At the end of the movie, the headlights are lit up, making people subconsciously squint.

After the field of vision was restored, the state of each audience was also presented.

Among the more than 20 couples, more than half are sulking, a small number are crying, and only a few are pleasant and leave the theater together.

What's more, he woke up directly on the spot, punched his boyfriend, and scolded his biological father.

"You men can't be relied on at all! It's been eight lifetimes of mold to meet you

!" "You don't understand what I want at all, is this a matter of attitude? This is a mistake in principle!" "Don't

contact me for the time being, my ex-boyfriend has returned to China." "


The theater is filled with a lot of emotional garbage, and the cowardly boyfriend endures silently and persuades each other, and the brave boyfriend argues and argues with reason.

A couple even escalated their conflict and fought directly, scattering popcorn all over the ground.

Bai Kapok felt that it was a pity, why waste it if she didn't eat it?

She asked suspiciously:

"Yang Shu, they had a good relationship before, why are they angry now?"

"They have been brainwashed by the movie, don't you learn," Yang Shu said indifferently, "This is called a couple, a seemingly sweet, but in fact fragile relationship between men and women."

Bai Kapok snorted:

"I came out to play for fun, so I didn't learn from them."

A smile appeared on Yang Shu's face, although the movie is not very good, it is not bad to have monkeys at the end.

"Don't look at it, let's go," Bai Kapok said, "There are still many shops that I haven't visited."

So, the two left the theater.

As soon as he left the theater, Yang Shu saw the ticket seller standing in front of him, beckoning with a smile:

"Guests, please, please have something to ask you two." "

It's white kapok again.

Yang Shu was about to remind the little rich woman, but she spoke first:

"Don't touch your hands, I remember." "

Very good, worthy of being a competition student, learn quickly and remember it.

The distance is close, and the conductor explains enthusiastically:

"That's the case, the theater official account needs to issue a viewing report, but there is no good material, so I want to ask the two of you to take a photo, is it okay?"

"Of course, I will give two gifts as a thank you."

Bai Kapok's expression remained unchanged, but he didn't speak, looking cold.

The conductor's sister was embarrassed in place...... Is this unwilling?

Also, before it was taking pictures and sticking stickers, the little beauty must be very annoying.

Bai Kapok looked up at Yang Shu, and there was only one thought in his heart: I'll leave it to you.

The little rich woman has never communicated with strangers much, and her social interaction is mostly passive, and when the other party throws out the topic, but she doesn't know how to respond, she will stand by and pretend to be cold.

Yang Shu said:

"What specific photos do you take, and what are the gifts?"

"It's very simple, just take a scene in the lobby," the conductor said, "and for gifts, there are souvenirs and dolls at the front desk."

Yang Shu agreed, anyway, he didn't suffer a loss.

"Two, please wait

a moment!" The conductor's sister smiled happily and hurriedly called the cameraman

: "Come, let's start!"

The little brother was stunned for a moment, then approached the conductor and whispered:

"The material is good, but are you sure it's an amateur, if the girl is in the circle, she has to deal with copyright issues later."

"Oh, if you want to have this kind of appearance, internal entertainment will have already become popular out of the circle. Let's shoot it directly, or use your selfie to send the official account?" "

Couples are the bulk of consumption in the film market, and recent youth movies have been very popular, so of course the material is best couples.

But for some reason, ten couples came in and came out with twenty strangers.

Therefore, a couple with online and normal appearance can be regarded as a rare category.

"Okay. The

cameraman thought it was reasonable and began to prepare for the shooting.

In order to reflect the style and environment of the theater, the shooting points were selected in the most obvious front desk, LED poster screen, and next to the statue of Yang Yangyang.

After taking two sets of pictures, the cameraman suddenly raised his head:

"That...... Trouble boyfriend to the left a little bit and stand closer to the girl.

Yang Shu was stunned for a moment, we are obviously high school students, where is it like a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship?

Bai Kapok looked happy, happy as if eating a skewer.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Because he said we were good friends," said Bai Kapok, "and our relationship was stable. "

Oh, remember.

After taking the photo, the cameraman admired the results and said complacently:

"After so long of precipitation, the technology has finally improved!" "

It is not necessarily the credit of precipitation, maybe it is my handsome face?" Yang Shu quipped.


the little brother froze...... Handsome is quite handsome, if it wasn't so thick, it would be better.

The little beauties didn't speak, but you have a big face.

Then, it's time to choose a gift.

Bai Kapok didn't like dolls, so he chose a pair of keychains, and the rest was all exchanged for snacks.

"Yang Shu, this is yours. "

Yo, if you hold a lot of delicious food, give me a keychain?"

"You can eat it too, but I'll help you carry it."

Then, the two continued to shop and eat, and turned around the underground street.

Xiao Pixiu went to the toilet to unload the goods in the middle, and when he came back, his pace was bright, and he felt that the whole person was brisk.

Yang Shu received a message from Liu Guoqiang again, saying that everyone was preparing to have dinner, and they were ready to end the party when they were done, so he asked him to come quickly.

"What's the matter, is there something wrong?" asked Bai Kapok.

"No, I'll take you to eat spicy strip skewers," Yang Shu put away the phone, "Can you go?"

"You lie, there is no such thing," Bai Kapok said seriously, "The skewers should be boiled in soup, and the spicy strips will not taste good when soaked in water, no one likes this kind of thing, so the merchant will not do a loss-making business." "

Hey, the little rich woman is very good at spicy noodles, and she actually said so many things in one breath.

Yang Shu smiled and said:

"Then what if you put the spicy strips and various skewers on the iron plate, pour sauce and chili oil, and stir-fry them sizzling

?" "Who invented this good thing?"

is probably also a king of spicy strips.


In the central area of the underground mall, there is a sightseeing elevator connecting the shopping mall above, which is very convenient for customers, but also leads to excessive traffic and congestion.

"Uh-huh, I'm waiting for the elevator, I'll be there soon...... Didn't you just finish a make-up class?

Hou Man hung up the phone, exhaling tiredly, he didn't plan to come, but he couldn't stand everyone's repeated persuasion, and it would be rude to refuse again.

That's right, as the most lively business district in the city, Liu Guoqiang's party house is also here.

"Go home after eating, learn more from Yang Shu, and force yourself to ......" Hou Man muttered in a low voice.

The pressure of the recent academic Xi is not small, especially seeing Yang Shu working so hard, the pressure is even greater.

As Lao Ban said, that guy has worked hard, what reason do the others have to be lazy?

Just thinking about it, Hou Man suddenly looked up and found a familiar back.

No, two to be exact.

"Yang Shu and Bai Kapok?"

"Did they come out of

the party, or ......" Hou Man thought thoughtfully:

"No, Liu Guoqiang said that Yang Shu didn't go to the party...... It turns out that the two of them are holding a small meeting?".

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