On the ground, there are students wailing like wild beasts, while the other students are standing aside in fear, holding weapons in their hands. They were tightly wrapped, even wearing masks, for fear of being infected by students on the ground.

Yang Chen sniffed his nose and felt the smell of the air, then slowly said: “Yes, it is exactly the same as my friend’s symptoms. It seems that they are infected with the same plague!”

Du big brother hearing this nodded, he said with a worried face: “Then I don’t know what Divine Doctor can do to save my classmates?”

“Yes Please take action and save my classmates!” Hearing this, the classmate Du’s big brother side also said pleadingly. Their expressions are full of pleading and earnestness.

However, when Yang Chen was just about to speak, there was a sudden sound of footsteps, and a middle-aged man in his thirties came by. Seeing this man, brother Du big and the student immediately cup one fist in the other hand and bowed respectfully.

“Director Qu!”

This man is no one else. He is the deputy director of the Tianxing Academy and Liu Yan’s subordinate.

“Who are you?” Director Qu glanced up and down at Yang Chen, coldly said: “This is the focus of my Tianxing Academy’s assessment. Nobody is allowed to come near. Who allowed you to come in? Get me out!”

Director Qu’s tone was extremely harsh.

Hearing this, Yang Chen frowned slightly.

“Director Qu!” Big brother Du said quickly: “Director Qu, he is a doctor. I called him here to treat the students! Please be patient and let him treat the students! “


Hearing this, Director Qu looked at Yang Chen again. The other party looked like he was in his early twenties at most, even if he was really It is a doctor, where can the level be higher? Thinking of this, Director Qu just said with a sneer disdainfully: “Doctor? Who really can be called a doctor these years?”

“You don’t believe me?” Yang Chen asked back.

“Why should I believe you?” Director Qu coldly snorted disdainfully, then waved his hand, and said impatiently: “Hurry up and leave for me. This is the station of Tianxing Academy, not the who It’s possible to enter! If you make trouble here again, be careful that I blast you out!”

When I heard this, the faces of the Du big brothers were also ugly. Although they were dissatisfied, they were dissatisfied. After all, the director is the deputy dean, and they dare not refute it.

“Divine Doctor, sorry, you…” Brother Du big said apologetically.

However, Yang Chen was motionless when he heard this, but his face suddenly showed a sneer and said: “Director Qu, I can go, but before I go, I still kindly remind Just look at you. Only I can treat this plague. If I go, I am afraid that the entire Qingfeng Empire will not find a second person to save your group of students!”

I heard Yang Chen If it is said, Director Qu is frowned, and his eyes immediately show unpleasant color, and said: “What do you mean?”

“It doesn’t mean anything.” Yang Chen shrugged, lightly said with a smile: “Just Director Qu, I kindly remind you that if so many students are in trouble because of your judgment, then the school will investigate it. I’m afraid your black hat can’t be kept?”

Laughed by Yang Chen hehe , Extend the hand patted Director Qu’s shoulders.

shua! After a few words, the cold sweat on Director Qu’s back slipped instantly. The whole person was chilly, and he couldn’t help but shiver.

Yang Chen is right. If so many students really lost their lives because of him, then when the time comes waiting for him, it’s not just expelled! There may even be a prison sentence!

“cough cough.” Thinking of this, Director Qu gave a dry cough, hesitating immediately appeared on his face, and said: “Wait, you just said you have a cure for the student plague? This is true. Yes?”

“Of course it is true.” Yang Chen said with a smile.

Listening to Yang Chen’s relaxed and affirmative tone, Director Qu’s heart was somewhat uncertain, but in the face of his own future and dignity, Director Qu quickly made a decision. He lowered his voice and said, “Okay, since that’s the case, I will let you in! But I can say in advance that you can only treat students after you enter, and you can’t do other things! If you let me know that you are right about the Star Academy , If you have any crooked brains, I will not let you go!”

“No problem.”

Yang Chen nodded, lightly saying.

Director Qu didn’t say much, just said “Come with me”, just turned around and left with Yang Chen. The big brother Du and another student on the side watched this scene with a dumbfounded expression. The two guys had just been blowing their beards and staring at each other. How come they get better in no time?

Is it possible that the surname Qu has been transformed?

But the two of them didn’t think much about it, just followed along silently.



Yang Chen followed Director Qu, and soon came to the front of a student who looked like Very bad, his face was pale. His eyes were all red, like solidified blood, which made people shudder.

Yang Chen squatted down to observe carefully for a moment, and confirmed that the student had exactly the same physical symptoms as Li Yuan.

“How is it, have you ever seen something coming?” Director Qu stood beside him, asking a little nervously.

“I can see it.” Yang Chen said lightly.

“Really? Then you should heal him soon!” Director Qu heard this, and his eyes immediately showed joy, impatient said.

“What are you anxious for?” Yang Chen glanced at him, but slowly said, “I have a method, but you should prepare some water for me first. I am a little thirsty. Also, let the students next to you disperse. When the old man is treating his illness, he doesn’t like being interrupted!”

When he heard this, Director Qu was slightly taken aback, and then his face was dumbfounded:” What did you say?”

“Why, do you have an opinion?” Yang Chen looked at him with a smile.

“You…” Director Qu’s tone was stagnant, his heart was angry, but he didn’t dare to get angry, he could only say angrily: “Okay! You are cruel! But I remind you, you are the best It really has ability, otherwise I won’t let you go!”

After Director Qu said this, he waved his sleeve and left.

After the other’s silhouette disappeared, Yang Chen’s face became straight, and then he shot an azure energy at the student. The energy turned into a small snake, and it slid into the student’s body.

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