Reborn as a Pea Shooter

26. Chapter 26 Birthday

"Avery!" Mingfei looked at the girl in front of him in surprise. Yes, she was actually the princess.

"Ming Fei!" Before he could recover, a figure suddenly appeared from behind Ivory and knocked him staggering with a flying swoop.

This voice, and the little yellow leaves swaying in the wind behind the head, you don't need to think about it to know who it is: "Huang Mao, you kid is going to hit me to death!"

Huang Mao ignored him, pinched his neck and started shaking him: "Oooh, oooh, long time no see, do you miss me to death?"

Mingfei's head was so shaken that he immediately stopped Huang Mao's unusual way of expressing his enthusiasm: "Stop, stop..."

After all, Huang Mao was an obedient and good Huang Mao. He stopped shaking him, but he still couldn't hide his excitement on his little face. Ivory, who was on the side, also looked at them with raised eyebrows. She seemed to be very interested in Huang Mao's rocking behavior. She asked Huang Mao: "Is it fun?" Pea's neck is green and soft but full of resilience. It must be A lot of fun.

Mingfei was shocked when he heard that Huang Mao's big leaves were so weak that he felt dizzy. Avri's small hands were white and tender, but if he really wanted to shake them, he would be spinning!

There is a fine line between natural stupidity and natural blackness, especially when two stupid people come together... Mingfei said that the pear is bigger than the mountain.

He quickly changed the subject: "Come on, come in first, I have some delicious snacks here."

When they heard the word "dim sum", their eyes suddenly lit up, and they forgot about Shake Le for a moment, and both looked at him eagerly.

Ming Fei supported his forehead. It stands to reason that Huang Mao is a commoner, and it is normal for him to be short of food and drink. But as Everui is a princess, shouldn't she have everything she wants? Why are you short of food and drink? ...How did he become that wise and mighty imperial brother? He can’t even take care of his own sister!

Ming Fei cursed and led them into the house. After settling down, he went to take out a lot of snacks. This was the one that Seans had prepared for him and Huang Mao that time.

Needless to say, the yellow-haired one was completely solved on the same day, but Mingfei kept it all the time and basically didn't want to move it.

They were exactly the same thing. Huang Mao had eaten it once, so he naturally knew which ones were delicious and which tasted better. He introduced it to Ivory in a matter-of-fact manner, and Ivory also listened to him, and the two of them enjoyed the meal. Very happy.

Mingfei sat next to them, holding his chin up and looking at them. He had already eaten before and couldn't eat anymore, so he only drank from the glass of water Huang Mao handed him.

Seeing the two foodies in a hurry, Mingfei was in a very good mood. He bent his eyes and asked, "Avery, did you sneak out again?"

Avri's eating speed is definitely not slow, but people are beautiful no matter what, and coupled with the good education deep in her bones, her movements are still graceful and graceful. She paused briefly and said: "No, I have to say hello. "

Mingfei was still confused: "His Majesty allowed it?" With the same attitude as last time, his brother would not come to arrest people again, right?

Huang Mao interjected at this time: "Mingfei, you don't know, Avri didn't come alone. When we came here, there were many elves behind us...many, many..." Huang Mao even danced and gestured exaggeratedly.

The corner of Mingfei's mouth twitched, and he immediately remembered the row of personal guards behind Van La at the Falsay Restaurant... But it seemed that Avri had been allowed to be released. Thinking of this, he relaxed. Take a breath.

but! He suddenly realized that with such a huge momentum, Her Royal Highness the Princess came to this military academy just to find Huang Mao and him... What will this be like tomorrow?

Rumors spread like wildfire, but he had experienced it once!

However, no one else was found outside the door just now. Mingfei asked with a hint of luck: "Why didn't I see anyone behind you just now?"

Huang Mao explained positively: "Avery didn't let them follow us, they were all hiding!" Huang Mao blinked and said mysteriously: "We are acting in secret."

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it works on both Android and Apple. 】

Hearing this, Mingfei breathed a sigh of relief. It probably didn't alarm the surrounding people. At least it didn't make a big fuss that everyone knew about. If someone noticed, there was nothing he could do.

The snacks, which were not much at first, were divided between the two of them in a short time. Only then did Ivory finally say the reason for his visit: "Mingfei, tomorrow is my birthday, can you come in the evening?"

Mingfei was stunned. Did Avri come here specifically to invite him? In fact, as long as she sends someone to notify him or contacts him via Jingyuan, he will come over.

Ivory was looking at him, her sky-blue eyes under the long and curled eyelashes were clear and beautiful, and she seemed to be vaguely expecting and worried about being rejected...

Without any hesitation, Mingfei nodded heavily: "Don't worry, I will definitely go and I will bring a gift!"

When Ivory heard this, he immediately smiled brightly. For a moment, his exquisite face was so beautiful that it was impossible to look directly at him. But what he said next made people instantly stunned:

"Great, I've already told Huang Mao. He promised to prepare a heart-shaped Jinjilan cake for me. Can you give me a pentagonal one?"

The corner of Mingfei's mouth trembled. He was just thinking about what gift to prepare for her, but she delivered it to her door herself, and... this gift was indeed in line with Her Royal Highness the Princess's taste...

Without any objection, Mingfei agreed to Ivory.

The three of them played for a while, and the crystal on Avri's wrist began to flash. She looked down and said with great disappointment: "The time is up, I have to go back."

The yellow-haired man had taken a ride with her, so he naturally had to go back to Jinyuan. So the two of them blinked their big eyes, and looked back every few steps.

Ming Fei was already overwhelmed by the yellow-haired man, and with the princess, the two of them put on that expression, and the lethality increased exponentially. Ming Fei had the illusion that he had done something unforgivable.

After being reluctant for most of the day, the two gradually disappeared from Ming Fei's sight.

Seeing the two people walking away, Ming Fei breathed a sigh of relief and turned back to the house.

The next day's classes were not so tight. There were no classes in the morning, but there was an etiquette class in the afternoon.

Ming Fei hurriedly ordered a cake. Jinjilan Bakery was originally a very popular chain store with branches in five departments and colleges.

And the cake that Avery specifically ordered was just an ordinary type. Ming Fei only spent less than a hundred sunnies to get it done.

In the afternoon, Ming Fei and Colin went to the classroom early. It seemed that because of the grouping problem, although it was still early for class, many freshmen gathered. Some were in groups and some were alone, but they were all observing and looking.

Ming Fei was also paying attention. He and Colin were only two people, and they needed another person to join before the group could be officially established, but who this third person was, he had to consider carefully.

Colin was not so worried. He said: "You don't have to delve into the qualifications and abilities of the third person, as long as his temperament is reliable and trustworthy."

He said this obscurely, but Ming Fei understood. If he really had that kind of original constitution, then his partner would be infinitely increased to a genius even if he was a hopeless person... So ability is not a problem, character and mind are the key.

But then again, how can such inner things be judged with eyes? How can you understand it without a period of getting along?

But in fact, it is not that complicated. Although the initial team is crucial, there are not a few who disband and reorganize for some reasons in the middle.

It's just that everyone hopes that the first time can last longer. After all, the cultivation of tacit understanding and mutual understanding are the truly rare and precious assets.

That's why it's so serious.

Ming Fei looked around and silently looked at the seedlings around him, but suddenly saw a familiar little figure in the corner.

His heart moved, and just when he wanted to look carefully, he found that the time was up and it was time for class.

But there was no rush. If it was really him, then he would contact him after class, and the third person might be settled.

Etiquette class doesn't sound exciting, not to mention how to teach etiquette in front of a bunch of small plants? Ming Fei simply regarded this class as a lunch break class... Well, the bad habits of the past have been transmitted to the current pea body.

However, his originally drowsy head was instantly shaken and awakened after seeing the elf stepping into the classroom.

He was dressed in a black teaching robe, tall and handsome, with slightly curved eyebrows and eyes. His expression was careless, but his pair of dark brown eyes were deep and distant.

This... this is a familiar face.

He walked to the podium, pressed the book on the table, raised the corners of his mouth, and smiled with an unclear meaning: "Hello everyone, I am Seans, your etiquette teacher."

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