Wednesday, Art and Studio Room.

All the faculty members, teachers, including the director, were gathered here, and they all had a stack of papers in front of them.

There are letters from middle schools, statements of responsibility and lawyers' letters from colleges and universities, refund requests from students' parents, and greetings from peers.

In just three days, all the students of Yihe went on strike, the university and the middle school were held accountable, the industry peers were eyeing each other, and the law firm downstairs was ready to move.

Things haven't completely gotten bigger, but the hyenas smell and come and want a piece of the pie.

The director, who was the person who spoke the matter, did not burst into a rage, but was frighteningly calm:

"Our current problem is that the middle schools have terminated their contracts, the main student sources have been cut off

, the students have gone on strike, and the scattered students in the society have disappeared," as well as the accountability claims of the middle schools, the prosecution of twenty colleges and universities around the country, the entanglement of students' parents, and the countless summons that were about to come......

"She paused, her tone tinged with a little anger:"

It doesn't matter the question itself, I want to know...... Why didn't you notice it early when such a big event happened?

" "Let you keep an eye on that high school student, and you will do things like this?"

She is not afraid of problems with Yihe, after all, she expected that there would be this day, and there should not be too many precautionary measures, even if it is exposed, she is confident that the loss will be minimized.

If the loss is small and the profit accounts for the majority, then the business is not a loss.

However, the premise is that there is enough time to implement the plan ......

Before I noticed the movement, the lawyer's letters from various schools arrived, the parents of the students were boycotting the class, and a set of combination techniques came over, and there was no time to counteract.

The head of the faculty whispered:

"Keep an eye on it really closely, that kid has no chance to commit a crime at all, except for a trip back to school that afternoon, the rest of the itinerary is normal,"

I went to the library on Sunday morning, went shopping with the subject in the afternoon, and was in school from Monday to Wednesday, nothing happened.

"The only thing that can be done is because we have a conflict with someone and call the police, and it has nothing to do with us. The

chief pursed his lips and added,

"I want to ...... This kid should have told the school that he couldn't do such a big battle alone. "

That's true, but it's more than that.

The director pinched his eyebrows:

"Of course he can't do it himself, the suppression is very fast, and it looks premeditated

!" "Now we are thinking about how to deal with the crisis and how to get through

it!" "I raise my head and think about it seriously! I want to go to prison!"

Everyone was woken up by a roar, and immediately looked through the information, pretending to be very busy.

At this time, someone suddenly knocked on the door, and before the director could speak, an anxious report came from outside the door:

"Something is wrong, the students are protesting downstairs, and they are on a hunger strike!"

The people in the "???"

conference room were suddenly stunned, looked at each other for three seconds, turned around and ejected, and leaned down at the window to look down.

I saw that there was a crowd of people below, and more than 100 students were holding banners and loudspeakers, confiding in the media or passers-by about their misfortunes.

"Damn, these little, they are just barbarians and unreasonable!"

"It's over, I said I would refund them the money, and stabilize some people first......

" "Look at which media is holding the camera, and quickly contact the headquarters." The

director's narrow eyes narrowed slightly, and he smelled the smell of conspiracy:

"Send a few people into the crowd and find the initiator Yang Shu, he must be there." "

Ah? Why?"

"This kind of little devil has seen a lot, and if he plays a little clever, he thinks he is a genius, and he thinks very highly of himself, and he has the Xi of appreciating masterpieces. The

director's tone was confident, and she admitted that she was careless, but it was not something that a mere high school student could bring down.

"Go. "

Know...... Got it.

At the same time, at the bottom of the Jinding Building, Han Shixiu, who looked vain, was holding a loudspeaker in his left hand and a thick pile of medical records in his right hand, and shouted heartbreakingly:

"Yihe Studio will pay me back my hard-earned money! My mother said that the children of poor families have long been in charge, and I ...... Woo woo~" "

I've been in poor health since I was a child, and I spent more time in the hospital than in school, so I could only go to college by art, and I was defrauded!"

Although the words are slightly exaggerated, media friends like this, full of emotions, miserable life, bad luck and life... In short, it has a high eye-catching rate and is good news.

What? The three elements of news: timeliness, accuracy, and authenticity?

I am not interested, Lao Tzu only cares about the click-through rate, fan conversion rate and commission.

In addition to Han Shixiu, others also have their own characteristics, the ordinary group recited slogans to protest, the anchor group made videos to start live broadcasts to protest, the lazy group lay on the ground to protest, and the crazy group crawled on the ground in a dark ......

Everyone worked hard to get their tuition fees back.

It's just ......

A boy poked Han Shixiu:

"Xiu'er, you have all the tuition fees, you don't have to work so hard, no matter how high you shout, there is no 'salary'."

Han Shixiu looked stunned, his eyes were full of sadness, and he hadn't come out of the story he had made up.

"Am I in it for that money?"

"It's small, it's small! I'm speaking out for all the victims

......!" Report a hint of ah, brother, I misunderstood. The

boy scratched his head and muttered in a low voice:

"How do you feel that he simply wants to act...... "

The characteristic of the Chinese people is to join in the fun, the instinct of the masses is to eat melons, less than half an hour after the protest began, the intersection next to the building has been flooded, and the traffic police have to squeeze through.

The director who was quietly observing upstairs was stunned:

"No, today's working day, where are so many

idlers?" "There are few idlers, most of them are organized...... I saw several familiar faces from other studios.

At this time, the spies who blended into the crowd sent a battle report:

"It's strange, the students only mention the refund of tuition, and no one says anything about fake academic qualifications, what should I do

?" "This ......" The director frowned, "Is there anything else, did you find Yang Shu?"

Obviously, this group of dogs and cubs rushed to return the money, and they kept their mouths shut about the most critical academic fraud, the organization was too obvious, and someone must be behind the command.

"Director...... Yang Shu is not here, why don't you return the money first? I saw someone call the police. Other

instructors thought similarly, the students only demanded a refund of the money, and once the police intervened, there was less time left for the studio to respond.

The director gritted his teeth:

"First draw up an agreement, the general content is that after the money is returned, no negative information about the studio shall be disseminated, and the money shall be signed and left according to the fingerprint."

"Okay, let's do it. Soon

, the students entered the Jinding Building together and came out with smiles on their faces.

Especially Han Shixiu, although he retired 20,000 yuan early, he insisted on making an extra 2,000 yuan.

In order to settle things as soon as possible, Yihe can only satisfy him.

"It's so cool, heha, any evil will eventually be brought to justice!" Han

Shixiu waved his fist excitedly, reported the battle situation to Yang Shu, and informed him that he could do it.

Yang Shu is in the large conference room of the school, next to the head teacher Lao Jiao, and on the left and right sides are the publicity directors of each studio, invited to come here to discuss cooperation.

"Leaders, the students have successfully refunded, then according to the results of the discussion just now, they will each pay 6,000 yuan in tuition and complete the rest of the training content in your institution, plus studio publicity, no problem, right?"

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