Reborn as a Pea Shooter

46, Chapter 46 Greed

This article was first published on Jinjiang Literature City, author Long Qi, thank you for supporting the genuine version.

Colin looked at him suspiciously: "What are you talking about?"

Ming Fei was stunned and repeated what he just said. Colin held his forehead, sighed and said: "Who did you hear it from? Could it be Seville?"

Ming Fei shook his head and said: "I read it myself, in the library."

Colin said: "I don't know how you read it, but I have never heard of such a long spell... Indeed, some large spells require chanting spells, but when you have the ability to release them, you basically don't need to chant..."

Ming Fei was a little dumbfounded... Impossible, he clearly saw it, and it also requires clear articulation, even speed and full of emotion... It's such a long paragraph, he can't be wrong! It's a pity that I can't take out the book now to verify with Colin.

Colin was still explaining: "The process of learning the spell is relatively difficult, but once you can release it once, your body will remember the feeling, and you can use it again as long as you have the corresponding energy. Although the success rate of use is related to proficiency, it is definitely not as difficult as the first time..."

Ming Fei listened with his ears, but he was still thinking about what he saw in his heart, thinking that he would study it again after Colin left.

After Colin told him which kinds of spells to focus on, Ming Fei nodded to show his understanding, and then he went back to rest.

As soon as Colin left, Ming Fei jumped up, recalled the name of the book, and then told Ming Xiaofan, and the book appeared in his palm at the first time.

He opened it in a hurry... After reading it carefully again... Ming Fei finally realized where the problem was...

He was not wrong, that paragraph was really written like that, but he missed a big premise... the first release...

After reading it carefully now, he finally realized that it really requires clear articulation, even speed, and emotional chanting. But... this is only what you need to do when you first master the spell. If you release it perfectly, you only need to call the name of the spell to use it again. It is extremely simple...

What misleads Ming Fei the most is the following paragraph, which says that you don’t have to recite all of it before you can cast it. If there is a book that specifically records the spell, then you can achieve the same effect by just reciting it... This is also the reason why Ming Fei is frantically sweeping up books...

This kind of book is indeed expensive. It is a quick way to quickly master the spell. It is indeed not loaned out, because this kind of book is time-limited and will disappear after one use...

[An old book friend who I have known for ten years recommended me a book-chasing app! It is really useful. I rely on this book to read and listen to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here]

With this uniqueness, this kind of book will never appear in the open, let alone be placed on the bookshelf... Therefore, the books that Ming Fei swept for a long time as treasures are really ordinary books, which do not have that unique function at all.

Moreover, these ordinary books can be borrowed, but each seedling can only borrow ten books at most, so it can't be as exaggerated as Ming Fei...

After all the turned out to be such a huge misunderstanding. Ming Fei was suddenly shocked.

Depressed, he sat on the bedside in a daze. Ming Xiaofan had turned into an elf. He sat beside Ming Fei and asked him with his big eyes blinking: "What's wrong?"

Ming Fei was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses and said: "Nothing..."

The elf frowned: "You have something wrong."

Ming Fei looked at him and sighed. What should he say? Should he tell this little thing that he is an adult, but because of the plot of taking advantage of small things, he accidentally did something stupid that should be despised? Regardless of whether these books are precious or not, his behavior is very ill-considered in any way.

Indeed, he was very happy to discover the special ability of the elf, but if he heard about taking so many books away in a public area like the library, he would probably call this person immoral!

But now... he himself is immoral...

The elf looked at him and suddenly asked softly: "Did the pea just now make you unhappy?"

Ming Fei was stunned and immediately retorted: "How could it be! And don't be so rude, his name is Colin, he is my friend!"

The elf's eyebrows were still faint: "What's wrong?"

Ming Fei always felt that there was something wrong with the elf, but he couldn't feel it specifically. He thought for a long time before hesitating and said: "I regret taking those books out."

The elf frowned, seeming a little confused, but seeing Ming Fei so entangled, he said directly: "Then send it back."

Ming Fei was stunned... In fact, he also wanted to send it back, but he was afraid that he would be discovered by people because he had entered and exited the library twice and the books had changed so much...

However, he immediately shook his head again, he couldn't leave it like this! Things have been done, so you have to bravely bear the consequences! You must not let it go like this, even if no one finds out, he can't forgive himself!

Rather than leaving a knot in your heart, it's better to face it calmly!

Thinking of this, he looked at the elf with a firm look in his eyes: "Okay! Xiaofan, thank you for your help. I want to send them all back!"

The elf's red eyes flashed slightly and nodded.

The two returned to the library. In fact, the matter was really serious. Although the library did not issue a statement, it was under full martial law. The seedlings entering and leaving were searched and the crystals were scanned. They did a lot of work.

Ming Fei made up his mind and walked over without thinking too much. The red light of the scanner slowly swept over his body. He was nervous, but there was nothing unusual until the whole scan was completed... He entered the library.

It was similar to yesterday. The seedlings were still focused on breaking through the first level of combat. There were few people in the low-level book area... Ming Fei moved quickly and put all the books back as they were.

Everything was done, and he didn't stay for long. He rented a book in other areas and left in a hurry.

He was completely relieved when he returned to the dormitory. After all this trouble, his mind was much clearer. When he discovered the special ability of the elf, he was confused for a while and acted like this. But now, he is completely clear.

Some special abilities are good, but if they are abused like this, they will eventually lose their personality.

The consequences are unimaginable. He is a human being with desires and greed. If he cannot control himself and follows his wish, he will only make mistakes one after another, and finally cause a terrible disaster that cannot be reversed...

Thinking of this, he broke out in a cold sweat.

Now, it can only be said that it is a blessing in disguise. It is still early. He realized it in time and will try his best to restrain his desires and let reason prevail!

After a day of tossing like this, Ming Fei went to bed early. The next day, he sadly discovered a serious problem...

Today is the deadline for registration, but he has completely forgotten about studying offensive spells...

But fortunately, there is good news from the class...

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