Reborn as a Pea Shooter

38. Chapter 38 Responsibilities

This article was first published in Jinjiang Literature City. The author is Long Qi. Thank you for supporting the genuine version.

The next day, Mingfei slept until he woke up naturally. He had a dreamless night and had a very good sleep.

When he opened his eyes, the first thing that came to his mind was the twig. He turned around and saw that the twig was soaking quietly in the basin.

The early morning sunlight shines in wisps, spreading all over the house without mercy.

The water basin filled with twigs was shining brightly in the reflection, and even the twigs seemed to be full of energy.

Mingfei looked at the small branch happily. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that it was a little bigger.

However, this little thing is too small to be measured. However, Mingfei can be sure that this basin of water must have worked, at least it has not declined again.

This is already great news. It’s a blessing if it doesn’t decompose and dissipate!

It's a pity that a small branch can be placed in the crystal, but adding a basin of water is a no-brainer. But I always feel uneasy putting branches in the house...

After struggling for a long time, Mingfei had no choice but to close the window and lock the door, praying that Xiao Zhi would behave well at home.

Today is the final deadline for the formation of the team, and it is also Sevier's combat lesson. Compared with Xiuyin's dull and rigid style, Sewell is obviously more popular with everyone. His classes are lively and lively, and he doesn't put on airs or get into trouble with the students.

In addition, his courses are subjects that almost all the seedlings in the college are passionate about.

The combat practice class teaches you how to fight, how to confront the enemy, and how to improve yourself. This is also directly linked to the level assessment and occupies the largest proportion.

The students are all newborn calves. They are at the age when they are full of passion and cannot vent it. Naturally, they are extra fond and enthusiastic about this class.

Not to mention the bunch of seedlings, even Ming Fei was very curious about it. Putting himself in his shoes, when he was in school, compared to the boring math, physics and chemistry, physical education classes were obviously more popular among the people.

What's more, this is not a simple physical education class, it is a legendary martial arts class, where you can really learn some moves, kill enemies in battle, and make achievements!

The most important thing is that only by acquiring the skill of fighting can one have the capital to take the level assessment, and then it is possible to reach the top and be promoted to an elf!

Before class, Mingfei had already made up for some rules about the grade exam in advance.

Level 1 is the easiest to achieve. Basically, all seedlings entering school can do it. The assessment is very simple. As long as you can release energy, you can be promoted to level 1. Specifically, the shield wall system can hold up the shield, the attack system can launch cannonballs, and the auxiliary system can release holy light.

The second level is relatively more difficult. While being able to release energy, it requires more skill and the use of power. Among them, there are several second-level moves that must be used skillfully, such as the double-cannon shooter, which fires continuously. Two cannonballs at the same time, the attack power is doubled. As well as double shields and secondary holy light...etc. Moreover, there is an important assessment for Level 2, which is the use of attributes of this system, such as releasing water bombs and ice balls, etc...

Over the years, there have been countless seedlings stuck on the second level. Since the first level is easier to achieve, most of the seedlings thought that the level test was just that, so they were a little slack mentally and did not practice so seriously, which directly led to the complete failure of the second level assessment. I have to work hard for another year and wait for the next assessment.

However, there are also many talented, diligent and cautious people who have successfully passed the second-level assessment, especially the adopted seedlings, which basically pass in one go. After all, he has high qualifications and is much ahead of his peers in the practice of elemental attributes. He already has an advantage in the assessment. As long as the physical attack reaches the level of double attack, it is not a problem at all.

But... when it reaches level three, it becomes a real difficulty. Because this level not only requires a doubling of individual abilities, but also requires a keen sense of teamwork. At this level, there is no difference between being adopted and not being adopted. Moreover, according to the analysis of experience over the years, the seedlings that have not been adopted have an advantage.

Level 3 requires individual combat to release group attack skills, and the time to carry elemental attributes is strengthened and the purity is improved. The level 3 moves that must be mastered are also very difficult, such as the long-famous Explosive Three Cannons, which fire three shells at the same time, and When attacking the enemy, it explodes to cause a powerful range attack, as well as a large-scale group energy boost, and supports a powerful shield with the ability to rebound attacks...

The ability to fight alone already has such high requirements, but passing the third-level assessment is more than that. The most troublesome thing is the stringent requirements for team combat...

To be honest, the seedlings that can pass the second level assessment either have a high level of qualifications, or have high proficiency in hardworking skills. But they all have one thing in common, which is that their individual abilities are relatively strong. But on the other hand, the teamwork is far behind.

Especially the adopted seedlings, their childhood living environment and the concept of being superior to others have made them even more unable to cooperate with their teammates. Even if everyone in the team is the same, they cannot truly trust each other. In this way, it is impossible to pass the third-level assessment.

On the contrary, the seedlings with lower qualifications who have climbed up all the way are relatively open-minded, and a group of tacit cooperation and mutual trust will appear, and they will be promoted to level three together.

Therefore, there are very few people who can pass the Level 3 assessment in one go...

As for level three and above, it is even more difficult, and you can't just take the assessment in the main city you belong to, but you have to go to Palant's imperial capital - St. Alfuga.

Make a fourth-level breakthrough and eventually be promoted to an elf.

In fact, seedlings that can reach level three are basically adults and have graduated from the military academy. According to the legal provisions of Palant, they can also join the army and become stronger in real battles!

It's too far away to say that. Mingfei has not even passed the first level now, so talking about second, third and fourth levels is really unreliable.

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it works on both Android and Apple. 】

Because of the appointment made yesterday, Colin came early to call Ming Fei, and the two of them went to pick up Dana, and the three of them went to the classroom together.

Dana and Mingfei were familiar with each other, but they were still a little unfamiliar with Colin. But who is Colin? In just a few words, Dana has completely become familiar with him, and there is a trend of becoming more and more familiar with him, even more familiar with Mingfei...

Ming Fei raised his forehead and remembered that when he first met Colin, indeed, as long as he wanted to, he could get close to anyone without any problem.

It didn't take long for the three of them to arrive in the classroom. They arrived neither early nor late. As soon as they found a place to sit down, Sewell came in.

Her long hair is tied into a ponytail, and she has a slender figure, but she is dressed neatly, with a close-fitting top, breeches, and black leather boots, and her whole person is full of heroic spirit.

He walked up to the podium, put his hands on the desk, and leaned forward slightly: "Tell me, which poor little seedling hasn't found a partner yet?"

I don’t know whether it was because I was really afraid of his random behavior, or because everyone knew the rules better, but no one in the class was singled out, and all the three-person groups actually had company.

"Oh oh oh, it looks like there's no one left alone?" he asked vaguely disappointed, as if he was a little regretful for not giving him a chance to order some mandarin ducks...

Regarding this teacher who was a little too lively, the seedlings all sweated and said that they were lucky to have foresight.

Sewell regretted for a while, walked off the podium, stood in the crowd, looked around and said, "Very good, now that we have partners, tell me your respective responsibilities in ten minutes."

Ah... Mingfei woke up with a start... Then he remembered that they hadn't assigned anything yet to specialize in...

Two peas and one sunflower. Obviously, Dana is an auxiliary type, but how do he and Colin differentiate? Just as he was thinking about it, he looked at Colin.

Colin said: "I choose the attack system."

Damn... so unsubtle! Does he want to choose the shield wall system? As a pea, instead of spitting out cannonballs, become a nut? How about being so unreliable?

Colin looked at him and hesitated to speak.

Mingfei was also struggling, but little Dana, who had been ignored, timidly spoke: "I...I..."

Mingfei looked at him: "What? Dana, just tell me if you have anything to say."

Dana hesitated for a long time, took a deep breath, and finally plucked up the courage to say, "I...can I choose the shield wall system?"

Um... Mingfei was stunned, and Colin was also a little surprised.

"You choose the shield wall system?" Mingfei looked at Dana's small body and that pitiful flower-like face... Could this guy be the legendary sunflower with a body and a nutty heart?

After speaking out, Dana was no longer so timid, and his small brown eyes were really determined: "I want to choose the shield wall system. I want to be braver. I...I will work hard!"

"Is that so?" Mingfei pondered for a moment. In fact, he could understand Dana's psychology, because he was weak and wanted to be strong, to prove himself, and to overcome his timid character...

Colin also spoke at this time, but he was facing Mingfei: "I just wanted to say that you are more suitable for the auxiliary department. That..." He paused, but Mingfei knew what he was referring to, and he Said: "It may be a bonus for support."

The hidden meaning in this is obviously not understandable by nature.

Colin said: "Actually, I don't care. Whether it's a shield wall, attack, or support, it's all fine. But in comparison, you are more suitable for support, and Sunflower's attack power is the lowest, so the most reasonable equipment is for me." If you want to attack, it’s best for you to choose the shield wall.”

Sure enough, it was calculated carefully... Mingfei sighed. In fact, he didn't have much obsession with which duty to choose. He just instinctively felt that the attack system was more popular. But as Colin analyzed, based on the respective potentials of the three of them, it is obvious that this is the best match.

Seeing his hesitation, Colin added: "Although the duties are biased, if you really like the attack system, you can also practice such skills... Although this kind of dual cultivation is rare, it is definitely It’s not impossible.”

Mingfei's eyes lit up: "So, even if I choose the auxiliary system, I can still practice attack and even shield wall?"

Colin paused and said, "Theoretically it's possible, but the requirements for personal quality are extremely high."

Mingfei thought for a while and realized that the three of them had formed a team. Naturally, they had to fight for the final goal. Promotion to the Elf was the primary goal. Choosing the most suitable profession for each person would obviously get twice the result with half the effort!

So he didn't hesitate anymore: "Then it's settled. Dana is the shield wall. You attack and I will assist!"

Ten minutes later, the team all handed over their respective responsibilities. In fact, this was basically discussed in advance. Like Mingfei, almost no one decided on the spot due to the rush of time.

Sewell glanced briefly, then raised his eyes and said: "Very good, now that everything is confirmed, I will announce good news." He deliberately exclaimed in a long tone: "You lucky people..."

All the seedlings are confused.

But after seeing the huge row of words on the screen, everyone was stunned, and then ecstatic!

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