Fu Li is rarely late for her menstrual period today, so she will go to the old class immediately after registering, so that she doesn't have to deduct points from the class.

But ......

"Oh my God, I actually shared the table with the young master for three years?"

Yang Shu immediately explained:

"I misunderstood, that's ...... My friend's uncle.

Although she didn't get along with Bai Kapok for a long time, she could feel that her family didn't want her daughter to show her face, and even deliberately hid it.

For example, she was picked up and dropped off by Bentley to and from school, but no one talked about it in the class or even on the entire campus.

Apparently the driver was deliberately avoiding people.

Uncle Zhang waited in the alley after school in the afternoon, and the time for Bai Kapok to leave the school was also pinched at the moment when the day students cleared the school and the boarding students went to Xi at night, and there were no idlers on the campus.

As for the morning, perhaps Bai Kapok got off two blocks from the school.

In addition, although Bai Kapok is a competition student, she is also a three-year classmate, but no one knows how her family is, and even the old class has never talked about it.

People don't want to show their wealth, how can they leak it?

"Your friend's uncle?" Fu Li seemed to be suspicious, "Such a distant relationship, bluff me, right?"

"Lie to you is a dog."

Yang Shu looked indifferent.

Bai Kapok is indeed a friend, she calls the driver Uncle Zhang, isn't this the friend's uncle

?" "Hey, the young master is quite ruthless to himself," Fu Li gave up asking and wrote his name in this book, "Do you want to write it down with you?"

"No, no, I'll do it myself," Yang Shu said, "You are ugly." "

Yo yo, the young master's mouth is so poisonous~"

Fu Li finished writing her name and went straight to the office.

"Yin and Yang people, no asshole.

Yang Shu replied, and then wrote down his honorable name.

Just as he was about to leave, the security guard suddenly shouted again:

"Classmate, stop

!" "What's wrong

?" "Are you sure your name is Yang Shu?" The security guard smiled and turned the record book forward, "There are two Yang Shu in your third and fifth class of high school?"

Yang Shu took a closer look, good guy, the font crawling like maggots darkly only belongs to one person - Liu Guoqiang, who is damned by God!"

Okay, okay, play like this, right?"

Yang Shu laughed angrily, directly wrote Liu Guoqiang's name, and sincerely apologized to the security uncle:

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be honest." Security

: "......"

This high third baby is really interesting.

In fact, Yang Shu was about to sign Liu Guoqiang's name at first, but he didn't think that Fu Li was also there, and called his own name.

Yang Shu walked out of the security room, and the old uncle and security guard leaned back on the chair and turned on the radio with a face full of enjoyment.

Another young man frowned

and said, "No, it's the real Yang Shu who just left, and the one before was a fraudulent name, so they can't be notified of the head teacher?"

"Pull it down, it's not easy for a doll in the third year of high school, just cross out the name," the old uncle said leisurely.


The fifth class of the third year of high school.

Trash can corners.

Bai Kapok received a message from Uncle Zhang, saying that Yang Shu had just arrived at school, so he hurriedly replied

: "Does he have anything in his hand?"

Uncle Zhang: "...... There is a backpack.

Bai Kapok continued to type: "Then does he have a smell on him?"

Uncle Zhang: "There is a smell of toothpaste." "

Having been a full-time driver for the Bai family for thirty years, Uncle Zhang can be regarded as watching Bai Kapok grow up, knowing that she doesn't mean this, so he directly asked:

"If the eldest lady wants to know something, you can say it directly, if you don't dare to speak, I can go into the school and ask." "

No need, Uncle Zhang.

Bai Kapok was so frightened that she immediately refused, she just wanted to know if Yang Shu remembered the agreement and whether there was a string in her hand.

You can't ask this kind of thing directly, otherwise you will inevitably be punished, so you can only ask about ...... like taste

But it didn't matter, he was right here.

Bai Kapok put away his mobile phone, his back was straight, his eyes were wide open, and he stared at the door expectantly.

Soon, the door was pushed open.

Bai Kapok raised his ass excitedly, and lowered his head in the next moment.

"It's a girl......"

Yang Shu's footsteps were very fast, and as soon as Fu Li's front foot came in, he followed with his back foot.

Bai Kapok was excited in his heart, instinctively swallowed his saliva, his eyes followed Yang Shu, and looked him up and down back and forth.

It's a pity that Yang Shu didn't have a wooden skewer of balls in his hand, and he didn't walk towards him.

He just went back to his seat, put on his earplugs and started making rolls.

Bai Kapok knows that eating skewers is no fun.

So, she hid her head behind the "book wall" again, took out her mobile phone with excitement, and opened the Xi Power APP.

As a competition student, her grades are enough to ensure that she is admitted to a double first-class university, and with a little effort from her family, it is easy to enter a top university.

Therefore, even if she plays with her mobile phone in class, the teacher will not stop her.

Bai Kapok knows how to respect the people's teachers, and has the privilege of playing with mobile phones in class, and it is only used to learn Xi improve.

The little rich woman didn't pay attention to anyone in the class anymore, but she had eyes on her.

"Yaoyao, did you see it just now?" Zheng Mengjuan stopped talking, "Classmate Bai seems to be very interested in Yang Shu.

Du Yaoyun said lightly:

"Yang Shu has indeed changed a lot, and it is normal to attract some attention.

When Yang Shu entered the class just now, Du Yao and Zheng Mengjuan subconsciously looked at the door, and when they retracted their gaze, they saw that the white kapok was like a swan with an extended neck, and their eyes kept following the person.

Zheng Mengjuan whispered:

"Don't you worry, that white... The white cotton classmates are quite beautiful. In

fact, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Bai Kapok's appearance is even more amazing, although Du Yao is also a high school goddess-level character, and the eye-catching rate when walking on the street is as high as 50%.

can be replaced with white kapok, it belongs to the degree of people, ghosts, snakes and gods who take a look, and it is impossible to see a second glance.

Others can say that Du Yao is not as good-looking as Bai Kapok, but Zheng Mengjuan is not.

Du Yao smiled slightly:

"The person's name is Bai Kapok, and even the name of the classmate is wrong, as for worrying...... What do I have to worry about?"

"That's it...... Yang Shu, he has been politely rejected by you every time he confesses, and when he is disheartened, he is easily moved by others, just like the 'warm man cutting in line' on the Internet.

Zheng Mengjuan blinked: "Moreover, now you and Yang Shu are in a cold war

, in case you ......" Before she finished speaking, Du Yao interrupted

: "Ten years, he has pursued me for ten years, even if he has been sitting on a chair for ten years, he is reluctant to throw it away, not to mention that he has been chasing me for so long?"

Hearing her best friend say this, Zheng Mengjuan was a little in a trance:

"Ten years...... He's got a lot of perseverance. "

In order to break through the shackles of class, poor students have studied hard for nine years, just to realize the value of life and live a wonderful life.

And Yang Shuguang's pursuit of a girl took a full ten years.

I haven't given up yet.

Zheng Mengjuan was moved by her own brain supplement picture, and she couldn't wait to lock the two to death.

"This is the first decade," Du Yao smiled happily, "no matter what kind of relationship we have in the future, there will be a second and third decade." "

I know him very well, even if I don't want Yang Shu, he doesn't want to be picked up by others.

Zheng Mengjuan gave a thumbs up:

"Awesome." "

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