Reborn as a Pea Shooter

7. Chapter 7 Scandal (Part 1)

'Dong dong dong...'

"Get up, it's dawn, get up and have breakfast..."

Eat, eat, eat, just eat. Mingfei suddenly turned over and pulled the quilt over his head to block the demonic sound outside the door from piercing his ears.

After working hard all day yesterday, Huang Mao went back to the seedling center at night. He went to bed early, but he still had to study the manual carefully until midnight!

Now my mind is full of ‘qualification assessment’. Even in my dreams, Huang Mao was confirmed to be an elemental-level super Huangmao, and he was also an elemental-level master... He fought hard for the huge subsidy, Sonny!

But now, that ignorant boy still wants to eat!

The knocking and howling outside the door continued unabated. Mingfei finally couldn't bear it anymore, threw off the quilt, jumped out of bed, and opened the door.

Huang Mao was startled by the suddenly opened door. He didn't come back to his senses until he saw Ming Fei with a gloomy face. He blinked his little green eyes and smiled so hard that he said, "Are you awake?"

"You woke me up."

"Uh... who asked you to put all the snacks in your room? I've been hungry all night. If you put them all in my place, I won't bother you."

"Let it go to you, let you eat it all night, and then we will be hungry from now on?"

"...I...I will keep your share..."

"What's in my house now is my share."

Huang Mao finally had nothing to say. He hugged Ming Fei's big leaf and began to cry: "Ming Fei... I'm so hungry. I won't eat them all this time. I will definitely leave some... You can share some with me, a small amount." Just a piece of baguette..."

Mingfei had no expression on his face and shook the leaves vigorously, trying to shake off the yellow hairs.

The more Huang Mao ate, the stronger he became. He hugged her hard and his body was thrown around, but he didn't let go.

Mingfei was so angry that he couldn't shake him off, so he planned to pull him down. He tried to use his hands and feet together, but suddenly he was hit by something with a 'bang' sound.

He screamed and covered his head. Huang Mao was startled and finally let go of him, asking anxiously: "What's wrong, what's wrong?"

It was like being hit on the head by a sharp stone. He didn't faint, but it was really painful. Mingfei endured it for a while, waved his hand to Huang Mao and said, "It's okay."

But Huang Mao suddenly realized it, raised his head, and started shouting to the sky: "Postal Crow, you big bad guy! You hit people again! Wait, I will definitely file a complaint against you!"

Ming Fei was startled, his head no longer hurt so much. He pulled Huang Mao to stop him from doing something wrong, but suddenly he saw a crow-like robotic bird hovering above his head, and it made a squealing sound of "Croak", taking pleasure in the misfortune. .

Huang Mao immediately became furious, broke away from Ming Fei's hand, and casually tried to hit the bird. The bird's eyes were dark. When he saw Huang Mao's posture, his wings immediately flapped rapidly, still full of disdain. It screamed wildly, but it also flew very fast, and disappeared after a while.

Mingfei rubbed his head and asked, "What's going on?"

Huang Mao couldn't get revenge, so he threw down the jade stick he picked up and said angrily: "It's the newspaper delivery crow. He likes to play pranks the most. When he sees someone at the door, he has to smash the newspaper on the person's head!"

"Ah?" Mingfei was stunned and grasped the key point: "Newspaper? Where is it?" Why didn't he see any newspaper?

Huang Mao picked up a rose-red gem carved like petals that fell on the ground, pushed it down in Mingfei's hand and said, "Here, this is the Salsa Morning News, the most authoritative and gossipy newspaper here."

Mingfei took the gem and asked doubtfully: "What do you think of this? Isn't it a newspaper?"

Huang Mao turned the petal gem over and placed it in Mingfei's hand, then pointed at its center for him to see. Mingfei took a closer look and saw that there was a tiny green dot on the rose-red crystal clear gemstone.

Huang Mao said: "Click here."

Mingfei looked at him hesitantly, then tapped it lightly with the tip of the leaf. The green light flashed, and the petal gem disappeared, replaced by a translucent light green screen suspended above his palm.

... Mingfei was surprised by such high technology. It took him a long time to recover and look at the screen that appeared out of thin air.

When he was studying the manual last night, he discovered that he could recognize the text here without any problems, so trivial things like reading a newspaper were completely out of the question.

However, Huang Mao was still clamoring for food, so Mingfei had no choice but to go back to the house, unpacked two bags of food and threw them to Huang Mao, while he sat on the chair and turned on the screen again.

Unsurprisingly, the headline on the front page is about the visit of Palant's leader, the King of Light, His Majesty Vanla, to Sarsha. Below is a long official statement, which is quite satisfactory and comparable to CCTV's news broadcast.

Mingfei took a piece of bread, took a bite, and turned to the next page. It was still the same content. It was just praising Palant and praising the people in a different tone... He turned down again, about ten pages later, The color of the entire newspaper suddenly changed, turning into a bright and bright golden color.

The title reads - Entertainment and Leisure Edition.

Since ancient times, entertainment has been full of gossip. Mingfei clicked on it with interest, wanting to see what these plants were gossiping about.

With the stroke of a leaf, the picture flashed by, and the originally regular layout became jumpy and lively. Mingfei took a sip of water before taking a look.


He originally had a leisurely attitude of watching the fun, but he didn't expect that he almost choked to death just after taking a look!

Go ahead! !

This is all magic stuff! ! !

On the huge page, there is a row of shining golden characters:

"The mysterious elf princess Her Highness Avri appeared in Sarsha, and her purpose was actually to have a tryst with an underage pea?!"

"His Majesty Vanla went to Sarsha this time to prevent His Royal Highness the Princess from having a love affair?"

"Elf and Pea, a different view of emotions! Can it be accepted by the public?"

"The beautiful princess who beats the mandarin ducks with a stick and sheds tears silently." There is also a photo of Ivory in tears, the wonderful shooting angle, and the face that is so beautiful that it makes people scream...

However, it was the last one that shocked Mingfei the most:

"The infatuated pea pursues the princess, but in the end it is all in vain? Is it true love or greed for power?"

"The 'qualification assessment' is about to begin. Does the underage pea have other motives for doing this?!"

The most deceiving thing is that under this news, taking up half of the page, Mingfei yelled in a heart-breaking voice: "Avery Avery, don't go, don't go..."

It’s so dynamic! And it plays on a damn loop!

Mingfei was energized, and he was completely awake even though he was still in a daze!

Huang Mao heard his movements and came over to take a look. The half-bitten piece of bread fell to the ground. He pointed at Ming Fei who was howling in agony on the screen and said in a trembling voice: "Ming Fei." ...Ming...Mingfei, were in the newspaper!"

Depend on! Is this the point? ! Mingfei was really unable to complain, so he slammed the newspaper hard and closed it. He couldn't see it but his heart was still bothered!

I really underestimated the power of the people. Sure enough, after TV shopping spread throughout the universe, the paparazzi army has also fully invaded?

Huang Mao also said that this is the best-selling newspaper in Salsa. What does best-selling mean? This means that after a breakfast, this bloody incident has spread throughout Sarsha, and he has also been promoted to a certain sister starting with the character "phoenix" in Planet Planet!

Huang Mao finally realized the seriousness of the matter and did not bother to eat. He asked worriedly: "Mingfei... what should I do?"

Mingfei's head was also in a mess. Who would have thought that this would happen?

If it was just him, it would be enough to be embarrassed. As a grown man, he didn't care that much about other people's words, but now, he had to consider another client - Ivory.

How hurtful would it be for a young girl to be attacked by such remarks?

What's more, this is completely unfounded nonsense!

He was pacing back and forth in the room irritably, and Huang Mao also watched him pacing back and forth worriedly.

Just when he thought nothing worse would happen, there was a sudden noise outside, and then the door of his thin little room crashed and he fell to the ground.

Groups of peas, sunflowers, nuts, potatoes, peppers and cherries swarmed in, and everyone held a stick-shaped gem in their hand, and kept bombing them with questions one after another.

"May I ask how you and Her Highness the Princess met and fell in love?"

"Have you decided to give up what you love in the face of His Majesty Vanla's obstruction?"

"Did you orchestrate this hype for the upcoming qualifications?"

"With Your Highness, Princess, have you been qualified for direct promotion?



Countless questions came flooding in, and Ming Fei and Huang Mao were pushed into the corner by the crowd.

I was asked a bunch of random questions over and over again. Is it earth and three parts fire?

Ming Fei was angry. He grabbed a nearby loudspeaker and shouted loudly: "I just met Her Highness the Princess by chance. I have nothing to do with her. I have no idea what you are talking about!"

His voice was so loud that it successfully silenced the noisy crowd for a moment. It was also during this short period of calm that a chili pepper wearing glasses came over. His appearance made the crazy plants calm down and gave him a very tacit understanding. Make way.

The bespectacled Chili looked directly at Ming Fei, his flat lenses flashed with light, and he asked: "Is everything you said true?"

Mingfei was stunned for a moment, knowing in his heart that this person must not be simple, but he was not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. He looked directly at Chili Pepper and said firmly: "Of course."

[A book-chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend I’ve known for ten years! It’s so easy to use. I rely on it to pass the time while driving or before going to bed by reading and listening to books. You can download it here]

"Okay," Chili paused for a moment before saying, "Can you please explain, did you consume Salsa spring water worth 100,000 sanni two days ago?"

Mingfei was stunned and didn't understand what the relationship was.

Chili Pepper continued to press: "You actually use this sky-high price of clear spring water for bathing! This is a treatment that only the main elves can enjoy. If you are just a simple pea, how dare you be so luxurious?"

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar around him.

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