, so how can we attack?

In the process of pulling space, except for the fixed coordinates that have been preset in advance, it is impossible to judge other directions. If it is not jumping towards the end point, it is estimated that it may be tens of thousands of light years away from ending the warp propulsion at any jump point and appearing in space.

Being completely lost in space is the biggest possibility.

In fact, there is no need to think so much. This broken ship is basically self-destructing. Even if it can be chased, it is estimated that what it will catch is just a pile of space scum...

Sylvia sighed and waved her hand: "Return home."

At this point, let it be. If you are not afraid of death, then go and die!

With a sudden sound, the broken copper and iron patrol ship made a curved propulsion in front of everyone's eyes and disappeared out of thin air.

The move chosen by Vanla and Mingfei is indeed extremely dangerous.

If Mingfei knows a little common sense, he will probably strongly oppose it, but it happened... Even if he has studied high school physics, his research on these advanced things is weak compared to the advanced elves.

Ignorance is fearless, so he left it all to Vanla, which saved his energy and made Vanla feel at ease.

The patrol ship can bend, which is indeed Vanla's doing, but in fact, he has never thought of making a long-distance jump, let alone seeking his own death.

The years of war between Palant and Zanmubo have seen many close combats on the planet, but even more frequent battleship battles in the interstellar space.

In interstellar wars, the key to victory or defeat is to master the secrets of warp thrust.

With the special support of Vanla, the special team of the Saint Erfuga Research Institute has been focusing on research for many years, and has mastered the secrets of this technology to an unimaginable degree.

Indeed, the impact of pulling space is very huge, and the spacecraft without a protective shield cannot withstand it, but... Vanla's goal is not to protect the entire spacecraft, but to save the two of them.

In this way... in another sense, the damaged spacecraft is a huge protective shield that carries the force of pulling, and the real "spacecraft" is a small life support box.

That's right, the two of them lay in the life support box again before the warp thrust.

The unit of the life support box is extremely small, so the force it carries is much smaller. As long as they pop out from the jump point at the key point where the entire spacecraft is destroyed, then they have hope of survival!

If it were someone else, they might not be able to accurately grasp the short time of 0.0001 second, but Fanla can.

His thoughts can be connected to the superluminal brain all year round, allowing him to be infinitely accurate to an accuracy that others can't imagine. Therefore, things that are unimaginable to others are easy for him and will never go wrong.

This series of escape plans uses the top technology and concepts of the entire Palant and even Zanmubo. It seems dangerous, but it is actually clever.

This requires not only extraordinary courage, but also erudition that is familiar with these concepts!

However, Fanla dared to take such a risk, but he actually found a problem. This is the real factor that made him make up his mind.

That is the energy that comes from the boy in his arms and keeps pouring into his body.

This is a very subtle feeling. Fanla has done a thorough investigation of Ming Fei, and he can't hide the origin of the body from him.

The origin of the body is not a secret among high-level elves, and even if the origin can nourish the aptitude and then improve it, it is actually very limited. For Vanla, who was born as a natural elf, it is not worth mentioning.

But the boy in his arms is different. Vanla hugs him tightly, and because of the connection of thoughts, he really feels his complete trust.

Because of this trust, something that has been hidden deep in the boy's heart broke out of the ground in an instant and quickly proliferated.

Vanla couldn't see clearly and couldn't judge, but he felt the endless power.

Through the thought energy, it spread throughout the body.

At first, Vanla was a little nervous, because this one-sided dumping was indeed beneficial to him, but it was very likely to suck Mingfei dry, which would be more than worth the loss.

When he wanted to refuse, he found that he couldn't refuse at all... Moreover, after the energy flowed into his body and was purified and washed, it actually flowed back strangely.

In this way, the two of them formed a cycle by connecting with thoughts.

Now, Fanla felt relieved and even a little amused.

This cycle is actually "biased" towards Ming Fei. The energy that flows into Fanla's body is pure, reckless and clueless energy, while Fanla has already formed a unique energy purification and storage system. Therefore, when flowing through Fanla's body, this chaotic energy is invisibly tempered and precipitated, and then returns to Ming Fei's body, it is already a different scene.

In this way, Fanla has become a kind of energy purifier...

Fortunately, because Ming Fei trusts him completely, this energy is also very obedient. When Fanla wants to use it, he will hand himself over obediently.

With this endless circulating energy, Fanla does not have to worry about dying of exhaustion, and the chance of success is increased a lot.

After pinpointing the key point of the spacecraft explosion, he activated the small life support box and rushed out of the jump point in one breath.

Finally escaped from the dangerous curved thrust and successfully got rid of Sylvia.

And the destination after that, Fanla also calculated accurately, not somewhere else, but a barren planet among the planets of Antra.

The outer space defense here is very weak. Vanla can easily hide the small life support box. After a short simulation, the life support box carrying two people fell on this desolate planet like a meteor...

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