Reborn as a Pea Shooter

11. Chapter 11 Qualification Assessment (III)

He fell to the ground in a daze, and Huang Mao across the barrier was also dumbfounded. The smile was still frozen on his face and he hurriedly rushed to the barrier, trying to rush out, but found that this damn barrier was actually one-way. Once you get in, you can't get out...

Mingfei was still sitting on the ground in a daze, with a look of disbelief on his face. It wasn't until Huang Mao shouted his name loudly that he came back to his senses.

After seeing Huang Mao's anxious look, he adjusted his attitude instantly, stood up and said nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter, Huang Mao, please work hard, I will count on you in the future."

Huang Mao was startled for a moment, and tears immediately filled his little green eyes. He patted the barrier and shouted, "No, it's impossible, Mingfei, you can come in..."

Damn, this kid was just pretending, and now his true colors are revealed. Don’t cry. He is most afraid of others crying! But there was nothing he could do if he couldn't get in. Mingfei lowered his head and didn't dare to look at Huang Mao.

It stands to reason that any seedling that cannot get in must leave immediately and cannot block the people behind it. Mingfei took a deep breath and thought about comforting Huang Mao before leaving.

"Take off the hood."

"Ah?" Mingfei was stunned and looked towards the source of the sound. He turned out to be the examiner.

The examiner of their group was a tall nutty man. His eyes were round and wide, and he looked serious because of the depressed corners of his mouth.

He repeated: "Take off the hood, quickly!"

Only then did Mingfei come back to his senses. He grabbed the hood with both hands and refused to take it off. If his face was exposed to the public, he would be drowned in spit. He still clearly remembered the stories in the newspapers these days. Fierce crusade...

He can't get through this door now. If he takes off his hood again, the swarms of plants in front of him will skin him alive!

The examiner was extremely insistent: "Take it off quickly, don't waste everyone's time!"

Mingfei finally couldn't help but said, "I have chickenpox and I can't see the wind."

The examiner said impatiently: "Have you read the regulations carefully! You cannot bring any foreign objects during the qualification assessment, otherwise you will be rejected without discrimination. Is chickenpox more important or your own future?"

Mingfei was stunned and immediately understood what he meant. Although the examiner's tone was not kind, the content of his words was well-intentioned. After all, Mingfei really didn't know that foreign objects were not allowed in this level, but it was not marked in the manual. After all, underage plants are all natural without clothing...

Feelings, because of this damn hood? Does that mean he still has a chance? !

Huang Mao obviously heard what the examiner said, and he immediately urged Ming Fei: "Quick, take off the hood and try again!"

Mingfei was still hesitant... If he took off his hood, he would be exposed... If he still couldn't get in, wouldn't he be drowned in spit...

[To be honest, I have been using it recently, and it works on both Android and Apple. 】

However, Huang Mao was still looking at him expectantly, and there was also the red-fruited 20,000 Sonny... Mingfei was silent for a long time, and finally his heart changed, and he suddenly pulled off his hood.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when his back was turned to everyone and no one could see him, he rushed towards the barrier.

Another cold touch instantly filled his body. Mingfei couldn't help but close his eyes and was shaken by the cold. But the next moment the air became warm and full of life. Before he could open his eyes, he was covered by yellow hair. He fell to the ground with a bear hug.

Mingfei pulled back his yellow hair and was in a good mood. It seemed that he got the 20,000 sunny smoothly!

Huang Mao was still howling with tears in his eyes, looking really frightened. Mingfei patted him on the head and said, "You are such a bear, and you still want to protect me?"

Huang Mao blinked and looked at him. It took him a while to come back to his senses, and he said with a stiff neck, "Of course, how can I cover you if you don't come in?"

Mingfei looked down upon him: "I'm coming in and I need you to cover me?"

The two of them were noisy, but they finally passed the first level. Although the process was a bit bumpy, the result was good, and the two of them felt as refreshed as the clouds had cleared.

However, Ming Fei didn't dare to stay here for a long time. He and Huang Mao had their backs to the door from beginning to end, so no one recognized him, so they were relatively calm.

They walked through the corridor into the assessment hall while talking.

Although it is said to be a corridor, it is still too majestic and tall for two underage seedlings. It has calm but exquisite relief patterns and a whole piece of crystal paving that has never been seen before. The level of luxury has increased by leaps and bounds.

At the end of the corridor, a brown-haired elf was guarding. He was tall and tall, with handsome features and a polite smile. His voice was pleasant: "Congratulations on coming to the assessment hall. Please take your number plate."

After saying that, he handed Ming Fei and Huang Mao each a small silver sign.

The yellow hair is marked with 'I have been using it recently [To be honest, I have been using it recently, it can be used on Android or Apple. 】38’ But Mingfei’s message above says ‘I’ve been using it recently [To be honest, I’ve been using it recently, it’s available on both Android and Apple. 】4【To be honest, I have been using it recently, both Android and Apple. 】’. It seemed that Mingfei's hood problem delayed the time, and someone else had already come in during this gap.

But Huang Mao and Ming Fei didn't see anyone else on the way over. They seemed to be seedlings from other nurseries.

The brown-haired elf smiled and told them to get their number plates and go to the lounge to take their seats. After everyone arrived, the second level of evaluation would begin.

Ming Fei and Huang Mao nodded and walked towards the lounge under his guidance.

They were ranked over a thousand. Judging from the number of people in previous years, it would take a while for the first level to be completed.

The lounge is on the left, and we arrived after walking for a while. The hall is broad and loud, and it has a very deep feeling because of the extremely high roof. Countless seats are arranged neatly and orderly, and each chair has a number on it. , it seems that we were seated based on this number.

With so many chairs, how on earth would he find his own chair? Huang Maozheng was so worried that his eyebrows were knitted together, but Mingfei had seen the world after all. Who among modern people has never been to a movie theater.

Looking at the arrangement of the seats, from high to low, it is obvious that the ones with smaller numbers are in the front row, and those with higher numbers are in the back. His and Huang Mao's numbers should be about a quarter of the way in front.

He pulled Huang Mao forward and walked forward. It didn't take much effort to find a seat. After sitting down, Mingfei realized a problem belatedly...

His hood... was not brought in, and his pea face, which was left behind by the princess as he cried and howled, was completely exposed to the eyes of the crowd...


As soon as Mingfei sat down, he felt keenly that countless eyes were focused on him, and they were hitting him hard like searchlights.

With so many people paying attention, Mingfei really didn't know what expression to make.

Fortunately, Hong Guoguo had a few big words outside the lounge that could not be ignored: "No noise allowed." So no one shouted loudly, but whispers were indispensable.

And the volume, no matter how loud it is, is just enough for Mingfei to hear clearly:

"Oh my God, isn't he just that shameless seedling?"

"Yes, yes, he actually came in. This kind of person is actually qualified to participate in the assessment!"

"It's really hard to breathe in the same room with such disgusting people..."

"Stay away from him, be careful of such a sinister person being killed by him."

In just a short while... Ming Fei and Huang Mao were sitting there alone, with no breathing creature within five meters around them.

Huang Mao also heard those words. His face turned red and his neck was thick with anger. He clenched his fists and was about to stand up to argue. Ming Fei, with his quick eyesight and quick hands, quickly held him down and said, "Don't do this!"

Huang Mao immediately felt aggrieved. He looked at Ming Fei and hesitated to speak.

Mingfei said: "Don't go yelling. Noise is prohibited here. If we drive them out by then, the gain will outweigh the loss."

Ming Fei felt uncomfortable, and no one would be happy to be slandered and scolded like this. But in this situation, rushing to defend and explain or even beat up those who talked nonsense would indeed relieve his hatred, but Sonny, who had finally succeeded, was It's all in vain...

So I can only endure it.

Fortunately, everyone is not here to have fun. Although they hate Mingfei's so-called 'character', the rules are there, and you have to sit in whichever seat you have with the number on your hand.

Seeing that Ming Fei had not been provoked, the young seedlings who were originally standing outside became irritable and had no choice but to sit back again. However, each of them had their backs to him, and they didn't even bother to hide the disgust on their faces.

Mingfei didn't bother to look at them. He tried to look further away and tried to divert his emotions, but his sharp eyes discovered that about ten seats in the front row were empty.

Mingfei was a little confused. Logically speaking, number plates were issued based on the order of entry, so the top ten should be the first to come in. Why was no one sitting? There was no one standing in the hall, everyone had obviously taken their seats, so who were those ten seats reserved for?

He was confused and couldn't help but ask the people around him: "Why are numbers 1 to 10 empty?"

"That's specially reserved." The voice was clear and hearty, but it was not yellow-haired...

Mingfei turned his head and saw that the empty seat between him and Huang Mao was actually occupied...

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