Reborn as a Pea Shooter

87, Latest Update

This article was first published by Jinjiang Literature City. The author is Long Qi. Thank you for supporting the original version.

Mingfei followed him and looked over. In the vast starry sky, he could vaguely see small gray dots as big as grains of rice.

To be honest, if it were Ming Fei himself, he would definitely not realize that in front of the dazzling stars, this point is too insignificant and would simply pass by in a flash.

But Van La deliberately guided him, approaching slowly, the distance was shortening, and the black spots were getting bigger.

About a few dozen meters away from the black spot, their thoughts suddenly stopped.

At this time, the black spot had enlarged infinitely, and it turned out to be a spaceship!

Mingfei felt happy, now he was saved!

But in just a moment, the joy disappeared immediately.

The spacecraft in front of me is many times smaller than the huge Marshal, and it is only a few hundred meters long according to visual inspection.

And unlike the Marshal, which is all silver and white and has a beautiful shape, this small spaceship is as black as crow feathers, and its shape is also a bit weird, it is not a pure oval or a flat inverted triangle...

Although Qing Fei didn’t know much about Palant’s spaceship, one thing was 100% certain. Palant admired light and hated darkness, so it was absolutely impossible for Palant to paint the battleship in such a gloomy color.

So... 80% of them are not here for rescue.

At this time, Van La solved his doubts: "It's the fourth-level patrol ship of Uncle Zan."

Mingfei was startled, it was indeed the worst outcome.


"What's there to be afraid of?"

"Oh? Uncle Zan will eat your little head. Didn't the head nurse tell you that when you were in the nursery?"

Even though he didn't have a body, Ming Fei still had the urge to twitch the corner of his mouth.

He calmed down and said: "The nursery director also said that we must believe in our Majesty, he will protect our entire Palant."

Even after the 'Salute' incident, Mingfei discovered that their great King of Palant was very useful for this.

"Well, I have to say that your nursery manager is very knowledgeable."

...Mingfei was really happy now. Fortunately, he didn't have a body, otherwise he would have burst out laughing!

However, the current situation is really not that optimistic. Even when they were talking, Fanla kept taking Mingfei in circles around the patrol ship.

Mingfei asked: "Will I be discovered if I get closer?"

Van La said: "Spaceships above patrol ships are equipped with mental energy reflection shields. The current distance is the closest value that can not be detected."

Mingfei understood, but was confused: "If we don't want to be discovered, wouldn't it be better for us to return to the life-saving tank?"

"Then we can only wait to die after the energy in the life-saving tank runs out."

"Uh..." Mingfei was choked by him, but he immediately figured it out. He asked in surprise: "Are you going to deliberately reveal your traces so that they can detect it?"

"That's right!"

Ming Fei was anxious: "No way, this patrol ship is more than 500 meters long, and there must be a lot of people inside. There are only two of us, aren't we looking for death if we fight against each other?"

After a while, Fan La suddenly said: "Little Pea, you must listen to the garden director."

Mingfei was stunned for a while, and it took him a long time to realize... Go ahead, this guy is bragging in disguise!

But at the moment, there really was no other way but to believe in him. Mingfei gritted his teeth and decided to fight. Anyway, this person's life was much more noble than his own, so it wouldn't be a loss if they died together!

After circling the spacecraft three times, Van La was finally satisfied: "The positioning is successful, let's return to the life tank first."

Then, without waiting for Mingfei's response, his thoughts quickly returned at a speed beyond imagination.

Mingfei felt very uncomfortable when he 'returned' to his body again. His body felt very heavy. Well, it was indeed quite heavy. There was an adult weighing on him, and it was difficult not to think about it.

But after this journey of thinking, Mingfei unexpectedly discovered that in this pure black space where he could not see his fingers, he could vaguely see some things clearly.

For example, the face that was about to touch the top... Ahem, Mingfei stiffly tried to turn his head away, but unfortunately, the life-saving tank was too crowded. Want to move? no way!

So, one elf and one pea could only stare at each other with big eyes. Well, Mingfei was a little nostalgic for the time when he couldn't see anything before.

Compared with Mingfei's awkwardness, Fan La was very comfortable. He looked directly at the little pea under him and said softly: "We have to do a little disguise."

His life was at stake, so Mingfei looked at him solemnly: "Do you have any plans?"

"I will guide the life-saving tank to fly in the direction of the patrol ship, enter their patrol circle, deliberately be discovered by them, pretend that there is an accident on the spacecraft, escape from the illusion, and then blend into the spacecraft." He paused and said, "Of course , we have to make some disguises. First of all, I will simulate the type of life-saving box suitable for the Tomb Boxing Star. Secondly, I will also have to disguise myself."

What Fan La said was easy to understand, and Ming Fei could understand it naturally, and said that he would cooperate seriously throughout the process.

This strategy sounds very easy, but in reality it is incredibly difficult to operate. If there is a third person here, not a seedling that knows nothing about it. After hearing what Van La said, he retorted in disbelief and shouted loudly: "This... this can't be done!"

Although the life-sustaining tank is not very far away from the patrol ship, the energy consumption of just one person pushing the life-sustaining tank for such a long distance flight is inestimable and unimaginable!

And Vanla's so-called disguise is even more incredible. Of course, it is not a real transformation of the life-support box, but the use of mental power to simulate another form on the life-support box, and then deceive the patrol ship's scanning system in a short time.

But this alone is difficult to do. First of all, you have to be familiar with the form of Zanmu Bo's life-support box, and you must have a strong sense of thought to deceive the patrol ship's brain to simulate the shape...

The complexity of all these, if the academicians of the Palant Research Institute who are knowledgeable know, they must be shocked.

It's a pity that the pea seedlings in front of him know nothing, and what really shocked him is... the most insignificant pupil that changed hair color.

That's right, Vanla changed the silver hair and blue eyes of Glory Palant into black hair and red eyes that are very fashionable in Zanmu Bo.

Ming Fei stared at them intently. They were too similar. They were just the mature version of Xiao Fan. Although he had noticed that the two looked 80% alike, they could not be confused because of the huge differences in hair color, pupils and expressions.

But now... it is really hard to tell them apart.

Fanla raised his eyebrows: "Looks good?"

Ming Fei suddenly came back to his senses. He wanted to look away but couldn't do anything because of the narrow space. It was really painful.

He could only stare straight and then asked strangely: "Do you... have a younger brother?"

Fanla answered without hesitation: "There is only one princess in Palant."

In fact, Ming Fei regretted asking as soon as he asked. Everyone in Palant was born from the Tree of Life. There were no brothers or sisters on Earth. It was completely unnecessary to ask.

But why did the two look so similar? Ming Fei still had doubts in his heart.

But now is not the time to chat. Seeing that Fanla had finished disguising himself, Ming Fei asked: "Do I need to make some changes too?"

He is a plant. Should he be too conspicuous on Zanmubo Star?

Vanla frowned slightly and said, "You do this first. When the acceleration is over, I will help you transform into an elf."

"Okay." Ming Fei agreed. He knew in his heart that this small life-support box was already crowded with a pea and an elf. If he turned into an elf, he would probably be squeezed into a meat pie.

During the chat, Vanla was not idle. In a place where Ming Fei could not see, the life-support box had undergone tremendous changes. The original light blue box had turned into a fiery red, and the race-specific identification signals were all masked and simulated.

After this series of transformations, Vanla said to Ming Fei: "Little pea, close your eyes, relax your body, and let me think. I will accelerate soon."

After a while, Ming Fei got into the state very quickly this time and immediately prepared as he said.

The fiery red life-support box accelerated rapidly, like a bullet fired from a chamber, and only a red light could be vaguely seen whizzing by.

However, all this was insignificant in the vast and empty outer space.

Because he was attached to Vanla the whole time, Ming Fei could clearly sense the direction of the life support box and even estimate the distance to the destination.

It didn't take too long for the life support box to reach the predetermined orbit. This was not the patrol range of the patrol ship, but it was not far away.

The reason for stopping here was to create the illusion that the life support box was operating normally.

Vanla withdrew the energy attached to the life support box and let it slide in the void. According to this speed, it would "accidentally" enter the cordon in a short while.

The patrol ship would definitely come to patrol at that time.

All that should be done had been done. Now the only thing they needed to do was... wait!

Ming Fei was very nervous. Although Vanla had told him all the plans without missing a single detail, this situation had never been experienced before. If something was not done well and a trap was missed, they would be dead.

The moment the life support box entered the cordon, Vanla also cast a spell to turn Ming Fei into an elf.

As a result, the life support box became even more crowded, but at this critical moment, Ming Fei didn't care about being naked and tightly pressed against Fanla.

All his thoughts were attracted by the approaching patrol ship.

Unfortunately, in order not to alarm, he couldn't release his thoughts to check, and could only wait anxiously.

It was exactly as expected, but in just a few minutes, the patrol ship had come above them, and a ray of light instantly enveloped the fiery red life support box. It seemed to be checking.

Fanla looked down at Ming Fei and actually blinked.

Ming Fei held his forehead, his heart was clenched into a ball and he was so nervous that he couldn't stand it!

At this time, a stereotyped and toneless voice sounded in their ears: "This is the fourth patrol ship of Antra Star. Please remove the shield and accept internal scanning, otherwise it will be indiscriminately attacked in three minutes."

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