Reborn as a Pea Shooter

24. Chapter 24: The Past

Mingfei was stunned for a moment, followed his line of sight, and saw a thick book beside him...

But this book was clearly held in his arms just now, so how could it be knocked to the ground by him? !

This obvious trouble-making finally made Mingfei unbearable. He glared at Xia Zuo, and the anger in his chest was about to burst out: "You..."

"Ming Fei." He was interrupted before he could speak.

His left hand was pulled, and Mingfei was stunned. He turned to look at him, and it was Colin.

Colin's face was expressionless. He bent down to pick up the book that fell on the ground, handed it to Xia Zuo, and whispered: "I'm sorry, there were so many people just now and I didn't pay attention."

As soon as these words came out, Ming Fei suddenly woke up. There were a lot of people around, and there was really no need for him to start a fight with Xia Zuo. What's more, if he really made a fight, he would probably not get any advantage, and he would just be watched in vain.

Xia Zuo shifted his gaze to Colin, suddenly narrowed his eyes and asked, "Colin?"

Colin was silent.

Xia Zuo's eyes wandered to Colin and Mingfei. After a while, he snorted coldly, turned around and left without even looking at the book in Colin's hand.

Ming Fei was a little confused. Xia Zuo's initial attitude was definitely to cause some trouble for him, but why did he just leave like this? Of course it would be best if he left, but why?

And Xia Zuo just called Colin's name, do they know each other?

Colin was not from Nursery No. 77, let alone an adopted seedling, so why did Xia Zuo recognize him at a glance? What happened between them?

These thoughts just flashed through his mind, but there were some answers in his mind. Colin handed the book in his hand to Mingfei and said, "Take it, this book is useful."

Mingfei was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head and saw that it read on the cover of the book: "Comprehensive list of minor majors."

This book is really useful! Is it useless to hook up with Sonny? Originally, Mingfei thought it belonged to that stinky little pea and wanted to fight for it. But at this moment, we can bend and stretch, so let’s accept it first.

The man of the hour left, and the crowd of spectators also dispersed. However, a few interested people cast unexplained glances at Colin and Mingfei.

Ming Fei felt keenly, but there was nothing he could do. Sooner or later, Xia Zuo and him would be noticed by others, and there was no way he could stop someone from thinking about him.

He pulled Colin and left with him. He was still a little annoyed in his heart. He was originally worried that he would not be able to trick the children into forming a team with him. Now, seeing that he had a bad relationship with the man of the hour, he probably had to stay away from the young seedlings again. Far.

However, now was not the time to worry about this. He took Colin all the way back to the water dormitory, closed the door and said solemnly: "Colin, should we talk?"

Colin looked directly at him and said softly: "Okay."

Mingfei stared into his eyes and said straight to the point: "You deliberately approached me and Huang Mao." It was not a question, but an affirmation.

A trace of surprise flashed across Colin's calm face. He obviously didn't expect him to be so direct. Mingfei still stared at him closely. He paused, and finally nodded and said, "Yes, although I have never seen you. , but I have heard your name. Although it is not a deliberate approach, it is not a coincidence. "

This answer was much better than Mingfei expected. In fact, from the beginning of meeting Colin, Mingfei had some doubts in his heart. His reputation was so bad at that time, and all the seedlings avoided him, so why was it only Colin? come over?

What's more, Huang Mao didn't know Colin at all, so the possibility of him being an old friend was ruled out. Furthermore, Colin is obviously not as simple-minded as Huang Mao. He is obviously much more mature and rational. Under the circumstances at that time, for my own sake, I shouldn't have gotten close to him...

Therefore, there must be some reasons. As for what it is, Mingfei can't think of it, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't take it to heart.

However, Colin didn't do anything. On the contrary, he always stayed by his side to help him. After spending so many days together, there was no other gain except confirming that Colin knew a lot.

But today's conflict with Xia Zuo made him suddenly certain of one thing.

"You are not a seedling from Nursery No. 77, but Xia Zuo knows you. You..." Mingfei paused before speaking slowly: "You are a seedling adopted by elves..."

Colin smiled self-deprecatingly and said, "To be precise, it's a seedling abandoned by the elves."

Mingfei was stunned. Although he had a vague suspicion, he was still a little surprised when Colin said it like this.

If that's the case, then everything makes sense.

Because he was adopted, he received more education and learned more knowledge in advance, so Colin knew a lot.

Also because he was adopted and lived in Sarshane City, it was normal for him to meet Xia Zuo. As for knowing him and Huang Mao, I probably learned about it from Xia Zuo...

And Colin will finally appear in the outer city and participate in the qualification assessment with them, probably because he was abandoned by the elves.

Mingfei suddenly remembered that when he first met Colin, Colin once said: "Since the seedlings can be adopted, the adoption can be released, but what will happen to the seedlings after's hard to say."

At that time, he had thought that fierce competition between the weak and the strong was also a natural cycle. But I didn’t expect to actually encounter an eliminated seedling...

For a moment, Mingfei didn't know what to say. He said he wanted to talk to Colin, but how could he talk about something so revealing? What's more, Colin has been helping him all along, saving him a lot of trouble and solving a lot of confusion. No matter what his original purpose was, at least in the process, Colin didn't do anything excessive.

But Colin didn't seem to care that much. Although the ridicule in his eyes did not recede, he did not shy away from talking about it: "Being adopted by an elf is naturally a very lucky thing. The seedlings in every nursery will long for it. Who wouldn't want to How about reaching the sky in one step? But not everyone knows what happens after being adopted."

He paused and then said: "High-ranking elves will not just adopt one seedling. Most of them will choose a dozen potential ones to accept, and they will not ask too much, but these more than ten seedlings have been adopted in advance. Facing a cruel fate, because in the end only one person will be left, the completely ignorant seedlings will start to engage in dark intrigues.”

Ming Fei was startled, but when he heard this, he felt the same thing... He was an orphan, and he never knew who his parents were. He was born in an orphanage. Even if the director rarely had good intentions, he couldn't resist the cruelty of reality.

If you want to be taken away and live a life of a family, you must learn to be well-behaved and sensible in advance. There are so many children, but very few people actually come to adopt them, and even fewer are taken away... If you want to stand out, If you want to be taken away, you have to perform something special...

Colin looked at him, but changed the subject: "Xia Zuo and I met and became friends because we were not adopted by the same elf. This way, there is no competition, and we can naturally talk."

Hearing him mention Xia Zuo, Mingfei listened attentively.

"In the beginning, Xia Zuo had a very strong temper. He offended many people and was tortured miserably. However, this kid always had a ruthless spirit and gritted his teeth to hold on. When he got up, although he still had a cold temperament, But his brain is very useful, and he somehow managed to gain the appreciation of Her Highness Elena. Now no one dared to provoke him, and he actually took the opportunity to quietly take revenge on those who had excluded and bullied him in the past. , or even eradicate him directly. No one would provoke him with such cruel methods."

Colin paused and seemed to be recalling: "The time I met him was when he was at his worst. He was beaten all over by several strong seedlings, fell into the mud, and almost fainted. I helped him."

Mingfei's expression changed when he heard this, but Colin himself smiled: "Don't think about it, I am not so kind. I will help him purely because of his unwillingness to admit defeat. I have no merits, but I think I can It depends on the person. Xia Zuo is not someone who will be eliminated. As long as he is given a chance, he will definitely stand up and stand taller than them. What's more, I am not the seedling adopted by Her Highness Elena, and Xia Zuo is also. There is no conflict of interest, and there is no harm in helping him secretly.”

"After that, I learned about the existence of you and Huang Mao from his mouth. I don't know what happened between you, but I can feel that Xia Zuo has been working hard for one thing, and this thing must be related to You are related."

Mingfei couldn't help but ask, "What's the matter?"

Colin said: "Don't ask me, I said it was just a feeling. Maybe I felt wrong."

...He had already said so, and Ming Fei naturally didn’t ask any more questions.

After a while, Colin said again: "You can imagine what happened next. The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. I was careless and was pulled down, so there is nothing to say."

He said this in an understatement, but Mingfei felt keenly from his suddenly lowered voice and twinkling eyes that things were definitely not as easy as he said.

But beneath this are probably the really bloody memories that Colin doesn't want to mention. Mingfei doesn't want Colin to look back on things like this that he can imagine without guessing.

After talking for a long time, Colin finally returned to the original topic: "I originally wanted to approach Huang Mao and make friends with him, because Xia Zuo was obviously biased towards him... But then, I chose you."

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Mingfei concentrated, looked at Colin and asked, "Why?"

Colin pondered for a moment before saying, "I'm betting."

"What to bet on?"

Colin stared at Mingfei and said word by word: "Your physique, I bet you are not a simple water attribute!"

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