Reborn as a Pea Shooter

19. Chapter 19 Warning

Mingfei was a little annoyed when he opened his mouth. His benefactor helped him a lot, but in the end he still didn't know his name...

The elf said understandingly: "Siens, just call me by your name."

The arrival of Seans turned the twosome into a threesome, with one elf and two peas sitting at the table waiting for the food to be served. This scene seemed familiar, and it reminded Mingfei of Ivory... Although it was a big mistake, I have to say that I had a great time getting along with her, but it is a pity that I will never have the chance to meet her again.

Huang Mao had obviously thought about it, but Mingfei had previously told him not to mention his acquaintance with Ivory when he was outside, so he only looked at Mingfei with his small eyes, but did not ask any questions.

Mingfei sighed and pretended not to see it.

Siens sat back casually in his seat, looked at Mingfei for a while, and then asked: "What are the results of your qualification assessment?"

Mingfei first pointed at Huang Mao and said, "Gold type, middle to upper level." Then he pointed at himself and said, "Water type, low to upper level."

After hearing the word 'water element', Xiens raised his eyebrows, looked deeply at Mingfei and asked, "Are you a water element?"

Mingfei was a little confused, nodded and said, "Yes."

Huang Mao's results are obviously more shocking, so why does Seans pay more attention to him? Mingfei was a little confused.

Siens pondered for a moment and said absently: "The water system is very good."

Mingfei didn't think much about it. The food was served one after another. His mouth watered at a glance. Looking at Huang Mao's hungry wolf look, Mingfei didn't dare to slack off, for fear that in the blink of an eye, there would be only leftovers on the table.

On the contrary, Seans was startled by their eating appearance. After he recovered, he clapped his hands to call the waiter, added a few more dishes, and then smiled as he watched them wolf down their food, but he only ordered a glass of water.

After a while, Huang Mao and Mingfei were full of wine and food, and their movements slowed down. Seans kept looking at them with interest. Mingfei said a little embarrassedly: "Thank you for what happened before. I'll invite you this time." As a thank you gift, Seans only ordered a glass of water.

Seans said very generously: "It doesn't matter, I have a discount here!"

When Ming Fei heard this, he thought it was an ungentleman thing to have a good relationship and not to take advantage of others, so he said, "Then I'll treat you to a different place next time!"

Seans smiled noncommittally.

After a full meal, it was getting late. Mingfei wanted to rush back to the water courtyard. Huang Mao looked at him eagerly: "Don't leave, stay here..."

Mingfei hesitated for a moment. Huang Mao's dormitory was very spacious, and there was no problem for two people.

Huang Mao added: "We have to buy books and supplies tomorrow. If you go back now, you will have to worry about it tomorrow. Just stay here."

Ming Fei was even more hesitant. Indeed, they had agreed to go shopping together for school necessities tomorrow. They would probably have to come to Huang Mao or Huang Mao to find him tomorrow, which was quite a hassle. It would be much more convenient if they stayed.

Huang Mao was still attacking with his eyes, and just as Mingfei was about to respond, he heard Seans say, "You'd better go back to the water courtyard."

"What?" Mingfei looked at Seans.

"Why!" Seeing that Mingfei was about to agree but then Cheng Yaojin showed up, Huang Mao glared at Siens.

Siens put away his smile, narrowed his narrow eyes slightly and became a little sharper. He asked in a deep voice: "Do you want him to rely on you for the rest of his life?"

Ming Fei and Huang Mao were stunned at the same time.

Seans continued: "Different departments require different necessities, and the best place to buy these things is in the department you belong to. If you are in different departments, how can you buy them together? Is it possible that you still want to accompany him? After shopping in Jinyuan, go back to Shuiyuan?”

Mingfei didn't think of this. It turned out that there was such a reason... However, he looked at Huang Mao and he didn't mind helping Huang Mao get it done before going back to the water courtyard alone.

Siens glanced at him and saw what he was thinking. He raised his eyebrows slightly, returned to his previous casual look, and spoke lightly before saying:

"Tomorrow all the freshmen will basically be here. It is said to be shopping for necessities, but it is also an opportunity to get to know each other. You follow him in everything. Doesn't he need to make friends of his own? When the school officially starts, everyone else will have friends, and Is he alone?"

These words decisively hit Mingfei's weakness. He had always been worried that Huang Mao would not be able to adapt to the situation alone, but he ignored that the more he interfered, the more Huang Mao would be unable to adapt to the new environment in the end. With him around, Huang Mao would definitely not want to make new friends. When school started, they were from different departments and couldn't be together all day long. But by then, most of the freshmen already had friends, and Huang Mao would feel alienated if he wanted to interact with others again. …

Xiens put down the water glass, looked at Huang Mao intently, and said with a smile: "Little Huang Mao, you don't want Mingfei to have no friends in the water system because of you, right? You also know that because of what happened before, Mingfei's reputation is not very good. Now that he is in Jinyuan all day long, what will the new students in Shuiyuan think of him?" He paused and said in a more serious tone: "I remember you said that you wanted to become stronger and protect little Mingfei? ...but you look like this..."

He didn't finish what he said next, and there was no need to finish it.

Huang Mao, who was originally downcast, immediately raised his head like a chicken blood. Mung Bean's small eyes were shining brightly and full of fighting spirit. He turned to look at Ming Fei and said solemnly: "Go back! I can do it myself!"

Ming Fei was stunned, and finally nodded after thinking about it again and again. He knew that Huang Mao was passionate now and would definitely regret it later, but there was nothing he could do. The long-term pain was not as good as the short-term pain. Considering the two aspects, this was indeed a good deal for both of them. A good way for everyone.

After finishing the meal, Seans paid the bill generously, hung a box of snacks for each of the two pea plants, and then took them away.

Mingfei and Seans sent Huang Mao back to the dormitory first. After being blown by the breeze along the way, Huang Mao was obviously calmer. Now that Mingfei was about to leave, he began to struggle again... but he also knew what to say. He could not repent of the spilled water, so he gritted his teeth and sent Mingfei away, but his little eyes turned into tears in an instant.

Mingfei couldn't bear it and repeatedly told him to be careful alone, and also confirmed that the two crystals were connected.

That's right, the Jingyuan worn at school also functions like a video phone. You can make instant calls at will, which is very convenient.

After everything was settled, Mingfei finally became cruel and strode away without looking back.

The sky was already filled with stars, and Pea's body was short and his legs were short. Even though he was walking in long strides, Seans could easily keep up. He leaned over slightly, stretched out his hand to lift up the little Pea who was running fast on the ground, and held it in his arms.

The body temperature suddenly rose and came into contact with the warm body temperature. Mingfei was too dizzy to react.

Siens came close to him and said, "You are just a child, why do you always pretend to be an adult?" The voice was so distant that the heat of the words almost touched his ears, and Mingfei replied suddenly God, began to resist: "Put me down."

"Okay." Seans said simply.

Mingfei breathed a sigh of relief and was about to come down, but as soon as he lowered his head, he screamed and grabbed Sean's arm tightly. There was blue water below. If you get down, you will drown him!

Seans looked at him with a smile: "Repenting again?"

Mingfei glared at him fiercely, and Seans smiled even brighter. He hugged Mingfei again. He seemed to be in a good mood. He leaned into Mingfei's ear and said, "I'll take you back to the water courtyard."

Ming Fei was scared: "You don't want to send me back like this!" Carrying him all the way back like this, he didn't want to be on the front page and be criticized verbally.

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it works on both Android and Apple. 】

Seans frowned: "I don't mind."

"You don't mind, I don't mind!" Mingfei was dumbfounded, not knowing why this person who was so good just now fell into deep trouble.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore." Seans stopped staring at him and snapped his fingers out of thin air.

Mingfei was still upset. The little girl was really sad, but she was pressed into his arms by one hand. This was so frustrating!

There was a sudden sound. The night in Jinyuan was already brightly lit, and Mingfei immediately saw an unknown object flying towards him at a very high speed.

It's in front of you in the blink of an eye.

Then, Mingfei felt that his eyes were going to be blinded...

An aircraft that shines brighter than the golden Jinyuan. Indescribable colors linger around the streamlined model. The fuselage is conical and hovers in the air, like a bullet that suddenly stops, as if it will stop in the next second. It will rush out at extremely high speeds, fleeting like a meteor.

There is no doubt that this is a high-speed aircraft, and it is made of a single piece of colorful crystal. There are no connecting points, and it is so natural that it is amazing.

Compared with the high-speed aircraft that Mingfei saw before, this one is much more dazzling, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is worth a lot of money.

Siens looked at Mingfei, his dark brown eyes full of joy: "If it wasn't getting late, I could take you to travel around Sarsha."

Ming Fei came back to his senses, fearing that the person in front of him would act unreasonably, so he quickly waved his hand and said, "I want to go back to the water courtyard."

Seans had a look of regret on his face. As he walked into the aircraft with Mingfei in his arms, he said regretfully: "This 'Phantom' is the latest aircraft. It was launched for the first time today. Unfortunately, the distance is only three minutes."

Mingfei understood immediately. This thing was really high-end. It only took three minutes to walk for six or seven hours! What kind of speed is this? The blood deep in Mingfei's heart is about to stir. It is estimated that Huang Mao will really scream here.

There were only two seats in the aircraft. Seans fastened Mingfei's seat belt before sitting in the driver's seat. He adjusted the control panel slightly, looked straight ahead, and said softly, "Sit tight." "

The next moment, the 'Phantom' rushed out with a whoosh like a bright light.

The scenes on both sides receded at a speed that was beyond the reach of the naked eye, but inside the aircraft it was as stable as the ground.

Mingfei looked outside through the porthole and felt that this ordinary scene had turned into another extremely weird but extremely beautiful scene due to the soaring speed.

The dreamy beauty seems to have turned into another world in an instant, strange but familiar, illusory but real, true and false, so dizzying that it seems that even breathing has stopped and the brain cannot think...

Three minutes came in a blink of an eye.

When the aircraft stopped, Ming Fei was still dazed. Outside the porthole window was the unique quietness of the water courtyard. The scene just now was like a beautiful dream, real but illusory and untouchable.

Seans looked at him with a smile: "It's the first time you ride an aircraft at this speed, and you didn't faint."

I'm not dizzy, but I'm almost dizzy. Although the aircraft is as calm as the ground, the inertia at such high speeds is still very uncomfortable.

Seans took out a piece of pink candy, handed it to Mingfei and said, "Eat it, you will feel better."

Mingfei didn't hesitate, raised his head and swallowed. The sweet and moist water slid into his body, and the discomfort was relieved a lot.

The two got off the aircraft and happened to be at the door of Mingfei's dormitory. It was almost late at night and there was no one around. Mingfei finally calmed down and thought that Xiens had helped him before, and this time he and Huang Mao were invited. Although others are a little weird when eating, there is no harm in it.

He smiled at Seans and said, "Thank you for last time and today."

Seans waved his hand and said indifferently, "It's nothing, go to sleep."

Ming Fei said, "Then goodbye."

After saying that, he turned around and was about to go into the house, but Seans suddenly said, "Wait a minute."

Ming Fei turned around and looked at him, hesitantly asked, "Anything else?"

Seans hesitated for a moment before saying, "Remember not to get too close to the elves."

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