Reborn as a Pea Shooter

76, Latest Update

This article was first published by Jinjiang Literature City. The author is Long Qi. Thank you for supporting the original version.

"I want to kill her."

Hearing this, Mingfei's body stiffened suddenly, but after thinking about it carefully, he regained his composure. He wanted to do it but didn't.

Xiaofan hugged him without saying a word. Mingfei struggled a little and looked up at him: "I'm fine. It was all virtual before. Look..." After that, he stretched his arms and kicked his legs to show that he was healthy. .

Xiaofan looked at him steadily and said softly: "You... hurt."

Mingfei was startled... It really hurt... To be honest, he himself hated Fierna very much. He was implicated for no reason and suffered this crime. He is obviously not a saint. Revenge, complaint and complaint have always been the creed of life.

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However, Xiaofan cannot be allowed to take risks. If Xiaofan is exposed and eventually caught or even killed just because of his hatred... Thinking about the consequences, he gets chills on his back.

However, he didn't know what to say to Xiaofan because of this suddenness. After all, he meant well. He was afraid of chilling him if he said it too seriously, and he was afraid that he wouldn't take it seriously if he said it too lightly. , but what to do!

After struggling for a long time, he hesitated to speak to Xiaofan several times.

"Get some rest, I won't go out again." It was Xiaofan who spoke first.

"Um..." Ming Fei paused, then cleared his throat and said, "You are not Xiao Xiaofan anymore. Just know the severity. If you are exposed, my current strength cannot protect you. Of course, It is right for us to take revenge when we have a grudge, but we should not rush it for the moment. As the saying goes, it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years..."

He rambled a lot, and Xiaofan listened carefully without any impatience.

When Ming Fei kicked him, he looked at his focused expression and felt quite at ease in his heart. He even felt proud that his child was so obedient and well-behaved.

Of course, if he knew what his well-behaved and obedient Xiaofan did last night, he would probably faint from anger.

However, not to mention how depressed Elena was after the aftermath.

Sometimes death is a kind of relief. What is more terrible than death is that life is worse than death. Fierna wanted Mingfei to experience it, but she never expected that it was herself who really felt it.

After sleeping for another afternoon, Mingfei finally recovered.

Then he ate another big meal, and then he was truly resurrected on the spot with full health and full health.

His stomach was full, and Mingfei glanced out of the window while he was drinking water.

It was already evening, and the dim yellow sunset shone on the aqua-blue spar. The collision of warm and cold tones actually created a more beautiful and magnificent dreamy color.

Mingfei squinted for a while, then suddenly remembered something...

No matter how beautiful the scene in front of him was, he no longer had the mood to appreciate it... Putting down the water glass stiffly, he looked at Xiaofan and asked slowly: "I... I slept for two days and two nights?"

Xiaofan was flipping through a book, looked up at him and said, "To be precise, it's three days and two nights."

Mingfei blinked, and then howled: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Why does it take so long! Isn't it the third game tomorrow!! This, this, this... what should I do!"

He was anxiously circling back and forth in the room. He couldn't be in a hurry. They had already lost two of the four games in total. If they lost the third game, they would be forced to quit!

What to do, what to do... Wait, Mingfei suddenly remembered a very important thing.

The opponent was to be drawn one day in advance of the game, but he fell asleep directly. How to draw?

A bad premonition arose spontaneously. Could it be that he was directly sentenced to forfeit because he did not draw his opponent?

You can't be so cheating...

He then thought again, it shouldn't be serious. If it was so tragic, then Colin and Dana wouldn't be so calm in the morning. It would be more reliable for the two of them to work together to strangle him.

Maybe when he was unconscious, Colin and Dana carried him to the competition hall to draw.

While thinking about the bright side to comfort himself, he went to the bedside and took out the crystal element. It was useless to think about it. Contact Colin and he would know everything.

As soon as he opened the communication system, he saw an unread message.

It seemed to be a message notifying the opponent of the competition... So, he was indeed carried to the hall to be drawn...

Feeling a little uneasy, Mingfei clicked on the message.

The faint light, the simple line of words... stung him so much that he could hardly open his eyes:

Mingfei Squad - Huangmao Squad.

With a 'bang', he sat down directly on the bed. Jingyuan fell to the side and rolled under the bed.

Mingfei sat in a daze, completely unable to regain his senses.

He actually faced Huang Mao. For a long time, his brain was in chaos.

This is already the third game. They lost the first two games. If you abstain from this game, then... you will be directly disqualified.

How could he face Colin and Dana like this?

But in a duel, how would he face Huang Mao?

Flashing back and forth in his brain were Huang Mao, Colin, and Dana... For the first time, he actually had the illusion that if he chose one party, he would lose the other.

The loss in my heart continues to amplify.

In the previous matches, Ming Fei had not received any additional attacks, and the blow that directly eliminated him was turned into unbearable pain by the system because it exceeded his tolerance, so it would not be simulated. He was just eliminated and did not feel any pain at all.

But after experiencing the match with Firna, Ming Fei realized firsthand that this match was not a child's play nor was it a game that he could not feel.

It really hurts to be attacked, it hurts a lot, and it hurts so much that it is unbearable.

In this case, how could he attack Huangmao? How could he inflict it on Huangmao after knowing this pain?

Every bit of his first visit to this world echoed in his mind, and the scenes of getting along with Huangmao replayed in front of his eyes one after another...

I can't do it, I really can't do it.

He curled up on the bed, hugging his head with a big leaf. If it was just him, he would give up and withdraw from the game without hesitation, but now he is not alone.

There are Colin and Dana.

It is really not easy to get here. No one knows how much Colin and Dana have paid better than him.

But in the end, if he was disqualified and withdrew from the competition just because of him, all the previous efforts would be wasted.

This... this... how could it be possible.

But now, it is impossible to reorganize the team. It is not that I have never thought about facing Huangmao, but I did not expect to face him in this situation.

What should I do!

Colin and Dana must have known it, but neither of them said anything to him, not even when they woke up.

Ming Fei knew that they were worried about him, and even more respected him.

His head was in a mess, and Ming Fei didn't even know what he was thinking.

At this time, the crystal flashed, and he was stunned. He picked up the crystal from under the bed. It was a communication request.

The requester was: Huangmao.

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