Reborn as a Pea Shooter

56, Latest Update

This article was first published on Jinjiang Literature City, author Long Qi, thank you for supporting the genuine version.

As the group walked over, Ming Fei heard it clearly and turned to look at Colin.

Colin happened to look at him, and the two looked at each other and basically understood what the other was thinking.

Dana asked in confusion: "Are they talking about Xia Zuo? It's really amazing to complete the task in one day!"

Colin smiled slightly and said to him: "Whether it is completing the task in one day or seven days, the final result is the same. It's amazing that you can pass the elimination round."

Colin said it lightly, but how could it be the same in reality? The difference in strength between this day and seven days is too obvious. However, his original intention was just to comfort Dana, and after these few days of getting along, Dana obviously trusted Colin very much. Therefore, the feeling of loss in his heart because he just passed the test disappeared.

It is already very good to pass the test, and there is no need to compare with those extraordinary guys who are rich and have a lot of secrets in their hands.

Ming Fei changed the subject and continued to ask: "Tell me quickly, how did you meet each other? This is too lucky. In comparison, I am alone and miserable, okay!"

Dina was a little excited when he mentioned this. He took over the conversation and started talking. Colin also listened with a smile.

Of course, their experience was not as bad as Ming Fei's, but it was also quite magical. The first day when the two arrived at the blank land was very peaceful. And they found a safe place to start practicing spells very smoothly.

Because they had already started to study simple attack skills before the elimination round, so after a day and a night of hard work, they barely learned one.

Learning one was so reluctant, they didn't dare to waste time any more, so they planned to start hunting.

And the biggest coincidence was born at this time.

These two were so lucky that they actually locked an elemental monster at the same time!

Although they didn't see each other at the beginning, they showed their figures after releasing spells at the same time, so before the two had time to say hello, they worked together to kill an elemental monster.

After that, there is no need to say more. They accompanied each other all the way. Dana is a tank and Colin is an attacker. Although both of them are still relatively immature, they cooperated and managed to get twenty elemental hearts!

There were more than a thousand seedlings who could sign up for the assessment, but after the first round of preliminary competition, there were only a hundred and twenty left.

Sure enough, it was not named the elimination round for nothing.

This time, too many people were eliminated.

But that's the fact, and at this time, the smarter ones can vaguely understand the deep meaning of this assessment. To put it bluntly, this is an assessment to select elites. After all, the final reward is not only to be promoted to the third-level battle, but also to get a medal!

If it is so easy to pass, then the medal of honor is too worthless...

And those with more active brains can also vaguely think more deeply... For example, this assessment is actually aimed at the adopted seedlings, or should it be said that it is directed at the high elves behind them.

As we all know, most of the seedlings with excellent qualifications are adopted by high-ranking elves. There are definitely quite a few who eventually become godchildren.

The future of these seedlings is also obvious. Although they do not directly inherit the titles and official positions of their godfathers (mothers), they will inherit the secret techniques and unique abilities that these high-ranking elves have experienced for many years... and eventually they will be outstanding and make a difference... and take over the influence of their godfathers (mothers).

The intention of His Majesty Vanla, the King of Palant who launched this assessment, is becoming more and more obvious.

After such a rigorous assessment, the ones who can finally succeed are almost undoubtedly the adopted high-ranking seedlings. At this time, the final reward, admission to the Saint Erfuga Higher Military Academy, is also intriguing.

On the one hand, it is to appease the high-ranking elves who are in charge of the main city of Sarsha, focus on cultivating their heirs, give them higher education in advance, and accelerate the pace of building achievements.

On the other hand... we have to consider that these ungrown seedlings are undoubtedly the new army that will control the political power or military power in the future.

It is more important to win them over and cultivate them in advance, show them favors, and more importantly, understand them in all aspects. This is a rare intelligence for the future trend of the overall situation.

In fact, the high elves who are in the back are well aware of these secret intentions. But they are also happy about this. Their adopted godsons can be better cultivated and valued, which is only good for them and not bad.

These secrets are relatively obscure, and ordinary people naturally have no way of knowing them, and underage seedlings know nothing about them.

Only the adopted seedlings can know a little bit.

And the other one who can guess five or six points based on previous experience and speculation is probably only Colin.

He told Ming Fei some of his ideas, and Ming Fei pondered for a while. After all, he has the heart of an adult. He quickly understood what Colin meant, and analyzed and sorted out his hesitant guesses. In the end, the two of them guessed seven or eight points.

But, to be honest, this conclusion is not pleasing.

On the contrary, it is disappointing. If this is really a special stage prepared for those "geniuses", then these unknown people will be eliminated sooner or later. How can this conclusion not make people disappointed?

However, they are not people who will be easily discouraged. They have come this far, how can they give up? Moreover, who said that they will not be able to beat those adopted ones?

Those seedlings just took a step ahead and had some special treatment, but the rest is not much different! If they can win, this is the real strength, isn't it?

In any case, stick to the end and never give up until the last moment!

However, what they don't know is.

Behind this assessment, there is still a lot of attention on ordinary seedlings.

Speaking of which, there are only so few seedlings with excellent qualifications, and they are all accepted by high-level elves, so some ordinary elves of middle and low levels also set their sights on this assessment.

If you can select a more eye-catching seedling with average qualifications but active brains or special talents and receive it under your own power, it may not be a bad thing.

So, the second round - the competition, there are too many eyes watching.

What is the purpose of this special assessment proposed by Vanla himself?

It is estimated that no one knows except him.

All three of them passed the elimination round, and their joy was self-evident. However, the seven days of hard work had consumed all of their energy.

So they just had a big meal together.

Afterwards, Ming Fei and Colin chatted for a while, and Dana fell asleep because he found it boring.

Ming Fei looked at it with a mixture of laughter and tears. Seeing the little sunflower sleeping soundly, he actually felt very tired.

So, he and Colin woke up Dana, sent him back to the dormitory, and then went to rest.

Back in the dormitory, looking at the small nest he had left for seven days, he was still very emotional.

As soon as he closed the door, the ruby ​​on his chest suddenly lit up.

Before he could react, there was a figure in front of him...

It seemed that he was holding it in. Ming Fei looked up at Xiao Fan and asked with a smile: "Did you eat?"

Just now in the restaurant, he ordered some extra things to stuff into the ruby, just in case Xiao Fan was hungry.

I just don't know if he will still eat this plant-specific food that he doesn't like after being used to eating the Heart of Elements.

Xiaofan frowned and said, "I'm not hungry."

Mingfei said earnestly, "It's not good to be picky about food."

Xiaofan took out something and said lightly, "Since it's not good to be picky about food, can you eat it?"

Mingfei was about to say, eat it, whether it's nitrogen dioxide bread or chloroplast pizza, it's up to you... But after seeing what he was holding, he rushed over in a hurry: "Hey, this is my lifeblood! You are not allowed to have any ideas about it!" What he was holding was the little branch that twisted and grew vigorously!

This Xiaofan is no longer the same Xiaofan. The boy's body has grown taller, holding a small basin in one hand. No matter how much Mingfei jumped, he couldn't reach the dwarf pea seedling, so he could only stare blankly.

Seeing that Mingfei was about to get angry, Ming Xiaofan stopped when he saw that he was ahead, and put the small branch that was shaking like a sieve on the windowsill. Then he bent down and picked up the pea seedling beside his leg.

Seeing him put down the small branch, Ming Fei also realized that he was just joking, but... Ming Fei was a little embarrassed to be fooled by a bad boy. After being picked up again, his perspective suddenly rose, and he struggled several times out of habit.

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple are available. ]

Xiao Fan didn't care, still holding him and walked straight to the bed, took off his coat and lay down, and then said to the pea seedling leaning on his chest: "Don't move, go to sleep."

Ming Fei was dumbfounded... When he looked up, damn! This kid has closed his eyes and is about to fall asleep!

Ming Fei gritted his teeth, looking at the smooth and delicate little face in front of him, wishing he could bite it to relieve his hatred.

He struggled for a while, but couldn't break free. Instead, he was tired... After thinking about it, he suddenly realized.

Xiao Fan has grown up now, not the little bean seedling before, and the two of them are really crowded in this small bed...

However, he can't let him sleep under the bed, and Ming Fei himself doesn't want to leave the bed.

Finally... he looked up at Ming Xiaofan who was sleeping peacefully with his eyes closed, and finally compromised. He just rubbed it, found a comfortable position and fell asleep.

In the end, there was still a faint sense of loss in my heart that the child had grown up. It turned out that the little pea seedling was more adorable!

After feeling that the pea seedling's body was no longer moving, the young elf who had been closing his eyes raised the corner of his mouth almost unnoticeably...

After a good night's sleep, Ming Fei was awakened by a knock on the door the next day.

He opened his eyes, still a little confused, and when he saw the delicate face in front of him, he suddenly woke up...

Oh my! It must be Colin outside the door, and maybe Dana.

What if they rushed in and saw such a big elf with black hair and red eyes!

Without hesitation, Ming Fei waved the big leaf and patted Xiao Fan, whispering: "Hey, get up quickly, transform quickly!"

Xiao Fan frowned, slowly opened his eyes, stared at Ming Fei with red eyes, and whispered: "No."

After that... he closed his eyes again!

Ming Fei was furious, jumped up and urged: "Get up quickly, get up, you little brat, what if someone comes in later."

This was a bit lethal, Xiao Fan opened his eyes again and looked at him...

Ming Fei felt uncomfortable being looked at by him, but there was no time to lose, how could he care so much, he wanted to say mommy mommy to coax this big living person directly into disappearance.

'Bang bang...' A voice came from outside the door: "Ming Fei, you are still not awake?"

Ming Fei shuddered and glared at Ming Xiaofan fiercely.

After a while, Xiaofan sighed helplessly, and suddenly, he turned into a ruby.

Ming Fei attached the ruby ​​to the crystal in a hurry, and jumped out of bed after a short rest.

When he went to open the door, he actually had the illusion that he was caught cheating... What, what is going on!

When he opened the door, the sun poured in, and Ming Fei realized that he had slept so deeply. He didn't notice it until it was bright and noon.

Outside the door were Colin and Dana.

They brought a nameplate representing Ming Fei's passing the elimination round and an exquisite and elegant invitation.

It was to invite him to go to the Sarsha Palace of the Executive to attend the inheritance ceremony of Elena \u0026 Xia Zuo tomorrow night.

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