Reborn as a Pea Shooter

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This article was first published on Jinjiang Literature City, written by Long Qi, thanks for supporting the genuine version.

After putting away the communicator, the duel in front of him was no longer suspenseful, and the victory of the yellow-haired group was beyond doubt. Ming Fei was relieved and returned to the first competition area without waiting for them to come out.

Colin saw him at first sight, greeted him, and he walked over.

Ming Fei didn't talk in detail on the communicator before, but he had some idea in his heart.

There were only a few seedlings he was familiar with, and in the first competition area, the one who could be considered an acquaintance... was probably one of the three seedlings with low qualifications.

To be precise, it should be an acquaintance of Dana.

As expected, Colin pointed to a name on the screen, 'Daro', and said: "This should be a seedling from the same nursery as Dana."

He didn't say that he was Dana's friend. Ming Fei knew that if he did something like that to Dana, could he still be called a friend?

Ming Fei asked, "Is it the pea seedling?"

"Yes." Colin nodded, and then continued, "It's strange that the other sunflower and nut didn't make it through the elimination round. Their strength is not bad, but they were eliminated on the first day of the elimination round."


Hearing Colin's words, Ming Fei instantly thought of Xia Zuo's instant kill skills... It would be strange if he didn't get eliminated if he met that gentleman.

He hesitated for a moment, looked at Dina who was in a daze beside him, and still didn't tell him what happened in the blank land.

In any case, the sunflower and nut also grew up with Dina. Although they did something disgusting, even if they told Dina, it would make him upset.

Colin also glanced at Dina. He didn't say much, but just listed the information of the three seedlings who were about to fight as before.

One pea seedling is a combat system, one sunflower is an auxiliary system, and the nut is a shield wall system.

All three are seedlings of low qualifications.

After watching the whole thing, Ming Fei said, "Anyway, we are lucky. We didn't run into any of the adopted seedlings. We should work harder and pass the preliminary round without any problems!"

Colin said, "Don't be careless. It's amazing to pass the elimination round, whether you have medium or low qualifications."

Ming Fei nodded... and looked at Dana again, and finally couldn't help saying, "Dana, don't think too much..."

Dana was stunned for a moment, and finally came back to his senses. He looked at Ming Fei and said, "I... I'm fine, just a little tired."

Ming Fei's eyes flashed, and he sighed and said, "Okay, let's go back and rest, and prepare for tomorrow's game."


On the large screen, the two teams were entangled with each other. The pea seedlings that had been hiding in the dark suddenly attacked and defeated the opponent's sunflowers in one fell swoop...

The screen was replaying the first game of Ming Fei's team.

The person watching was a small pea, with narrowed eyes and a cold expression. It was not until he saw Ming Fei's pea on the screen being 'destroyed' with a bang that he raised his eyebrows, but his expression became even colder.

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It was not until the end of the whole game that Xia Zuo snorted coldly.

Standing behind him was a silly little nut with big eyes and a curved mouth, looking like he was always happy.

He said: "If it weren't for the unknown venue, the auxiliary pea group would have won easily in this game." He paused and whispered: "This strength doesn't look like a low-level seedling..." "I'm not asking you to copy it! Bi Nao Meng False Punishment Lian Huan Push Thumb Fen Mu Ah Little Nut was not angry at all, just pretended to cough, and the corners of his mouth were curved: "Well... Your Highness, don't worry," he said, stretching out a leaf, and the screen changed again, and three names appeared. It was also an introduction, but it was obviously many times more detailed than what Colin prepared. Below the name is a one-inch photo, which nursery it came from, the events it experienced, and even the private things such as the skills it has mastered are listed very clearly. If Ming Fei was here, he would definitely find out... These three are their next opponents. Xia Zuo glanced at the information and said coldly: "You are really lucky. "

Little Nut knew that Xia Zuo was not talking to him, so he did not say anything, but just smiled.

It was indeed a good luck. There were four teams in the top four, two of which were adopted, one team was Ming Fei and the other team was Darrow. It was so lucky that the two teams with low qualifications were matched...

But... who was luckier? Little Nut looked at Xia Zuo, and silently mourned for Ming Fei in his heart - how did that little pea offend this person...

Xia Zuo turned around and told Little Nut: "Leave the one named Darrow, and you can choose strong and medium-level talents to replace the remaining two." Little Nut nodded to show that he understood. Xia Zuo added: "Send all those things to them, and they will improve as much as they can in one night."

Little Nut's round eyes opened wider, and he did not hide his surprise.

But after seeing Xia Zuo's unquestionable expression, he curled his lips again: "Okay. "What good luck, that guy named Darrow." As soon as Little Nut walked out of the palace gate, he ran into an elf with long sleeves and gorgeous eyes and eyebrows. He was slightly startled and hurriedly saluted: "Hello, Her Highness Yulika." Yulika's peach blossom eyes curved slightly: "Vivian? Long time no see, are you here to play with Xiao Xia Zuo?" Xiao Xia Zuo... Vivian's mouth twitched, and he had to pretend not to hear: "Her Highness Xia Zuo gave some instructions..."

"Oh? Then go quickly, don't delay." Eureka answered directly.

Little Nut saluted before leaving. After leaving the palace gate, he felt relieved. You know... His Highness is notoriously difficult to mess with. He is simply an upgraded and strengthened version of the one in the room. Thinking that these two people were still brothers... Vivian couldn't help but tremble.

When Xia Zuo saw the peach-eyed young man coming in, he stood up. Although he was still as cold as ever, there was no flaw in his etiquette.

"Your Highness Eureka."

Eureka corrected: "You have to call me brother."

Xia Zuo lowered his head and pursed his lips, silently resisting.

Eureka raised her eyebrows, knowing that she couldn't be in a hurry, so she explained her purpose: "I'm going back to St. Alfalfa tomorrow."

Xia Zuo didn't change his movements and responded in a low voice.

Yurika paused for a moment, then looked directly at him, and the topic suddenly changed: "You want to give up this assessment!"

It was not a question but an affirmation. Xia Zuo was stunned, raised his head suddenly, and looked right into those peach blossom eyes, the ripples of light that penetrated straight into the heart.

...Reluctantly looking away, Xia Zuo remained silent.

Eureka narrowed her eyes: "Why don't you tell him?"

There was silence for a while...until when he thought there would be no answer, a cold voice came from the other side: "It won't change anything."

After sending Dana back, Mingfei and Colin were walking back to the dormitory.

After struggling all the way, now that Dana was gone, Mingfei still told Colin everything about the blank land.

After hearing this, Colin looked serious: "No, you have to tell Dana."

Ming Fei was stunned... He was about to say that the last two were eliminated anyway, so there was no need to bother him by saying it to Dana... But when he met Colin's eyes, he suddenly woke up.

Before...he was so thoughtless!

Dana must know about this!

Since the sunflower and the nut did the villainous thing of taking advantage of others, then their temperament can be seen, and they are definitely not people worth getting to know. It's better to take this opportunity to let Dana see through it, so as not to be attracted by the inexplicable emotional cards later.

Furthermore, those two people did this to Ming Fei. You must know that Mingfei is Dana's teammate. Although they have a quarrel because of the previous incident, their actions towards Dana's teammates show that they have no friendship with Dana at all.

Now that they are like this, they can no longer let Dana carry the burden of not remembering their old relationship.

Also, the two seedlings disappeared into the empty space, but in reality they probably did no real harm, and they would definitely tell the whole story to a small team of Dallow.

Therefore, even if Mingfei doesn't tell Dana now, Dana will know it sooner or later. Hearing it from others, it's really hard to tell whether the matter will change.

Therefore, this matter still needs to be made clear, and no barriers can be left!

Mingfei reacted and said to Colin, "I was careless. Let's go find Dana."

Colin nodded.

So, the two of them returned the same way.

Dana opened the door and saw two people with solemn faces again. He was startled and asked, "What's wrong?"

Welcoming people in first.

The three of them sat down, and Mingfei recounted what happened in the blank space, but at the end, he concealed Xia Zuo's name and only said that he had a narrow escape.

After Dana heard this, his little face was blank...and he couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Mingfei felt a little distressed, but he couldn't bear it and didn't say anything more.

Colin paused and calmly analyzed the matter to him.

Listening to what Colin said, how could Dana not understand? They had all participated in the knockout rounds, and he and Colin had endured seven days of hardships.

The two of them had already worked so hard, but Mingfei was alone and was still an auxiliary... but they encountered a fire elemental monster that was incompatible with water and fire. The thrill of this was definitely beyond words.

However, the elemental heart that was so hard-earned was still wanted by someone, and this person was still his friend...

Mingfei and Colin looked at Dana silently. He had said everything he needed to say. The rest was still his own business and they couldn't help him.

After a while, Dana's distracted little eyes slowly focused. He looked at Colin and Mingfei and said, "Don't worry, I know everything."

Considering that Dana should be left alone, Mingfei and Colin gave a few more instructions before leaving one after another.

On the way back, Mingfei was still worried: "Dina's behavior may affect his performance tomorrow."

Colin naturally knew that, but he comforted Mingfei: "It's okay, it's just three seedlings with low qualifications, and we have experience and won't make that kind of mistake again. It's not a big problem."

Mingfei nodded and said no more, but he still had a bad feeling in his heart.

The second game of the Mingfei team in the first division, is it really... going to be easy?

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