Reborn as a Pea Shooter

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This article was first published on Jinjiang Literature City, author Long Qi, thank you for supporting the genuine version.

Elena was the first to notice Vanla's arrival. She stood up, her posture was graceful, and her fiery red curly hair was thickly scattered behind her, making her waistline look extremely thin.

She bowed slightly: "Your Majesty."

As soon as the words came out, Yulika and Xia Zuo, who were standing by the window, immediately looked towards the door, and then bowed their heads respectfully: "Your Majesty, all is well."

Vanla walked forward and waved his hand: "No need to be polite."

The three of them stood up and looked up.

Ming Fei was finally exposed in their sight.

Ming Fei's eyes were fixed on Xia Zuo, who looked like an elf. He didn't understand the content of the conversation between Yulika and Xia Zuo before, but he heard the last sentence clearly.

Little Xia Zuo, Yulika called this young elf Xia Zuo!

So, the ice-blue short hair, silver-gray pupils, and the cold-looking elf boy in front of him is Xia Zuo Little Pea? !

But how could he turn into a human form? Obviously, the seedlings did not participate in the assessment of the fifth-level battle, so it is impossible for them to evolve into elves by themselves... Could it be... Ming Fei thought, Xia Zuo is also like himself, temporary? But... It could also be the benefit of being adopted as a godson?

Ming Fei thought for a long time but couldn't figure it out. There are too many answers and too many uncertainties.

Elena saw Ming Fei following closely behind Fanla from the beginning. Her eyes paused slightly on the red envelope on his chest, and then narrowed her eyes. The narrow eyes that were already charming and seductive were even more unpredictable.

On the contrary, Yulika and Xia Zuo were arguing unilaterally before, so they only saw a figure behind His Majesty, but didn't see his appearance clearly.

Yurika saw the figure behind Vanla, and thought of the figure wrapped in His Majesty's cloak that he had seen outside just now... He knew it was the same person, but he was confused because he had never seen His Majesty bring anyone else to any event before...

Yurika raised his eyes slightly without making a sound, and saw the boy in blue and white clothes. After seeing his face clearly... his pupils shrank slightly and blurted out: "This is not..."

He stopped abruptly in the middle of his words, his peach blossom eyes slightly curved, and he returned to his previous leisurely posture. He slightly turned his face and glanced at Xia Zuo beside him.

As expected, Xia Zuo was staring at the elf boy, his silver-gray eyes were as cold as the gloomy sky in the cold winter, and his light-colored lips were pursed into a slit. The whole person exuded cold air, and even the tips of his azure blue hair seemed to be frozen.

A strange color flashed across Yurika's narrow eyes. After a moment, he raised his mouth again, rubbed Xia Zuo's hair with his eyes bent... and said to Fanla: "Your Majesty, look, this is the new child adopted by your mother, my younger brother. Can you tell at a glance that he is a seedling of ice peas?"

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His indifferent words made Xia Zuo suddenly come back to his senses. He retracted his gaze, lowered his head and let his long eyelashes block his eyes. He still had no expression, but he no longer stared at others so rudely.

His emotions just now were too obvious, and Yurika could not fool them with just a few words. Everyone present could feel it.

However, Fanla didn't seem to care. He pretended not to see it.

And Ming Fei, he was the real person involved, was stared at by Xia Zuo, and they looked at each other directly. Recalling it, he was still a little dazed... He didn't know what happened to Xia Zuo, but just that one glance, from those silver-gray eyes, he saw too many complicated emotions...

It actually made his chest ache...

Did Xia Zuo recognize him? But it's impossible... To put it bluntly, he himself doesn't know what he looks like, Xia Zuo can't have seen him...

But, Xia Zuo's eyes were definitely not directed at a stranger

Because of this, Ming Fei was completely distracted. After that, Fanla seemed to talk to Elena for a while, and then the group went to the front hall.

During this process, Xia Zuo never looked at him again. This time, it was a real stranger, a stranger who had no relationship and had never met.

On the contrary, Yulika occasionally moved her eyes between him and Xia Zuo, her peach blossom eyes raised, and she seemed to smile.

As soon as Fanla appeared in the front hall, the hall immediately became quiet. It was not silence, but the momentary calm before brewing a bigger cheer.

In the whole banquet, Xia Zuo was the real protagonist.

However, Vanla's special attendance not only gave Elena enough face, but also raised Xia Zuo's status to a higher level.

Her Highness Elena is the governor of Sarsa, and is also an old friend of His Majesty Vanla in his early years. It is reasonable for her to stay in Sarsa and attend the banquet this time.

But... you know... Elena has three godsons, but Vanla appeared in Xia Zuo's inheritance ceremony and rewarded countless treasures.

This is an honor that even His Highness Yulika, who is the most promising and has a bright future, has never received.

However, after all this, what quickly swept across Sarsa the next day was another piece of news!

The strange boy next to His Majesty!

Although Vanla only appeared at the beginning of the banquet and did not stay for long, everyone immediately discovered the elf boy who had been following him. No one dared to question it, but it could not stop the extremely active gossip hearts.

At this moment, Ming Fei had become a pea-like, sitting cross-legged on the bed, sighing while reading the newspaper.

Fanla was very trustworthy and did not embarrass him at all. After the banquet, he turned him back to a pea-like shape. Moreover, considering that his body would not be able to bear it, he also fed him a tonic pill [named by Ming Fei privately]. It made him energetic and almost at his peak.

He slept for a while, and the next day, he was swept by this crazy news...

However, Fanla's reputation is not exaggerated. Even a newspaper that is famous for gossip and that Ming Fei hates very much dare not say anything.

It's just that it dare not say it, but it can still attract people's attention.

A large number of pictures were posted on prominent pages. No words are needed, just relying on the same series of clothing of Fanla and the elf boy, as well as Fanla's gentle eyes when he looked over inadvertently and the extremely subtle caring care that can't be seen without paying attention...

All the pictures came naturally, and the tacit understanding between the two is definitely not something that can be developed in a day or two...

Ming Fei held his forehead... Once these pictures were released, he said that there was no trick between the two... He himself didn't believe it.

But, he is the person involved! There is really no relationship between them. The scene at that time was not so ambiguous, okay... What angles were chosen for these pictures!

Well, there is always a good thing... No one knows that this boy is him, and almost no one guesses, or should I say no one dares to guess...

And he finally saw his human form.

In fact, he looked almost the same as when he was still a human... If there is a little difference, it is the exposed arms and legs... White like a woman, it is really annoying to look at.

Xia Zuo's inheritance banquet was indeed discussed for a long time, and the strange boy also became a topic of discussion... But since that short-lived appearance, he has never appeared again, and gradually the public opinion has faded.

Some people speculated that the boy had fallen out of favor, and some people speculated that the strange boy was from Saint Erfujia and had returned first...

However, no matter how lively the gossip is, it cannot match the upcoming special assessment-named the second stage of the competition!

The rules of this assessment were not kept secret, but were made public three days in advance.

After seeing the details of the rules... most of the seedlings were extremely surprised.

Originally, based on the elimination round, many people could vaguely guess that the competition must be for something.

Some people even boldly speculated that it was very likely to be an extremely rare and special item. The seedling teams went through hardships and fought with monsters, and finally won the treasure to pass the level. Moreover, it is very likely that this rare treasure will be given as a reward to the warriors who passed the level...

When the rules were announced, all speculations became a thing of the past.

It is indeed a competition, but the competition is not for rare treasures, nor is it a competition with monsters...

This competition is for ranking! The highest name among the 120 seedlings!

This assessment is actually a duel mode, a duel between seedlings!

Almost no one reads the details. These few rules alone are like a heavy bomb that not only stuns the seedlings, but also makes the elves in an uproar.

Duel battle!

Although it is very common in the army, it is normal for teams to compete with each other and grow together.

But these 120 are real seedlings. Is it really okay to let these minors fight each other?

Since the duel is about to begin, the ultimate protective shield used in the elimination round is definitely not feasible. The seedlings don't know the importance of the situation, and their bodies are weak. What if an accident occurs in the battle?

The voice of doubt has been clamoring in the dark... However, before the climate is formed... The executive team established for the assessment has launched an instrument that makes people speechless.

Full-real virtual space.

It is dozens of times more advanced than the simulated reality used for entertainment on the market. It is a true simulation that can achieve more than 90% of the real senses by connecting the body's nerves.

With this instrument... you can really have a duel!

In fact, many people in the senior management of Palant have proposed to add seedling-to-seedling combat courses in the academy. But most of them were rejected.

Most of the seedlings in the academy lack real practical experience, although there are many wandering monsters to train. But facing the real Zanmubo people requires more than that.

Tactical strategy and teamwork... none of them can be missing.

The Zanmubo people also have their own teams, and because they have a large number of zombie armies, their tactics are more comprehensive and their attack power is extremely strong.

The young Palant who only fight stupid local monsters, even if they have excellent grades and join the army, are terrible in their first battle.

But now... if this instrument is really as powerful as described, then it can really make up for the fatal shortcomings that have always existed!

Sarsha Palace of Administration.

Elena looked at the feedback information that was rapidly flowing on the screen, and her slender fingers painted with red nails tapped on the back of the chair. She said to Vanla who was standing in front of the French window with his back to the front: "As you wish, there is finally movement over there."

Vanla responded, not surprised.

The palace he was in was the tallest building in the entire Sarsha inner city. Outside the large French windows, it covered almost the entire Gem City.

The circular building roof is a colorful jewel crystal, reflecting the sunlight, rendering the entire city into an indescribable color, so beautiful and dreamy that people can't look directly at it...

After the information on the screen was sorted out, Elena's eyes that had been staring at her finally moved away. The high-intensity work made her a little tired.

She touched the curly hair on her neck, walked behind Vanla, and looked at a circular dome made of a whole piece of ruby ​​in the distance. Suddenly, she remembered what she saw at the banquet a while ago...

She smiled and said meaningfully: "Then... the thing is with him, it doesn't matter?"

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