Reborn as a Pea Shooter

53. Chapter 53 Decision

This article was first published on Jinjiang Literature City, author Long Qi, thank you for supporting the genuine version.

The water elemental monster has not discovered Ming Fei yet, but Ming Fei has already made a calculation in his mind.

He has just learned the skill and has not practiced it, so he is not sure how powerful it is. Relying on the description in the book alone, there is still a big gap.

However, Ming Fei also made a good judgment in a very short time.

The elemental monster is stupid, although it is very easy to lead it out of the cave, and its combat power can be weakened in the sun. However, Ming Fei also considered that the ground outside the cave is smooth, and he can still control it by just sliding. If he uses skills while sliding, it is hard to say.

Therefore, he gave up the strategy of leading it out of the cave and decided to solve it in the cave where it is convenient to move.

In the first battle, Ming Fei was still very cautious. He saw that the distance with the elemental monster was close, and he threw a binding spell quickly within the range.

The light and shadow flashed, and the luck was super good, and he hit it in one shot.

The elemental monster quickly woke up, and its blue eyes immediately locked onto the pea seedlings. Although its body could not move, the anger in its eyes rose, and the water element in its body rotated rapidly.

Ming Fei did not dare to be careless. He did not choose the more powerful Holy Word of Wrath, but threw several Holy Blows continuously.

The binding time was very short, and the elemental monster kept breaking free, and the effect was even more reduced. In just five seconds, the elemental monster was already flying towards him at a high speed.

This world was much shorter than Ming Fei expected. He did not dare to be careless, and continued to release Holy Blows in succession, trying to kill the elemental monster before it approached him.

In the cave, although it was convenient to move, the space was narrow after all. If it really could not be solved immediately, it would be very restrictive to start a tug-of-war.

However, Ming Fei had other plans. If he really could not solve it with Holy Blows, then he would have to lead it out of the cave and grind it to death. Therefore, the direction of his movement was always towards the cave entrance.

Holy strikes continued to hit the elemental monster. Ming Fei could not judge what state the elemental monster was in. After all, it had no thoughts, and it would not show signs of fatigue even if it was about to die. However, Ming Fei's physical strength was running out...

The distance was getting closer and closer, and the energy was getting less and less. Even the hit rate of the holy strikes was much lower... If it continued like this, it would be bad.

Ming Fei was very close to the cave entrance. Although there was no need to chant or prepare to release the holy strike, he had to stand still for a while. Therefore, the distance between him and the elemental monster was constantly shortening.

Seeing that he had been dragged to the cave entrance, he had to take another step and slide. He could not stop while sliding, so it was troublesome to release the holy strike.

The elemental monster was only ten steps away from him. Ming Fei made up his mind and simply stood still.

Looking straight at it approaching, with a determined look in his eyes, he stood at the entrance of the cave and released the Holy Strike at twice the speed before. The powerful light kept exploding on the elemental monster. It didn't know how to dodge, but just stubbornly approached the pea seedlings...

Five steps, Ming Fei clearly felt the power in his body rapidly fading, and his little face couldn't help but turn pale.

The elemental monster was still approaching.

Gritting his teeth, Ming Fei increased the speed of release again.

Three steps, he could even feel the cold edge of the ice element on the elemental monster itself.

The distance is still shortening!

The Holy Strike itself releases a ball of light, but now because of the continuous increase in speed, it has become a beam of light, rushing straight towards the elemental monster without any interruption, like a conveyor belt, accelerating the transmission of attack power.

It looks extremely powerful, but Ming Fei knows that he is about to overdraw!

There is only one step left! His skin was invaded by the ice element spinning out of the elemental monster, and he even felt numb.

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No, I can't leave if I don't leave now!

Ming Fei released the last holy attack and turned around without hesitation.

But at this moment, a loud "bang" sound came from behind him!

His body, which had already started to slide, suddenly stopped and looked towards the cave entrance.

The blue rain in the sky exploded and filled the emerald green cave entrance. The blue and green intersected to form a magnificent and beautiful ice curtain, like the legendary crystal cave.

When the ice fog dissipated, Ming Fei was overjoyed.

The last attack was successful!

He killed an elemental monster with his own ability!

A full sense of accomplishment surged in his heart, and Ming Fei couldn't help but bend his eyebrows and smile like a crescent moon.

However, he was not overwhelmed by victory. He waited quietly for a while. When he saw the ice-blue oval object on the ground, he was relieved - it was the Heart of Elements.

He slid directly into the cave entrance, bent down and picked up the Heart of Elements.

Then he stuffed it into the ruby.

The ruby ​​flashed slightly, and after a while, Xiaofan's voice came: "I'm fine, you don't have to..."

Ming Fei interrupted him decisively: "Come out and show me if you're fine."

Xiaofan was speechless with this sentence.

Ming Fei knew that he couldn't transform at all, it would be strange if he was fine!

He asked Xiaofan again: "Are you feeling better? How many more do you need to eat?"

He said it easily, but the battle just now had worn out all his physical strength. However, Xiaofan didn't see it with his own eyes while he was unconscious, but he guessed it himself and knew that it was very difficult.

However, Ming Fei was determined to make him return to the past. Xiaofan was silent for a moment before saying: "I need ten more."

Ming Fei was stunned. Although he was mentally prepared, he was still a little surprised to hear this number. Ten... plus the ten required for the assessment, a total of twenty.

This... is impossible to complete.

Xiaofan said: "Don't worry about me, just be careful, and there will be no problem completing the assessment task in these few days."

But what will you do? Ming Fei didn't ask this, but he knew it very well. Indeed, there are still more than five days, and hunting ten is not a problem. But if he takes it to hand in the task, what should Xiaofan do?

After the assessment time, he has no chance to enter the blank land again. There is no money to purchase the element heart... So there is no way to treat Xiaofan.

What if it takes too long and other problems arise?

Xiaofan is just a child. How can he ignore it when he is injured in order to save him?

Thinking of this, Ming Fei's mind is calm. In any case, the ten element hearts for Xiaofan's treatment must be obtained. As for the ten for the assessment task... do your best!

Although the assessment is important, it is not as important as life.

Although he couldn't pass the level and felt sorry for Colin and Dana, they could still team up with others, but Xiaofan could only be saved by him!

After weighing the pros and cons, the pros and cons became clear.

He made a choice without any dispute.

There was not much time left, Ming Fei didn't dare to stop, but fortunately he had prepared enough food before. He stuffed his stomach with food and felt that his empty physical strength was restored a lot.

At this time, the unique benefits of the auxiliary system were revealed.

Using the Holy Light Technique can accelerate the recovery of energy in the body, which saves a lot of time in self-recovery compared to other duties.

It is impossible to say that I am not tired after not sleeping for a day and a night. But Ming Fei didn't feel tired at all despite his mental tension.

Because when he was recovering his physical strength just now, the idea in his mind was suddenly activated, and he remembered that he was an auxiliary system, and he shouldn't forget the Holy Light Technique, and he should combine it, so that it might be easier in tactics.

Without further ado, he had already figured out the habits of the elemental monsters, so it was convenient to find them. Sliding along the crystal road, entering any caves you see, basically there is always a monster in one of the three caves you enter.

At night, you don't have to look for it deliberately, there are colorful elemental monsters wandering around outside. The efficiency is much higher than during the day, but it is also much more dangerous.

It is impossible to sleep all the time. When it was another day, Ming Fei finally slept for a while, but because he was thinking about something, he didn't sleep well, but woke up in the morning.

But at least he rested. The body can hold on.

After another busy day, Xiao Fan was much more energetic because of the replenishment of the elemental heart, and his voice didn't sound so weak. He said that he was dead and asked Ming Fei to rest, Ming Fei couldn't resist, so he could only sleep for a few more hours.

This cycle continued endlessly, and when it was the sixth day of the assessment, Ming Fei finally collected ten elemental hearts.

When he stuffed the tenth into the ruby, Ming Fei was exhausted.

The high-intensity training of these six days has greatly improved Ming Fei's proficiency in spells. Now he can basically hit the target with every shot of Holy Light and Holy Strike. And I don't know if it's his illusion, but I always feel that the attack power has also increased a lot.

As for the Binding Spell, he has also gained a better understanding. Although the duration is still not long, the power has increased a lot, and there will no longer be a situation where he can move slowly while being bound.

As for the Wrath of the Holy Word, he has only used it once in total. The power is indeed huge. If you hit it, you will die. It is a complete instant kill.

However, after using it, the physical strength is completely overdrawn, and it takes twice as long to recover. And it is also very risky. If you miss, then it's all over. Ming Fei didn't dare to take risks, so he didn't use it again.

The tenth gold element monster fell to the ground with a bang, the golden light dissipated, and a glittering element heart lay on the ground.

Ming Fei took a step closer, picked it up, and stuffed it into the ruby ​​without hesitation.

In fact, his body really couldn't hold on now, and he was completely exhausted. However, he was still thinking about Xiaofan, so he kept holding on with strong willpower.

At the beginning, Xiaofan tried to stop him many times and even resisted using the Heart of Elements. But Mingfei kept trying to make Xiaofan speechless and unable to refuse. In the end, he just accepted it silently, but he was unusually calm... Mingfei really had no time to care, he just knew that Xiaofan finally obeyed.

Mingfei put the ruby ​​beside him and watched quietly.

After a while, the color of the ruby ​​suddenly deepened, close to the rich black... but in the next moment it suddenly lit up.

The black fog suddenly rose, and Mingfei narrowed his eyes slightly.

After it dissipated, Mingfei narrowed his eyes and looked up... and then slowly opened his eyes.

His black hair was like ink, and his red eyes were deep, like a thousand-year-old deep pool with no bottom.

Xiaofan... is fine. The string that had been taut for a long time suddenly broke, and Ming Fei suddenly felt a black screen in front of his eyes. When he lost consciousness, a thought suddenly flashed through his mind - Xiaofan seemed to have... grown taller?

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